Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jewish donation

I already talked about a Jewish client who found my place and now he came everyday to buy something or to say hello. But also to bring me Jewish stuffs.
I had a conversation with his wife because i felt embarrassed when he gave me so many compliments in front of her.
But he is a mentsh, he likes helping people.
Once i asked him to help me with Yiddish. I understood nothing and i was suspicious that his Yiddish is bad. He speaks Hebrew.
His wife confirmed me he is absolutely not fluent in Yiddish. :-)
He tries to help her with Hebrew but it's a real mess too.
He did it in an Asian way. The Asian people dislike to say they don't know, so they always give you an explanation. And they have no notion of time. I had a hard time to make The Vietnamese understand to come back tomorrow and not later.
That's very sweet to help me but if he starts to confuse me, it will be a real mess in my mind.
He is full of energy; very nervous. He is actor too, so his ego invades the space and people 'don't move', let him in his delirium tremens, everything will be fine!
Apparently he sleeps but once he opens his eyes, his energy is totally awaken.
Day by day, i have some gifts, some for ever, some for weeks. He asked his wife to give me a pack of cards explaining Jewish ceremonies and holidays…
Yesterday, he came back and he didn't say a word. He turned his back to me and when he looked at me, it was to choose one of his hands where he was hiding something.
I chose the left, it was a stone, so he opened his right hand and it was a Magen David. And he left without saying a word! :-)
He gave me a book to learn Hebrew which belonged to his father, and one which explains each Hebrew letters. I started to read some pages but my knowledge in Judaism is bad, so i will have a look at the pictures like the kids do when they don't already know reading.
He asks me very often if i talked with Dog. He doesn't believe in Dog but thanks Dog because his life is starting to move. He is happy that i am on his path… because Dog wants that.
I am looking forward to seeing what will be his show today.

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