Thursday, March 28, 2013

One day i met

a man in a shul in Manhattan.
I used to go there with a young woman, (ex-)Hasidic.
The first time i have been there was for Rosh Hashanah. I loved the singing ambiance, got giggles when i heard the shofar…
I was insensitive to the prayers that i don't catch.

I talked first with his wife. She is Jewish.
She asked me questions about my Jewishness. So i told her my background without mentioning my non belief in Dog.
She wanted absolutely to introduce me to her husband who has the same background. I have seen him many times at the shul. He is more religiously involved than i am, he speaks Hebrew, reads the Talmud…
He explained that his mother was always pushy with him to learn about Judaism even if she was not Jewish. Only his father is Jewish but he doesn't practice.
What i liked in this man was the way he felt Jewish. He learnt Hebrew. He is studying the holy book.
He met his wife in high-school, he has two kids.
To get converted in USA is easier and shorter than in France: 7 years.
With all his faith, all the stories, Jewish-ic things we exchanged, i thought he got converted. Absolutely not, he had no need to do it. Wow!
That didn't answer to my questions to feel deeply Jewish but suddenly i felt less lonely.
I told him that Dog doesn't exist for me, as Bjork in the Sugarcubes sang it:
He was surprised but he understood me.
He was puzzled that i was in touch with Hasidim. He didn't see any interest to talk with them.
I didn't have time to explain him my family story.
I left and i was waiting for the elevator. He came to me to warn me about Hasidim.
He is not the first one to tell me to stop talking with them because they could me drive crazy.
A Hasidic baby wanted me to stop too because i think too much!
I think it's done, i am their prisoner. :-)
With a Hasidic baby, you need to be cool and just take what they give you, never build castles in the air (plans on the comet, as we say in French)…

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