Monday, February 24, 2014

Rabbi Lazer Brody

That's exactly what i needed to hear lately.
"If the Torah makes you think you are better than any other human on earth, you haven't learnt Torah."
I googled the name of this rabbi and found he is Hasidic with fancy peyos.
He seems famous in the Hasidic sphere.
I will need to buy a new memory card for my brain to remember all the Jewish things i have to learn.
He seems the 'specialist' of emuna. What's that?
Wikipedia explains it, and it's very elaborated.
One paragraphe caught my attention:
'God's relationship to man: Judaism's focus is more on how God defines man than one trying to define God. There is therefore a focus on what people are expected to be or do far more than a spelling out theological beliefs.' It raises concerns.
Maybe it's time for me to stop wondering too many questions and to live my Jewishness to the full.
I am not going to study the Torah to be better but to feel better with my Jewishness. There are bad and good persons in this world. Even if i keep believing that there is something good in each person, i wasted too much time to find it when the bad was already done, and that hurt me a lot.

Yesterday, i had a stupid argument with a Hasidic in his mid-thirties who went to College… The discussion was about Antisemitism. He asked me if there was antisemitism in France. There is a misnomer with this word. And in France, we have different semites population, namely Jews and Arabs. Yes, we have antisemitism actions against Jews, Arabs, Arabs against Jews…

His reply was particularly virulent. I know he is not that kind of open-minded person, and i have some boundaries when someone attacks me. He guessed i might be offended by him because i stop emailing. I was not in the mood to argue endlessly for hearing the same story: to accuse me of supporting the massacres of Jews when i am a grand-child and child of hidden survivors. And he knows it by heart.
I was just talking to him about the definition of Antisemitism, not taking side for one more than another one. I was not able to tell him he was not tolerant, because some definitions are totally a cultural understanding. To be tolerant and open-minded don't only mean to talk to gentiles, smile at them… and then to fight like cat and dog because he is not able to listen to me when i read an encyclopedia. Even if i might be wrong, i don't deserve to be judged so badly.

To study the Torah might help me to understand Hasidism and why many of them i met, permitted themselves to treat me that way too. The non Hasidim, but Jewish persons, i had conversation about Hasidim, told me the same thing: they don't like them because Hasidim always find an excuse to behave and act badly. It's like a duty of bad behavior. I am not a specialist, and once again i can't talk in broader terms. I met exception, like my king who is always puzzled when i told him my Hasidic woes. ;-)
I think, my king, that you are one of the 7 wonders of the world.
Hirszenbergs Golus Exile

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