Thursday, April 17, 2014

How were your se(x)ders?

Did you enjoy yours?
What about mine?
Mine was a kafkaesque situation. Suspense! :-)

It started by a phone call from a police officer on Sunday evening. He was not Hasidic. :-(
He told me that someone made an allegation against me. Ouch! And WTF!
I could not have more information about the who and what. And what was an American allegation?
We found a compromise for an appointment not too early in the day because of my job: first seder at 6pm. And it was in Manhattan.
Who in Manhattan made an allegation against a fan of peyos? :-)
I had a little idea about one person who could have a grudge against me because I yelled at her on the phone about one month ago. Her office was probably in Manhattan.
I had a conversation with a client who is a teacher of Human Rights, and she insisted a lot that i should not go alone. I sent an email to my immigration attorney too. He advised me the same thing and gave me the contact info of a criminal lawyer.
Another client came by, and her husband is a criminal attorney, and i asked him for coming with me. I told him about the suspicions about this angry phone call i made to this person. We agreed that it would probably be that.
He picked me up and we took the train to the city. I was not super stressed because I know that i didn't threaten her but i just yelled at her, asking her to remove my business page from his horrible website.
I am fiery, i admit it, and also very straightforward, so i yell very loud like an explosion, then i become quiet, and i move on. I can be violent with words, but not physically, i am too scared of blood.

The precinct was quiet, we waited 2 minutes before going to the 2nd floor in the questioning room.
I am not going to elaborate the case because that's not your business and that's not Hasidic.
It was what i thought. We didn't have the evidence to prove that this person lied because we didn't know what it was about. I keep everything so i found the truth the day after.
My lawyer asked the officer if i was released. :-)
But no, i have been arrested for one hour, and i had to stay in the warm room. The procedure was that i will be handcuffed once we got out of the room to take my fingers prints and photos downstairs.
Even if it's humiliating, i prefer to laugh off of this kind of situation. The officer was nice and I told him that I will make a wish because it's the first time i am arrested, handcuffed. So i made one.
To be handcuffed in the back is not the best, and the handcuffs are very heavy for my little wrists.
During the session of fingers prints/photos we had a conversation about our respective trips around the world. He has been raised in Crown Heights, but he is not Hasidic, not yet. :-)
I told him that i won't send to my mom this kind of photos. ;-)
I was back in my very warm 'cell', waiting for signing my Desk Appearance Ticket for the court in June.
Then i was free to feed and cuddle my cat for the night. I was actually not in a peyos mood to go to a seder party for the night. I already had a bad cold and then a big headache.
When i was in the 'cell', i could use my phone and, i have been treated well. That's exactly like in movies. Pity that they were not peyos boys with me. :-)
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
i asked one of my French friend what does she think of having a friend who has been arrested? She replied: "You rock, baby!"
Now, you know, i am a bad girl! If i go to jail, i will ask for being in a Jewish one. :-)
If not, i will have no regret to leave this country and will never come back, i am done.
Before leaving, i will cut some peyos to put in my peyos box to have a nice souvenir of my H babies. :-)
no comment, april 2014 ©emmarubinsteinunderarrest

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