Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hair / cheveux, poils*

I am like Obelix from the Franco-belgian cartoon Asterix and Obelix.
Obelix fell in the magic potion which makes him strong.
I fell in the magic potion which makes me adore hair.

I have no shame to admit it.

It started with my mom.
"A man without hair is not manly."

I will add:
"A man without hair is like a woman without breast. He looks like a chicken. She looks like an ironing board."

My mom used to slobber when she saw on TV three men who shared her life when i was a teenager:
- Michael Landon, from The Little House in the Prairie
- Paul Michael Glaser, from Starsky & Hutch
- Johnny Clegg, the white zulu from South Africa.

The first one is not Jewish but his father was Jewish.
The two others are Jewish.
If you look at these three men:
All look Jewish: dark brown curly hair and hairy chest.

How do you want me to like blonde men without hair?
How can't i be weak when i see a hairy Jewish man?

The representation of Hashem is a hairy man, so here i was…

The first one made us cry at each episode, the second made us laugh, and the last one made us dance.

Before them, there was my father: same type.

My mom created the profile of men i will spend time with in my life.

Then, the Hasidim.
Hair was not only on their chest, but on their face.
I never had a bearded boyfriend in France.

Most of the Hasidim that i met don't actually like their facial hair.
They are intrigued by my obsession of their hair.

These are the crude questions i received:
- "Your hirsute addiction does what to you? Just curious? Meaning do you feel more sexually stimulated with men's hair? Do you get wet when you see a man's hair? Please explain what you feel? More aroused?"
- "When you see a man how do you determine if they meet your hair criteria a-la chest hair?"

Let's talk about hair, the attraction to hair…
That's only my experiences and my tastes. I will talk about your hair and mine. Let's share our experiences. :-)

I know if a man is hairy, or he is well thick. It's a sort of game for me.
That's like the size of mister P. I can guess, but for this chapter, i will shut my mouth! :-)

I have been wrong sometimes of course.
I am an observer of hair. I look at the roots of their beard, and their neck.
If i can see hair coming from their chest.
A ginger or red haired man seems to have less hair than a dark brown hairy man. That's an optical illusion.
Once you dive your hands in their chest, you close your eyes, and you drown in an ocean of hair. That's wonderful!

A hairy man smells stronger than a chicken-man.
Hair makes them sweat more.
I didn't like the scent of all the men i met.
I have a keen sense of smell, and if i dislike, i am not able to go further because i will have a headache quickly, and will feel nauseous. :-)
I could hold my breath, but it will take away the enjoyment. :-)
In the sexual act, my favorite sense are the touch and the sense of smell. I am not a visual sexual person. I prefer to imagine the body of my partners with these two senses. The hearing and the taste come to complete the sexual act.
Don't you like when your man leaves his scent in your bed with some hair? :-)

Once a man told me that men who are getting bald have a high level of testosterone. I never checked so far if it was true or not.
The lost of hair is tied to the testosterone level.
Any thoughts about that, hirsute men? :-)

If human beings have been created with hair, there is a reason.
He knows why, and he showed me the positive side effects of it.
As a woman, i protest to keep my hair as i see fit.
Testing both (integral shaving or partial), i protest that pubic hair is a very sensitive erogenous zone.
The trend is to look like a porn star, or like a little girl. No thanks!

I militate in favor of my pubic hair, allowing it haircuts according to my mood and seasons.
Medically speaking "With neutral networks branched surrounding hair follicles, hair participate in tactile sensations."
I militate in favor of Hasidic/Frum/Jewish hair letting grow as much as you can.

Just some advices for the men:
- Ask your partner for her relation to her hair, and let her enjoy pleasure.
- Don't think hairy estheticism, there is a life underneath the female hair.
- Caress your hair in your sensitive parts or elsewhere, and if it's erogenous, think how it is for women.

Thanks Him for giving erogenous zones by forbidding you to shave your body. Yes, be thankful.
Hair is Hashem-icous.
I will open my arms to your hair with pleasure.

Hair Power!
Bring back our hair!

*cheveux = hair (the one on your head, except beard and mustache)
poils = hair for the rest of your body including beard and mustache.
Maybe the difference the French have made is because the cheveux is softer than the poils. :-)

Some hirsute photos, taken at the 770 yesterday evening.
Hair of all ages, my favorite hair market, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein
He saw my arms with blonde hair, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Abstraction, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Books, wood and hair, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Rebbe forever looking in the direction of Yerushalayim, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein

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