Friday, November 8, 2013

Simone de Beauvoir

Ok H babies, she is not Hasidic, or American but it's Friday and the week-end is for galipettes (sexual dalliances) in Hasidic families. :-)
She is a French writer, a feminist but not in a radical way.
Her famous novel is The Second Sex that i recommend to all the H babies for many reasons.
Once you have read this one, i will recommend you America Day by Day that she wrote in 1947.
She lived a long relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre, another famous French writer. They had lovers of both sex and sometimes they shared them.

This woman, Catholic from a bourgeois family, wrote a lot about women condition…
So H babies, it's time for you to understand how a woman brain works, no?
That will be a good start instead of having fantasies about a shiksa that you have never seen. :-)
Yes women have a brain and can decide which man can share their pillow, and we are not disposable toys for your male libido. 

I started to read America Day by Day, and what she thinks of the American society in 1947 didn't really change. I can make a parallel with the H babies in their relationship to women which is complex.
The trivialization of sex in the American society is current in 1947 and it's worse now.
For some H babies, that could be current if the desire to have sex wasn't handle by the Torah. Penetration is the worst sin, but the rest has no value.
'On ne voit pas d'amoureux dans les rues ; dans les allées de Central Park, pas de couples enlacés, pas de lèvres jointes. D'ailleurs on parle de l'amour avec des mots spécialisés, presque hygiéniques : une femme agréable est sexy, on aimerait avoir avec elle une sex-affair, un sexual-intercourse. Il y a une acceptation rationnelle de la sensualité qui est une manière sournoise de la refuser.
She said that 'we can't see lovers in the streets, in the alleys of Central Park, no embraced couples, no kisses. Moreover, we talk about love with specialized words, nearly hygienic: a pleasant woman is sexy, we would like to have a sex-affair with her, a sexual-intercourse. There is a rational acceptation of the sensuality which is a sneaky manner to refuse it.'

New York and his society of consumption of food, shopping, money, and also women.
Hasidic community and his society of consumption of Torah, children, Dog and women… Living in a closed world where you can't kiss your wife in public place, not even hold her hand because most of the time they don't like each other, and the customs have to restrict the H women to be sexy in the streets. But the real questions is 'how to calm down the male hormones'. If Moses has written the book, he was a man thinking with his penis first before his brain? Polygamy was accepted at the beginning but only for men.

So H babies, read Simone de Beauvoir to know how to treat a woman. You can't force someone to give you enjoyment behind a screen. Recently, a H baby offered me to meet in a bar and agreed to hide his peyos (after i gave him the recipe: to buy a baseball cap, to take off his tzitzit or put the fringes in his pants), if i let him touch me badly. He never saw me and, i refuse to meet him so far.
He has never been in a bar with a shiksa and he is scared of losing everything. Stop to this paranoia! The community is big but not everywhere.

Ask Santa Hannukah to bring you these books, they will light your steamy dreams up!
I like you a lot H babies but let me breath sometimes! :-)

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