Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chasidic wedding, that's hip-hops!

Here we go: first Hasidic wedding with the Chabad community.
My first time at 770 was such an adventure.

I live at about one block from 770. I never put a step inside.
770 is like a microcosm of black hats all around like ants who go to work (pray) all the time. That's fascinating!
I was across the street, Eastern Parkway, and i heard a man singing. I am a total novice and i have the intuition it was a call for the wedding to go inside. I quickened my pace and went inside. A few ladies were there but i didn't see the friends of hers i knew. I went closer to the windows and saw all these men praying, studying. Where is the wedding?

I disturbed a young woman who was praying and explained her what i was looking for. She interrupted her prayer and came with me to show me the way. She asked for my name and introduced herself.
My adrenaline was very high, i was so excited by this event.
We were on our way to go outside when a woman asked me for coming to her. The young one told her i was going to the wedding. She was persistent and naively i went to her. I think she asked me for covering my hair and to look at the men downstairs.
I was in a Lubaba dimension like she tried to get converted me right away. I was out of space. She asked me in French if i was speaking English, if i was Jewish, which part…? I had to whisper. She was in a Lubaba delirium tremens with Dog alcohol. ;-)
She tried to get me in the muddle. She wanted to know the names of the bride and the groom. She pretended that the groom will come downstairs. I was very suspicious about what she was talking about. I got rid of her when i said the time of the wedding and now i was probably late. She decided to let me go after giving me the Moshiach Weekly magazine and the French business card of the 7 laws that i already had in English. I told her i will be back soon. Probably not in her section: i don't want her to drone on and on! :-)
On the French card, the Messiah is already here. So my question is: Hasidim what are you still doing on the US land and in Crown Heights?
In the 7 laws, they don't mention homosexuality like on the English one. Is there an issue of translation? I can help. :-)

The wedding had already started, thanks Lubaba Goddess! :-)
Let's go for a snowy wedding. In French, we say 'Mariage pluvieux (neigeux), mariage heureux !'* (*Rainy (snowy) wedding, lucky wedding!').
Mazel Tov!
I followed the flow to the Jewish Museum.
I wasn't not the only one to assist at a Hasidic wedding for the first time.
And also, the first good one because they chose each other, so love was in the air. :-)

The bride is back to the community, but she is such a rebel: no wig!
And she got married in the sin! She fights for her feminist rights, i like that a lot!

So let's dance with women! And also the bride! 
I asked her best friend if it was modesty dress code: yes! I needed to think, i don't really have modest clothes.
I found a dress which could work if i want to play it modest.
I didn't want to dress up in black so: purple dress, green tights and red shoes.
The women were very nice. I felt in their look that i was a sort of extraterrestrial! I am fine now, and if it awakes the curiosity, i am happy to reply to their interrogations.

The music was long songs, a mix of sephardi and Ashkenazi rhythms…
A great moment was when some played and danced some hip hop Yiddish songs.
I enjoyed the look of the old generations: "Vos iz dos?"
I had giggles a little!

And it was almost the end.
I recognized one guy i talked online with but we never met. He has very long peyos. He didn't know who i was. And i avoided to talk to him because of my accent! :-)

Bless, bless!

Waiting in the lobby, listening to a Hasid beatbox with the look of a Chashipster.

I was ready and prepared for an all-nighter but it ended before Cinderella lost her shoe.

These are some photos but no faces as usual, except one man who seems to be the messiah of the balloons! I didn't understand what this eccentric man wanted from me!

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