Friday, November 15, 2013

Simchas L'chaim L'chaim!

You got it? I have been to my first Simchas L'chaim.
If i enjoyed it? Blah blah blah blah, indeed.
That was in Crown Heights, headquarters of the Lubaba.

More men than women and food was the good excuse for men to come in the women section.
All these beards and moustaches just for Bibi (= myself, French expression) drove me crazy. :-)
But i kept a certain dignity, though…
On the contrary, the wigs made me sad but that's another story.
I could recognize which ones like gossiping. My eyes were everywhere and my spy camera focused on the men section.

I wanted to be sure not to know one of them and felt him uncomfortable before showing up in their section to see them dancing, sweating… and taking some photos…
I enjoy the good-natured ambiance after a long day where you forgot the time, your phone…

I was very happy to meet her best friend who is like me (Jewish father, non Jewish mother). She has been raised in Jewish culture, her mother got never converted and she is not converted too. She is thinking about that. She believes in Dog, speaks Hebrew and other languages including mine so we mixed different languages.

The fiançé of my friend came in the women section and spoke to his fiançée, and you could feel they wanted to touch each other but shhhhh, they couldn't.

It missed hugs between the two opposite sexes. That was so frustrating. When they introduced a woman to a man, she can't shake his hands.
I am very tactile with people i know (not strangers) and i shake hands by courteousness when i met someone for the first time.
She has amazing friends who take care of her too so she is in good hands. I felt less worried about her fast decision to get married.
I didn't talk to her future husband but he seems nice. He has many friends, Jewish or not. It's a good sign of a nice and good person who is able to build and foster friendship with human beings from both sides.

There was a weird man who asked us for money in Hebrew/Yiddish. Later, he came in the women section, asking once again for money but also to take sneakily food, even peanuts that he put in napkins and in a plastic bag already full of food. I dislike waste of food but why not asking instead of doing it like that. That was disgusting!

Women like to dress up! But they can't be sexy, i mean no cleavage. i didn't know how to dress: modestly or not. I chose the not! :-)
Nobody wanted to pay attention to him.

I think Dog talked to me last night, but maybe it was the rum: i was not drunk, i promise!

Big Brother rabbi was watching us!

Hasidic Hip Hop: Hip Hap!

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