Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I had a dream (part 2)

The shower. According to the gossips from the outside world, Hasidim don't shower enough apparently. Come in Paris, and smell the Parisians. We stink!
As G. told me: "Remember the French make the best perfume and the best soap in the world!!! Too bad all of its marked for export only!!!".
Amongst all the Hasidim i met, none stunk like a skunk. If it had to happen, the meeting would have lasted a few times because of a headache within the next 5 minutes i will have, then a nausea. I am too sensitive with scents. I can't work in a perfume store. I did once for a summer, my nose and head had exploded.
I enjoy water, swimming… I spend more time in the sea than on a beach, except in the Dead Sea. :-)
Shower and bath are my partners in crime for many things… They are intellectual, spiritual, physical good entertainments. I don't need to elaborate… :-)

The sheitel. Is it sexy to wear one? Is it a turn on or off for you, men?
I have seen some men wearing a wig to hide their incipient baldness. We used to joke with my mom, we imagine using a fishing rod to take off the crooked wig of men. We had giggles, tears in our eyes. We are very childish. But our nature wants us to laugh a lot everyday… Bergson said that Laugh is therapeutic… But if you laugh at people, do it discreetly.
A man with a wig is a total turn off. If i had to wear a wig, i will have a different one everyday: length, color to be anonymous. And also to have fun with myself. I will probably have allergies and scratch my head all the time. I will boycott the sheitel during summer and wear a wet shpitzel.
If that disturbs people, don't look at me, you will feel better. I am a rebel! :-)
For freezing winter, a kolpik, spodik or shtreimel will be perfect. :-) I already wore a shtreimel, and i loved it.

The clothes. They need color, patterns…
In Mea Sharim, i was wearing 3/4 sleeves shirt and skirt under the knees. The men turned their back to me to pray against the wall. I was fascinated and they gave me much more desire to talk to them.
Or maybe they were expecting from me to spank them. I am kidding of course! :-)
But i have the right to wonder why such an alley of tushas for me.
I know that men are proud of their bekishe because it's shinny. Honestly, it makes me think of a dressing gown. But it might be sexy if you are naked under it. :-)
The tights for men are absolutely not sexy. That's already not sexy for ballet dancers, but let's see if you were dancing in the streets if it'd be sexier. :-)
The ones for women seems very thick. I might wear them if i can wear a garter belt. Poupoupidou on Lee Avenue?
When i see how these women dress, it reminds me how my mom dressed me to go to school. I mean their clothes are school-ish. The children wear more colors than teenagers and the women. I didn't wear this kind of clothes either: i wore flowery dresses…
They are dressed like they go to a Catholic private school in France. That's too stark! I am not sure to fit them, and once again, i will have to be rebel. I want red, flowers, patterns… I like black and grey too.
What is it a turn off for me? A man wearing a sweatsuit, a beige pants or a pajamas.

The husband. I should have to choose him.
I am not able to live with someone i can't stand. There will be fights, arguments when he would like to put his hands on me. If i was born Hasidic, i won't have to worry and wonder too many questions. I would have sex like mailing a letter at the post-office.

Sex. Sensitive subject. :-)
According to some hasidic experiences, i will be nice and say: no comments. If i was mean, i will say: too much noise for nothing or too much libido for almost nothing. :-)
Why is it so complicated when it could be simple? Human beings with a G-dly domination!
Bang, bang, spank, spank!!!! :-)

To end this post, this is the story of my second boyfriend who was Jewish. His name is J. We were in the same class in elementary school during 2 years. It started when i was 8 years old till 10. I only remembered our meetings in the playground where boys and girls were mingled. I didn't remember either things about his Judaism. I felt he was one of my brothers, but he didn't have an obvious Jewish name. He was friend with another Jewish boy whom i was not close to, E. There was another friend, a black boy originally from the Antilles, F. We used to spend time the three of us. And we kissed, it was more pecks on lips than French kisses. I think we tried with the tongue sometimes, and it made us laugh a lot. What do you think right now? I was in a ménage à trois, threesome, um? Indeed! :-)
Then, we spent 3 weeks in the mountains with all the class. We all have memorable souvenirs. We hiked a lot, looking for wild animals, beautiful landscapes. We were in the Pyrénées. Our dormitory was in a high school campus. And i fell for a teenager. I was too young for him, but all these teenagers were very nice with us. I forgot his name. I wrote to him after the 3 weeks, he replied and we lost contact. I have probably the letter somewhere.
We played soccer with the high school students and won. There was a river where we had spent romantic moments. My lover was still J. I was in a ménage à 4, a foursome. :-)
There is a lot of room in my heart.
Later, J., F. and I were in different middle schools and we never stayed in touch. There was no Internet.
One day, i was working for a French movie and i saw the name of J. in the credits. He played a server. It seemed that it could be him. I didn't ask the filmmaker. The movie was projected in Cannes Festival and i went there as i used to go. Maybe we have been to the same parties or not, but we never met.
I found E., his close friend, on Facebook or another French website. I asked him about J. He never told me. E. is a movie producer and he created a series of movies about love stories in different cities of the world. Last year on Facebook, i found J. in the friends of E.
The attraction was gone too when I saw his photos. He is married with kids. He remembered that he was in love with someone
but he could find the name. That's was me, i told him. I was already in NY, so i didn't meet him up yet. I don't really think of him. The myth is dead! :-)
F. remembered me very well and sends me sometimes some emails very um, not hot, but i think he won't say no if i say yes. But no way! He is probably nice and funny but i don't want to live in Antilles where he is since many years. He is not Jewish either and doesn't have peyos either. :-)

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