Wednesday, March 27, 2013


They gossip a lot.
It's written in the Torah not to gossip.
But if you have no TV, no radio, what are you talking about all the times with your wife/husband?
About your neighbors, the Torah, the school?
Fashion: no
Cars: maybe
Rabbi: yesss

Why the Torah doesn't allow that?
It's so human behavior.
Why kind of gossips? I saw women gossiping at the Pupa shul. I don't understand Yiddish language, only Yiddish glances. I saw contempt, envy, jealousy…
I am sure they gossiped about me too when i was there. They were more curious about a shiksa among all these bewigged ladies.
Gossiping seemed obvious for them.
In a shiksa/shegetz world, many gossips too with various matter subjects. The main one is: who sleeps with who?
In the H world, that's not a question. You sleep with your wife/husband you love or not.
Everyone knows that, nothing to talk about.
You live a double life, a triple, quadruple life if you are greedy with shiksa. :-)
You have to be very discreet not to make yourself suspicious.
I really appreciate this non subject matter in the Hasidic world, sexual gossips bother me a lot.
It doesn't matter who sleeps with who, if this one is gay, lesbian.
You never ask a straight person if she/he is straight but if you are gay/lesbian, you have to justify your sexuality.
I sent emails to outsiders men who were into Hasidic men to have more information about their 'relationship' with the bearded men. They never replied.
I don't think they really talk about homosexual issues in the community, that's just sex for sex.
But i was wishing i'd hear a beautiful love story. :-)
So when a demonstration/revolution will happen in the H world and a fight for the rights to be who they are? When? I will be there with H babies on the street barricade.

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