Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dalet or Pessah

From the book that i already talked about.

How summarize the treasures of a letter in five pages? Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin can make it.
The Hebrew letters are the puzzle which explains the story of a nation, of the world. In one letter, you have a number, a drawing, many stories, anecdotes, meanings…
The gematria of this letter is the 4:
- Matriachs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah
- Created worlds explained in Kabbalah: Atzilus, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah.
- Elements of creation which is used in astrology too: fire (energy), air (gas), water (liquid) and, earth (solid).
- Holiday of Pessah: four cups of wine, the four children, the four questions.

I thanked G. to have given me this book to read. He was happy. He is so intelligent. He knew that this book was for me, and will be a sort of a revelation. His girlfriend didn't read it yet. He wants me to come with him to meet up this rabbi. With a great pleasure! I saw there are free classes which seem pretty interesting. He said that we will go for a Shabbos dinner probably.
I told him about my Sephardi name from my mom. His Hebrew first name is this name too. Things don't happen by accident. His questions was: "Do you feel more Sephardi or Ashkenazi?"
I don't have a Sephardi state of mind. I have Sephardi friends in France. I don't actually like the racist comments of the old generations who used to live in North Africa, blaming the inhabitants of these countries. They were their slaves and they were happy to use them and treated them badly.
I am against colonization. That was not the countries of these black feet and they didn't have to treat them that way. And i don't talk about the war of Algeria where the French have tortured North Africans. Shame on you! Fortunately, nobody in my family has been involved in these horrors.

I hope that you have cleaned everything in your house to enjoy these days of silence and cold showers.
A link to warm you up, as i promised it yesterday. My king has been very sensitive to the words of this poem. So i want to hear you moaning with your wives in the cottages of Willy, Boro Park and Crown Heights. :-)
©Letters of Light by Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin, Sichos In English Publication

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