Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bye bye Paris

Tomorrow i leave my country for a long trip. I didn't pay attention that i am in transit in Amsterdam for 7 hours.
I wanted to meet a very old friend who lives there but he didn't reply to my email.

According to my intuition, i will see if i will spend 2 or 3 hours in the city that i have already visited.
Or i will stay at the airport and read a book of one thousand pages.

Last photos. Some of the same architect of the synagogue. He was famous for the entries of the subway.
One of the Seine where you can see La Grande Dame (the Eiffel Tower) and the Statue of Liberty, the very small version.

Next time i come back here, i might be with a H baby who wants to come with me. I will be pleased to show him the secret Paris, the one not for tourists. I found a Kosher store not far away from my place. No Jewish dramas with food. :-)
I didn't have time to do all the things i wanted. I was focused on the doctors appointments, the friends meetings and to have a lot of rest.
Everything is fine, i just need to change my food habits to find a good balance between better meals and all the stress i have.
French food is so tasty. And i made wishes with the first strawberries and wild mango i ate with my mother.
The city needs more H babies, it was like a Shabbos everyday. No H babies in the subway or streets except if i have been in their areas.
I really realized that H community is a huge one in NY. I need a Hasidic bath when i get back.
I watched the news a little. The 2 main topics are Boston and the same-sex marriage. I don't understand why people are so mean and obsessed by who sleeps with who. It's very violent in the streets during the demonstrations, especially with the French fascists.

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