Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hasidic charity

My king, do you remember this conversation? We had our first big argument by email, about the charity!

But first, yesterday, i was closing my work place when a Hasidic young man arrived in a sort of panic and asked me something that i couldn't provide. He was shy and scared of being seen with a shiksa.
Because when a Hasidic is in my place, i 'jump' on him to ask him many questions. :-)
His peyos were like the princess Leila's* hair (*Star Wars trilogy): rolled like macaroons. They were not so big and they were above his ears.
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First questions were if he was Hasidic and married. Yes and no. I asked for his name, and according to it, he comes from a strict sect. Bingo!
"Why aren't you married if you come from this sect?". "Soon, soon. I am waiting for the good one."
I don't know how old he was. The beard makes them older. He has a face which likes spanks but he might be a virgin! He was a bit uptight! :-)
I tried to make him comfortable and i showed him the Yiddish magnets, talked about my Hasidic friends… His look changed but he was still bashful! Relax baby, i am not going to rape you! :-)
He said that he will come back, and he asked me if i had a pushka. I don't have, but i have a cleavage! :-)
I didn't say that indeed, because he was too wild and frightened. I told him that we have a tip jar.
Let's see if he will be brave to come back and converse with me. I don't think so! He left with a smile on his face because i joked with him!
What i am supposed to do with the money he gave me? I can't spend it, i am superstitious. I will keep it and put it in another pushka soon. That's ok my king? :-)

Why did i argue about charity with my king?
Charity is usually a business and it's more obvious in USA. I had a conversation with a friend who works in the U.N., and she confirmed the 'charity business'. She is French, her father is muslim, so she is muslim according to the Koran. She had a Jewish boyfriend during 7 years in France!
So get away all these clichés that all the muslims hate Jews, that's not true!
She is a young woman who always worked in countries in conflict. She took a lot of risks in Ex Yugoslavia. She arrived in Lybia, 3 days after the death of Kadhafi. She has seen lots of drama with the people of all these countries. So i said respect for her and, for some who tried to make things peaceful. They are not perfect but at least, they try to do something to make the world easier to live.

The argument came out because i was saying to my king that i don't give money to charity organizations but i give my time, my knowledge, whatever, except money.
So we had a big misunderstanding because my king thought that i said that giving money was a kind of useless thing.
We said in French that the charity starts at your door first. For example, some people gave a lot of money to charity organizations, and spit on the homeless person sitting in front of their building.

He explained me how it works in the Hasidic community like the Hatzolah… And indeed they need money to do this kind of voluntary service. I agree but i see the things differently.
In France, there was a big scandal with an charity organization called ARC, in 2000. The President and founder of this organization, Jacques Crozemarie, has been sued for misappropriation of funds. He had to go to jail for 4 years and had a fine of 381 000 euros and 30.5 millions for damages. He used the money to build his swimming-pool… The organization still exists and its reputation is better now.

I had a conversation with an intern whose the parents work for charity organization. She explained me how it works with the money. If you give $10, $2 go for the work of the organization and the rest is for the fees, stationary and charges.
About all the money which has been done for the tsunami in Thailand, it hasn't been actually used… Where is this money now?
I am just cautious with the money to charity organizations.

When i chose to live here, i decided to be volunteer for a couple of organizations. That's the best way to see how it works, to improve my bad English…
There is one that i liked a lot. This organization asks people from all over the world to give workshops to children and teenagers in school in the different boroughs. This children are too poor to travel so, you come to them with your culture from your country to make them travel.
I have been in a high school junior in the Bronx, and an elementary school in Harlem. They were very receptive, enthusiastic… such a pleasure to share something with them which was not the money pathology of this city.
Below, some artworks made with them. First one was about the Calligrams by Guillaume Apollinaire (11 years old), and the second one the cut-outs papers by Henri Matisse (8 years old). I received 13 hugs in the same time. Better than money? Oh yes!
What about Hasidic workshops in these schools to share your Yiddish culture? :-)
I will come with you whenever you want! :-)
I am sure that kids will love to play with your peyos. Come on, don't be coy! :-)

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