Monday, May 19, 2014

Lag B'amer

Do you know this series Strictly Kosher? It's a series about the Jews in Manchester, England.
The Jewish man with long hair says that the two important things for the Jews is food and clothing. :-)
We have no excuses to enjoy Jewish company around a table! Let's sit with them!
This week-end was another excuse to eat, eat and eat. I admire the staying power to swallow all this food. :-)

I was focused on going to the Parade in Crown Heights after work, knowing that it might be too late!
The French are always late? Who said that and why? :-)
According to Hasidim, the Jews are worse than my people, so i let you imagine how late will be a French Jew! :-)
When i arrived at New York ave, it was like nothing happened this afternoon. Nobody was there to welcome the French lady? The only inhabitants were the plastic bathrooms along Eastern Parkway.
I think i actually missed the Parade. I wished i could see some parade-rs in the street. Everybody was probably at home to have food and rest!
Next year in Yerushalayim!
Messiah is on his/her way! ©emmarubinstein, 2014 
What is it this mess? Do you think that Messiah will appreciate that? ©emmarubinstein, 2014

But the good thing of the day was the pack that was waiting for me at my work place.
And it was a book sent by a nearly stranger from another continent! We traded emails and chatted a little since 3, 4 months. I hope that we can talk soon on the phone or in person. My backpack is always ready for a new trip around the world!
I enjoy this kind of surprise, and also a gift which is for my Jewish soul! A book by a rabbi, rabbi Jonathan Sacks.
Thanks to him to have sent me this book, that means a lot to me! That's very nice! To receive it in NY is like a miracle in this very selfish and individualist city! :-)

I started to read some pages and one paragraph caught my attention. I was surprised by his association of French Revolution with the Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and Communist China as the most dangerous godless society, 'four terrifying experiments'.
What's wrong with the French Revolution? I don't see this historical event as a godless one. And to be associated with the Nazi Germany upsets me. Hitler chose the Jewish people but it could be another people because he wanted a strong Germany which had been weakened by the Treaty of Versailles. Jews became his scape-goats when he decided to clean up Europe in the name of a pure race namely the German race. For him, Germans were far superior to any other people. So yes, we can talk about a godless society for Nazi Germany.
I know that the reputation of the French is that we are always on strike. Not always but often! The French revolution was a good one to end the privileges of some monarchy and churches. It was the time where the state and the church were one.
That's not a bad thing to separate the state from the church. There was lot of blood, but what can we expect from a revolution? A sort of Occupy Wall Street? No way!
I used to like their protests at the beginning. I have been to the Zuccotti Park to see what was this rebellion in Wall street. That was cat pee pee! (we use this expression to talk about the American coffee when it's light, very light!).
A rebellion or a revolution is good if after the protests, they offer solutions to change things.
But the Zuccotti rebels, lying on the floor, smoking weed 24/24, looked harmless. If they think that they will change the world with a blood pressure of a weed addict, i'd run the NY Marathon three times before they get stand up! Btw i hate to run and i don't smoke weed, so you know what i mean?
The Soviet Union and the Communist China may claim they are atheist but in person, they are not. I have been in China and they are believers in G-d. They spend time in temples, they burn, incense sticks in temples and streets…
The Russians are Orthodox, but i have never been there so far.

The French Revolution was the time to proclaim the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. What's wrong with that too?

I haven't finished to read the introduction.

I would like your thoughts, nice man from the other continent! :-)
the book from the other continent, thanks a lot!

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