Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hasidic stalker

Have you already been harassed and/or stalked? That's never easy to explain the reasons why these people do that: either the fear to be abandoned or to make you pay their miserable life with their wife… or it's pathologic.

When cell phones arrived on the market, i was the last one amongst my friends to buy one. I couldn't stand that people called me to know where i was: i loooove my freedom… or to tell you: 'Achète une baguette'* (*'buy a baguette').
After 3 or 4 years, i bought one to avoid stalkers through my phone home, i was on the red list.

Then i knew harassment at work with my two ex bosses during 5 months. They wanted me to quit with no indemnities. I resisted and my vacation in Vietnam during 3 weeks made me serene when i got back at work. They intensified the pressure on me and as a Vietnamese geisha i looked at them and said: "Do you want more poisoned nems?".
They were exhausted by my shalom behavior, and they fired me finally.
I sued them, they lost. Miserable bosses!

And then again in NY, i worked with a French pastry chef and after one month i quit. This guy was stupid, harassed me and yelled at me in French. I yelled back too. I didn't leave my country to work with f***ing French assholes! He was so mad at me that he stopped the payment of my paycheck. I didn't sue him but Mother Nature did it for me!

And lately, a Hasidic man in his late 30s stalked me. We talked the first time more than one year ago and i didn't appreciate what he said about gays. He had mean comments sometimes and was also boring.
I enjoy witty Hasidic minds. 
The conversation stopped naturally.
The time went by and we talked again last month. He remembered many things about me. I had to check the old emails and that was not easy to find him. He uses different email addresses. But some clues helped me to find him. He likes that i don't give up with Hasidism and in life in general…
We had a simple argument which turned into a big electronic fight. 
I asked him to reply to my questions, but it was like a childlike game for him. 
It was worse when i didn't reply to his stupid questions within the 10 minutes.
And he admitted that he used 5 email addresses since the first time we talked to reply to my various posts. Wow! I am his second job in his life! Nothing to be proud!
I suspected that maybe we met once at my work place when i was doing the decoration. I don't think he will show up because i will be very nice and call H911 to make them handcuff his peyos! :-)
But he said he will keep on replying to my posts in the future. 
He starts the conversations 'nicely' and suddenly something sexually gross is sent by him.
Ok, that's fine! I am waiting for him! :-)
I don't know how you feel after a fight. I felt empty of energy and i need shalom in my blood and mind.
squirrels highway, crown heights, January 2014 ©emmarubinstein

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