Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why i want to be frum?

The main reason isn't religious indeed, but it is for holy days.
I am French as you know and we can have 5 weeks of vacation yearly paid by your boss. What else?
If i keep that in mind + Frum holy days, how many days will i work in a year?
I can mourn, pray… whatever you want if i can lazy in my bed, my life. 'I wanna be your Dog' as The Stooges sang it.
If Dog agrees to pay them, i can do what you want… I will be a nice Shabbos/Pesach/Kippur… girl.
Pesach is coming and i am dreaming of these 10 days of vacation.
All my H babies playing with their kids in parks, stretching their body in their single bed or with their wives. They will have smiles on their face.
Before these holy days, i will move my body in Willy for a private tour with a guide. I decided to be selfish and not to follow a group as a sheep. I am not a veal as De Gaulle said about the French. After May 68, he has understood that we were revolutionaries.
I will be there with my spy camera looking at them running for the last preparations from stores to stores. All the stores will be closed during ten days. Willy will be a dead city. Wow!
And time for me to get back to the Pupu shul maybe.
My frum friends always told me that the services in an Orthodox shul is boring. I have been once for Sukkot, and i loved it.
I followed one of my H friend in a shul in Manhattan: that was great too. People were singing, dancing… And i rolled the Torah, but shhh! :-)
I like being in a place, listening to people whom i don't understand the language and let me rock by the sound and tone of the voices.
As a teenager who starts to learn English to understand the lyrics of her favorite music bands.
I will give a try to learn Yiddish and sing songs in tribute to Dog!
I need holy days to learn Yiddish, so please Dog, be nice, give them to me!

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