Friday, March 8, 2013

Hasidic sex

Today is Shabbos, so it means a day of rest, so it means that my Hasidic babies will enjoy some pleasures.
A day where sport is not allowed except room sport with their twin bed.

The first H i talked online with was my sex consultant. He comes from an open-minded family and he can ask intimate question to his mother. He helped me to understand the complexity of the H sex relationship.

They are not taught how to talk to women and how to talk about sex with women. So their speech is direct, straightforward, using crude and dirty words sometimes. They are not aware of their coarseness. The way they said them looks like a fireworks of black hats on Lee Ave.
As a French, i have no issue to talk about sex, but i admit i have often been surprised by their language.
Oyy Veyy, if i found 'cute' the way they ask, they look at me as an alien. It's obvious for them  to say things like "I want to have sex with you" in a middle of a sentence, having a drink.
I have to ask them to repeat, i wasn't sure to have understood.
They want you at 500%, they are horny with words but in action, it's another story.

Their interpretation of the Torah about 'cheating on their wife' is completely a personal one doubtless. To sleep with a shiksa is allowed by the Torah, but to sleep with a Jewish married woman will awake the anger of Dog.
Various reasons to cheat on their wife, but the main ones are: they never loved her, she is not sexual or/and she doesn't want to please all their fantasies. And they think that the taste of a shiksa is different. By extension, the shiksa seems to be an easier girl than their wife. 
A few begged me to please them without commitment, i didn't have to be worried about that. Thanks for seeing me as a public property of which they are the landlord. They forgot i am the only one to have the keys. They could be very persistent, bragging about their high score to satisfy me: i won't be disappointed.

Their fantasies are out of all proportion without seeing pictures of me. I had to calm them down. They apologized. The lack of sex drives them crazy. But what kind of sex?

Hasidic definition of having sex is usually the path they take to make babies. Foreplay is not sex, oh no! French kiss can be sex!
Cuddle: a Hasidic cuddle is a very deep affection which means a sexual act they don't describe as one.

First the nearly virgins, to have nearly sex is oral sex but not only. One of them told me he had sex with a condom so he was still virgin or nearly. The condom is a sort of hymen. They are very confused and it's worse for the ones who are older because their body wants to follow their sexual hormones when their mind is following the Book.
Watching porn/prostitution services are an option for a few of them when many of them feel dirty if they did it. Or they lie.

I thought that the art of spanking was a Hasidic sexual trend: to give and to receive. My H sexual consultant was not into that. And now, i have the habit to ask them. That's not trendy finally, phew!

They have blockages to go further. It's hard to explain how their brain works. They have clumsy questions. I encouraged them to talk with their wife first or to meet a therapist. 

I actually feel bad for them, they will never know how it feels to fall asleep in the arms of their lover, but just to sleep in a single bed like a kid. Hope that some couple in love move closer their bed together.

The first and one love is Dog, unconditional love. When their hormones are very high for the shiksa, Dog seems to be on rest.


  1. Very interesting post. I wonder why thought why that a spanking fetish was common in the Hasidic community? Have you come across that in the past?

  2. Thanks!
    I thought it was a fetish in this community when some wanted to spank me! :-)
    But i talked and met many who are not into spanks.
    They are very childlike so many of them deserve a good spank!
    What do you mean with your last question?
