Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Jewish week-end

It starts with a Shabbos service at the Congregation where i start my conversion, but i am not going to get converted there. 4 months are too short and i need time and time, maybe years, to understand what it's going on in my heart and soul.
There was a bat mitzvah, not mine, not yet! :-)
My rabbi sings very well and he has a beautiful voice. Wishing he won't sing Shlomo songs, avoiding me to melt on the bench for my first introduction in this beautiful synagogue. I tried to sing too in Hebrew, i mean, i whispered, i am too bashful.
Compares to Catholic services which are so boring, Jewish services are lot of joy. No phone, nothing, just to be here, listening the words that i don't understand. I won't say that it's as relaxing as floating in the Dead Sea. But i am dreaming of a Shabbos service there, reading a waterproof Torah, with a rabbi in swimsuit, playing guitar. :-)
Someone interested to join me in the salty water? We can make it happen here in NY too! :-)
I am trying to contact a French rabbi who used to be one in London, because i would like to keep on going this conversion in Paris, and in English. And why not to end it in Israel.
I have books to read to finish my mental puzzle, to meet up Jewish communities in other countries, and see how i feel comfortable. A sort of silk road!

I was working on Sunday, and i met a Finnish Jewish woman who was so nice. She lives in USA, in Minnesota, since a long time. We talked during 2 or 3 hours about WWII, she is a child of survivors.
She reminded me my mom, same color of hair, but not the same color of eyes. She said 'gray' taking off her sunglasses. She had a very warm face, she didn't have a Finnish face like you can see it in the movies by Aki Kaurismäki, one of my favorite filmmaker.
The first movie i watched by him was La Vie de Bohème* (*The Bohemian Life)
His actress, Kati Outinen, who played in most of his movies, has a typical Finnish face. She plays in one of his last movie. Sorry, it's in French because he shot some of his movies in France.
I enjoy his stories, cinematography, set design and also his sense of humor. Terrific! :-)
I can teach you the language of Molière if you want! ;-)
This woman was full of grace and kindness. My European soul was totally pleased and she is Jewish.
She keeps Kosher. Her husband is upset because 2 of her 4 children live with non-Jewish lover.
She is more flexible. She wants her children happy in any arms, Jewish or not.
Then, her daughter arrives and her face was enlightened. I realized that i missed a lot my mom cuddles and her food. :-)
I saw her this morning, on her way to see her grand-son!
She didn't know Kaurismäki, but that's fine, she doesn't live in Finland anymore. She is going there often. She speaks Finnish, English and Hebrew. Some of her children speak French too.

Just before i met this delightful woman, another American Jewish woman that i know, came by. She teaches Human Rights. She used to live in Berlin. She understands Yiddish but doesn't really speak it. She knows some of my Hasidic hang outs, and she met one of them in my work place, one day. We talked about Thursday Night Chulent where i always wanted to come by but…
She is going soon to Berlin for a week, then to Auschwitz with students. She has been there in the 90s like me. I found her brave to get back there because, once was enough for me. Apparently Auschwitz has changed. But even that, the history of this place didn't change and will never change unfortunately.
She said that the Polish culture is very tied to the Jewish culture compares to German culture. There is a  Jewish Festival next June.
When i was in the ancient ghetto in Warsaw and Krakow, it missed all these Willy people. That was sad and empty. The market place had a few vendors. It was like the dark clouds of the war were close. Scary!

Yesterday, i traded some emails with my king, and he made me cry, with this sentence:
"Will you still know me when you are back in your own world?"
I am already in my own world. As you know, we never meet, and will never meet. He is too scared and shy. :-)
Thanks, my king, i had a vampire eye and i was working! :-)
One of his best compliments was that i was his sister and that now he can say that we share the same G-d or G-dess. :-)
Hope that you have understood that you will always have a place in my heart wherever i am in this world. I have some plans to be a sardine lying on a beach in Ecuador, looking after goats in Pakistan, driving a sherut in Yerushalayim without a driving license… Will you come with me? :-)

Then, a Jewish man who lives in Connecticut, came by. He is the boyfriend of one of my clients. He has Lithuanian descendants like me. Yippee!

Ah, all these Jewish vibes, i take them. I want a bath of peyos too! :-)

For the French who voted for a fascist Europe last Sunday, shame on you, and this graffiti is for you! So much corruption amongst all the French politicians will lead us to a fascist country.
Probably in Paris ©2014 all rights reserved

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