Friday, April 26, 2013

Just read this piece

about a woman who was one of the food taster of Hitler.
And the comments like:
"why is this war criminal being featured in the NYP as if she is something special??? i hope u choke and die..."
"Because not all Germans were Nazi's, just like, not all black people are thieves, and not all Muslims are suicide bombers."
"guilt by association- she was a food taster for hitler....which i am sure required security clearance, in-depth interview process -- all to test her integrity and LOYALTY to the regime. If she was aware of the atrocities but continued to be loyal and look the other way, then she is just as guilty as any other NAZI- also if this woman was a man, he would have been in jail by now…."
"- okay, but don't forget that not all White People are mass murdering, connecticut school shooting up, Omaha mall shooting up, Colorado movie theatre shooting up, Meth Lab cooking, trailer park living, Bigots. Not all white are these things. Just half."
It's a sensitive subject because many people forgot that German people were very miserable during the WWII. Hitler and all the Germans working for the party had always something to eat in their plates but not their people. They had great food, great wines…
The anthropologist behavior of human being during wars leads me to Primo Levi's book, 'Le Devoir de Mémoire' (The Voice of Memory, 1997).
Hitler had 14 women who tasted the food and he killed them, except this woman who lived with guilt all her life.
She accepted to work for Hitler knowing she could die three times a day. I don't try to defend or to accuse her, i am not a judge. She made choices knowing the consequences.
Primo Levi talked in his book about the behavior of some Jews with their brothers in camps. What they were able to do to them to survive, to save your family… I have no opinion, no judgment, i don't make the life with 'if…'. I am just happy not to have been in such a situation like that to make horrible choices which would haunt my life.
As half Jewish i am, there is no question of it: it would have been an one way ticket to Auschwitz.

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