Friday, February 28, 2014

A photographer and, a song for…

… my king…
Don't take it like a declaration of love, but i love this song, this version, and it's just for you, ziseh neshomeh… :-)

And a photographer that i found out on Instagram today: Ziv Koren.
He likes Sebastião Salgado like me. He is photo-journalist, so it means he takes pictures of armed conflicts.
I am not going to post the photos of war because it's Shabbos soon.
You can check all his photos on his website:

It seems that some of them are a composition and, provocative. :-)
©Ziv Koren 

©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin, ©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin ©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

©Ziv Koren

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