Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What kind of dances are you?

How can you know if a man is good between the sheets? Look at the way he is dancing… That's what we say in my country… :-)
So gentlemen, that's your turn to brag on the dance-floor and to show to the French lady how you move  your tzitzit-ist hips!

A video made by two Hasidim can give us a preview of your performances:

You need suspenders which seem very efficient as a dance partner in this video.
The first dance reminded me Anthony Quinn in Zorba The Greek, the movie where he dances the Sirtaki.

You can see that suppleness can be tied to stamina. You have to raise your legs, holding your suspenders for so much fun! :-)
The Hasidic with long hair, looking like a HApster is better dancer than the short hair.
So maybe, the long hair helps. I am kidding, but let your hair grow for me! :-)

In 2008, i was in the south of France in the Arènes of Arles for a big party, and i saw a man dancing like he was riding a horse. I had big giggles but i was also fascinated by his freedom of dancing. He felt relieved, and nobody could stop him. Be yourself on a dance-floor and don't be scared of being ridiculous, it doesn't matter what people think of you when you dance, just have fun with me! :-)
If you are bashful, you can try the Nachman style.

After reading that, i imagine you will go and dance in front of the mirror, moving and turning your hips…
Pity that you have no one to seduce on a Hasidic dance-floor… except me because i will watch you by the hole of the Hasidic partition. :-)

I will organize a party, end of June, are you ready to come by, and i will dance with all of you!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I fell for these paintings

A Hasidic gallery whose i often check the new artists.
His name is Israel Noach Sauer. I like his introduction.

And his website:

Some paintings make me think of the beginning of the cubism (Picasso, Braque & Juan Gris).
Check his paintings about Holocaust,
The first one with all these Picasso-ist faces is beautiful. It could be sad, but the blue-grey color he used is bright and the expressions of the faces are full of hope.

My favorite ones are the dancing paintings:

His hirsute paintings express very well the joy of dancing in this community.
Let's dance!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Why should i be surprised?

That's not the first time that the FBI helped Nazis to escape from Europe after the horrible crimes against humanity they have made.
And now, we learn that Hitler was living a peaceful life in Argentina.
He was protected by the USA. Shame on you!
That makes me vomit for the day!
I can't stay here anymore!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach thinks that he is smarter than Freud…

The first reply to the journalist starts like an explosion:

"Lust was always supposed to be the cornerstone of a relationship. Everything else is secondary. Of course you need love in a marriage. Of course you need respect, appreciation, compliments, shared values. But if you are in a marriage where you don’t deeply desire the person you’re with, you are in a jail cell. It’s a form of incarceration. It may be a form of incarceration that has sex and love and caring and all those things, but you’re in a cell, because you don’t want to be there.

The essence of desire is choice. What I say in the book answers what Freud wrote to Marie Bonaparte, Napoleon’s great-niece in 1938. Freud said he’s been able to answer almost all questions of human psyche except one — one question that no one can answer: What is it that a woman wants?

I claim in this book to be the first man ever in history to answer that question!

I nearly fell from my chair! This man knows what a woman wants? Wow! And the journalist replied the same. This rabbi thinks that he has invented hot water* (*French expression = he thinks he is the sharpest pencil in the box). Or his audience, apparently in majority feminine likes clichés.

He has no shame to brag! :-)
And then:
"It is based on my deep attachment to my feminine side. And the answer is this: A woman doesn’t want to be loved. If a woman wants to be loved, she would stay with her parents. Her parents love her unconditionally. Her parents are never going to divorce her. Her parents are never going to cheat on her. We rarely hear about parents going and taking the next-door neighbor’s kid secretly to the circus. … Parents can give their daughters everything but one thing: they cannot give them the gift of chosen-ness.
… So a woman wants to be chosen. The essence of lust and desire is chosen. Love is comforting, nurturing. But it does not make you feel special. It does not make you feel chosen. It makes you feel protected.

Is he right or wrong? I like that it comes from his "deep attachment to my feminine side" to make him talk in broader terms.

"A woman doesn’t want to be loved." Kidding?

To compare the love of the parents to the one of a lover/husband is just a very restrictive thought. The pursuit of love in our adult life is totally different from what we have known when we were toddler.

Lust is a choice, wow! If i have desire for someone, that's not a choice for me. But i have the choice not to have desire for someone.

I already read some of his tweets when he was in Rwanda and some other places.
He is good-looking, charming, married, 11 children and also Orthodox. The last point caught my attention more deeply. I don't know his life, i never met him, and nobody, except him, knows better the intimacy he has with his wife.

The journalist wants to talk about the other gender: men.
So let's go:

'It’s just that men need to feel needed in a different way. Men are much more prone to distinguish themselves, their specialness, their uniqueness, through their activity, through their doing. Men make the mistake of ceasing to be human beings when they try to become human doings. And women make the mistake of allowing that to happen — like being impressed by men who are successful, being impressed by men with money, being with the man with the plan. But really men want women to rescue them from that and to love them for their being, for who they are.
That’s why, by the way, when so many successful men have affairs they’re not even physical affairs — they actually do want someone to talk to, believe it or not. And why don’t they show that same vulnerability to their wives? Because a lot of them are convinced that their wives do not want to see weakness and vulnerability. They think their wives will respect them less. Their wives married them specifically because they are the provider, specifically because they are the knight in shining armor that takes care of the family. So when he feels totally broken, he doesn’t want to share that with his wife. Sixty percent of all affairs on the part of husbands today are asexual; they’re platonic.

Honestly, may i laugh? I am swimming in a middle of a lake of stupidness. 
Who wants to be loved for what we are not? 
Watch out! 60% of all affairs are platonic. Where did he get this number?
I agree when he says that men don't like showing their weaknesses. That's not new, thanks! Men like staying in their caverns…
He can say things like that, but he has to be more specific, and once again, not to talk in broader terms.
In NY, to show his/her emotions is a sign of weakness. In Europe, it's not! He is Orthodox, frum or Hasidic, i don't know, and there is another level with the lack of emotional intelligence that i met in this community. It comes from frustration in their religious upbringing that i already talked about. 
Hey guys, are you really looking for an ASEXUAL affair? Who can believe that? If so, don't call it an affair but a friendship!
I am stunned!

He likes talking, and probably charming his feminine audience… It seemed that it works pretty well for him. These Orthodox ladies who leave the room, full of fantasies, dreaming of his sparkling eyes and so. 
Not for me! :-)

The definition of lust was the last thing i could read.
"Lust is not of the flesh. Lust is rather an ethereal concept that can be superimposed onto absolutely anything. You can get people to lust after a telephone."
He is talking about Steve Jobs and the Iphone. First, mister rabbi, Steve Jobs has never invented the concept of the Iphone. He was just a very good marketing man to sell a concept he has reclaimed. 
I was very fond of his products before the fall of his company in the 90s, and the products were much better in quality. Since the Ipod, i had issues with all the products i bought.
"He did not want people to fall in love with his product. He wanted people to lust after his product. He wanted people to stand in line outside an Apple store for eight hours to buy his phone the way Romeo stood outside Juliet's balcony to get a glimpse of he did this a few ways."

Now, i say stooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppp!
I will ask my horrible Iphone full of bugs if it loves me, and will be ready to stand outside for me. Because i never did it for it. 
So, yes i stopped reading this pulp novel, and went below to read the comments. 
In the Shmuley sphere, i am novice. I felt a sort of egocentrism from a man who is a sort of Steve Jobs who gives wet feelings in the undies of Orthodox women!
If he think he has understood everything about what women actually want, that's his business. So, my dear rabbi, i am not going to give one penny to buy one of your books. Your theory of love, lust and desire turns me off a lot. I prefer practice! :-)

I just broke up with him, his FB page and his tweets… 
This man will pretend soon that he is able to save the world. A new Messiah? Ver veys! :-)

A bons entendeurs, salut !* (*a word to the wise!)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Jewish food

I have a question, yes one again.
How do you handle Jewish food in your stomachs?
I am following different blogs, websites… and they talk a lot about food.
America has a food obsession.
I feel a sort of permanent starvation to be so obsessed by food.

I come from a family of foodie people. My mom talks a lot about what will be her next meal. She can have five meals a day without putting on weight. I am not able to follow her in her foodie journey.
Each time she knows i will come back in Paris, she talks about the restaurants where we will go.
I am sick by advance.
When she was young, her boyfriends were all impressed by the quantity of food she could swallow, like a man's stomach. :-)
She is looking after my French cat who likes sleeping on her laps during hours: "I can't eat, i don't want to interrupt her rest."
"Come on, it's a cat! The laziest animal of the world!"
Such a beautiful feline sacrifice! As you know, cats and dogs don't wear a watch but they know perfectly at what time they have to eat. :-)

I am foodie too but i can be sick fast if i eat too much. I can't eat junk food either, i will be sick within the following 5 minutes.

Pessah and its 10 days of recipes with the matzo. Many of you don't really like this bread. I used to eat some when i was a kid and i liked it. I didn't remember where i ate it, but its taste lingered in my mind a long time ago.
Each year, the discussion about the quinoa and other food to know if they are Pessah-able or not was online! And the difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi food for this holiday too.
Why to ask me to quit the French baguette for matzo?
I checked some recipes on My Jewish Learning that they have posted everyday. Some seemed very yummy but they remained just photos on my laptop screen finally. I don't have the time and the patience to make them.

Does this food obsession already exist before the WWII? I think so.
The lack of food drove some Jewish people crazy. Who can blame them? Nobody.

Some people told me that when they are hungry, they only focus on their stomach till it's full. The world around them doesn't exist anymore. I never had this kind of thought.
What is your favorite meal? Breakfast, lunch, dinner? All of them? :-)

Food is an obsession in the Hasidic community.
Hasidic women spend time in their kitchen, cooking for their husband and children.
Does they cook well? I don't know. Some Hasidim complained to me. I can't help, sorry! :-)

The challah bread will be back on the shelves soon, and i bet there will be a recipe of French toast challah following Shabbos. That's a very old French recipe that we call it pain perdu, it means wasted bread. Usually you use an old bread, hard like a stone to make this recipe. Here, you use fresh bread of any kind. I enjoy it too! :-)

About every two months, there is a Jewish holiday and its torrent of recipes.
How do you do? Are you sick sometimes?
I am intrigued.
You can reply that the French are obsessed by food too. You are right. :-)
But if there was a competition to take measure of the level of food obsession between the French and Hasidim, who will win?
Which will win the competition of the different recipes of matzo and hamantaschen?

Are you smelling the scent of the cheesecake for Shavuot? :-)
I know someone who likes the one his wife makes! But sha!

pain perdu obsession on a laptop screen, ©Google Images

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A man who has guts

He is Italian, and you can read this article:
His poem is inspired by Primo Levi, so i say yes right away!
Italy and politics, that's a long story.
I have been in Rome by night train once, and i met a young man who used to work in night trains. We are still in touch through Facebook.
He was very smart, and we mixed French and English. He doesn't speak French very well, but he understands it. I remember one thing he told me about Italians when we had a lunch in Paris along the Canal de l'Ourcq.
"Italians are only interested by women, money and soccer." And Berlusconi is the perfect representative of an Italian. There are some rebels in Italy like the filmmakers Roberto Benigni, and Nanni Moretti who fight against this fascist Berlusconi.
A documentary in 2 parts about Primo Levi back to Auschwitz.
You don't understand Italian, that's fine. I can understand some words, just have a look at the images. :-)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Ah Shlomo!

I read this article written by Shulem Deen about a charming voice that i like a lot:
I haven't seen the Broadway musical. I am not into musicals, except the classical ones like West Side Story, Mary Poppins…
I didn't actually know the story of this Hasidic singer who gives me goose bumps when his voice whispers his holy words in my ears.
Apparently, he was a chaud lapin* (*hot bunny, what you call horn-dog).
I will call that, a man, who doesn't want Hasidic frustrations. :-)
The funniest thing is that he remains very famous in the community despite his eviction for making women sing with him, for having touched them, hugging them…
Whatever he had had a hard-on or not, when he hugged them, honestly who cares? That's human nature… And that's flattering…
If i had met him and, in age to have a sexual relationship, he did not have probably slept in my bathroom but… :-)
Is there a better way to learn a foreign language on a singing pillow? No. :-)

My two favorite songs by him are:

A live in Paris with some Jewish Parisian ancestors of mine, i hope so.
Can you see his sparkling eyes? :-)

And a last one, with a jazzy harmony:

Friday, April 18, 2014

What do you think of these photos?

I found them on Internet. By Lior Nordman.
I found this explanation too: 
"Provocative photo shoot following the question of the infringement of rights of women in orthodox communities in Israel."
There are fashion photos, not  a reportage in real life in a bus of Hasidim. 
And it missed lot of HAIR!!!! Fake peyos too.
Why she didn't do it in the bus Willaimsburg-Boro Park? :-)
I have to take this bus before leaving. I will let you know when, and we might meet and share a cup of tea? :-)
And if you open your shirt like the young man, show me your hair please. It will be delightful!
See you there soon!
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine
©Lior Nordman, Belle-Mode Magazine

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How were your se(x)ders?

Did you enjoy yours?
What about mine?
Mine was a kafkaesque situation. Suspense! :-)

It started by a phone call from a police officer on Sunday evening. He was not Hasidic. :-(
He told me that someone made an allegation against me. Ouch! And WTF!
I could not have more information about the who and what. And what was an American allegation?
We found a compromise for an appointment not too early in the day because of my job: first seder at 6pm. And it was in Manhattan.
Who in Manhattan made an allegation against a fan of peyos? :-)
I had a little idea about one person who could have a grudge against me because I yelled at her on the phone about one month ago. Her office was probably in Manhattan.
I had a conversation with a client who is a teacher of Human Rights, and she insisted a lot that i should not go alone. I sent an email to my immigration attorney too. He advised me the same thing and gave me the contact info of a criminal lawyer.
Another client came by, and her husband is a criminal attorney, and i asked him for coming with me. I told him about the suspicions about this angry phone call i made to this person. We agreed that it would probably be that.
He picked me up and we took the train to the city. I was not super stressed because I know that i didn't threaten her but i just yelled at her, asking her to remove my business page from his horrible website.
I am fiery, i admit it, and also very straightforward, so i yell very loud like an explosion, then i become quiet, and i move on. I can be violent with words, but not physically, i am too scared of blood.

The precinct was quiet, we waited 2 minutes before going to the 2nd floor in the questioning room.
I am not going to elaborate the case because that's not your business and that's not Hasidic.
It was what i thought. We didn't have the evidence to prove that this person lied because we didn't know what it was about. I keep everything so i found the truth the day after.
My lawyer asked the officer if i was released. :-)
But no, i have been arrested for one hour, and i had to stay in the warm room. The procedure was that i will be handcuffed once we got out of the room to take my fingers prints and photos downstairs.
Even if it's humiliating, i prefer to laugh off of this kind of situation. The officer was nice and I told him that I will make a wish because it's the first time i am arrested, handcuffed. So i made one.
To be handcuffed in the back is not the best, and the handcuffs are very heavy for my little wrists.
During the session of fingers prints/photos we had a conversation about our respective trips around the world. He has been raised in Crown Heights, but he is not Hasidic, not yet. :-)
I told him that i won't send to my mom this kind of photos. ;-)
I was back in my very warm 'cell', waiting for signing my Desk Appearance Ticket for the court in June.
Then i was free to feed and cuddle my cat for the night. I was actually not in a peyos mood to go to a seder party for the night. I already had a bad cold and then a big headache.
When i was in the 'cell', i could use my phone and, i have been treated well. That's exactly like in movies. Pity that they were not peyos boys with me. :-)
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
i asked one of my French friend what does she think of having a friend who has been arrested? She replied: "You rock, baby!"
Now, you know, i am a bad girl! If i go to jail, i will ask for being in a Jewish one. :-)
If not, i will have no regret to leave this country and will never come back, i am done.
Before leaving, i will cut some peyos to put in my peyos box to have a nice souvenir of my H babies. :-)
no comment, april 2014 ©emmarubinsteinunderarrest

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dalet or Pessah

From the book that i already talked about.

How summarize the treasures of a letter in five pages? Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin can make it.
The Hebrew letters are the puzzle which explains the story of a nation, of the world. In one letter, you have a number, a drawing, many stories, anecdotes, meanings…
The gematria of this letter is the 4:
- Matriachs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah
- Created worlds explained in Kabbalah: Atzilus, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah.
- Elements of creation which is used in astrology too: fire (energy), air (gas), water (liquid) and, earth (solid).
- Holiday of Pessah: four cups of wine, the four children, the four questions.

I thanked G. to have given me this book to read. He was happy. He is so intelligent. He knew that this book was for me, and will be a sort of a revelation. His girlfriend didn't read it yet. He wants me to come with him to meet up this rabbi. With a great pleasure! I saw there are free classes which seem pretty interesting. He said that we will go for a Shabbos dinner probably.
I told him about my Sephardi name from my mom. His Hebrew first name is this name too. Things don't happen by accident. His questions was: "Do you feel more Sephardi or Ashkenazi?"
I don't have a Sephardi state of mind. I have Sephardi friends in France. I don't actually like the racist comments of the old generations who used to live in North Africa, blaming the inhabitants of these countries. They were their slaves and they were happy to use them and treated them badly.
I am against colonization. That was not the countries of these black feet and they didn't have to treat them that way. And i don't talk about the war of Algeria where the French have tortured North Africans. Shame on you! Fortunately, nobody in my family has been involved in these horrors.

I hope that you have cleaned everything in your house to enjoy these days of silence and cold showers.
A link to warm you up, as i promised it yesterday. My king has been very sensitive to the words of this poem. So i want to hear you moaning with your wives in the cottages of Willy, Boro Park and Crown Heights. :-)
©Letters of Light by Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin, Sichos In English Publication

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Frédéric Brenner, photographer

An exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum in early 2006.
There are links in this article. Enjoy, that's beautiful. 
This is what James Estrin, from Lens/NYT said about his work.

"Frédéric Brenner has spent his adult life deciphering his own complex identity.
He was born in France 55 years ago to descendants of Sephardic Jews from Algeria and Ashkenazi Jews from Russia. His parents survived World War II — his father in hiding and his mother with the resistance. He was raised in a secular, intellectual household but went to a religious high school when his parents embraced Judaism soon after the 1967 war.
He is also a photographer, one who spent more than two decades traveling to 45 countries documenting the Jewish diaspora – from Ethiopia to Yemen, the former Soviet Union to India and from New York to Rome. At the same time, he said, it was a journey through time and tribes, and from antiquity to the postmodern world.
“It was a quest for otherness,” he said last week in an interview in New York. “My fascination has to do with this capacity of becoming the other and still remaining oneself — becoming the other and oneself back and forth all the time.”
Through his photography, he was also trying to reclaim the many threads that wove through his identity. He sought to recall memories he had ignored, the ones his grandparents almost never spoke about because they were so painful.
This search led him to Israel and to ask questions about the relationship between the country and Jewish identity. He asked himself, if diaspora defined Jewish identity for centuries, how did the creation of Israel alter that? After 25 years of addressing what it means to be Jewish, now he had to examine what it meant to be Israeli.
So he undertook a massive visual survey, This Place, exploring Israel and the West Bank with a diverse group of photographers including Wendy Ewald, Martin Kollar, Jungjin Lee, Gilles Peress, Fazal Sheikh, Stephen Shore, Rosalind Solomon, Thomas Struth, Jeff Wall, Nick Waplington and Josef Koudelka. Mr. Koudelka’s contribution, The Wall, was featured in a two-partinterview on Lens last November."

I had a dream (part 3)

To be pregnant for an average of 7 children means 5 years and half of a big balloon, hormonal moods with up and down, tiredness.
With so many pregnancies, it means that i will be dependent of my husband financially. What about my freedom? I never asked for money to my ex boyfriends. A boyfriend or even a male friend should be gentleman and pay for ladies. But nowadays, men are less and less gentleman. Sometimes they think that if they pay, they will jump in your bed later. :-)
If my Hasidic husband was nice, i can give him 2 children and cats. I need a life and time for myself before becoming crazy. I can enjoy a family life but let me breath sometimes. I need to dive in deep waters to find the silence.

The only reason i can't stand to stay many hours around the table is the boredom of the conversations. I like not to be sat at the same place during all these long Hasidic meals. I don't think you can do it easily especially to be sat next to a man who is not my husband.
A total turn off is when a man talks to me with his mouth full of chewing food. Men who eat and make noises with their mouth is not possible either. Food needs respect. I found very elegant when Bill de Blasio ate his pizza with fork and knife. That's the good way to eat it! Did you wash your hands before eating with them? :-)

In the Hasidic world, you can only have friends of the same sex than you. That's boring! I enjoy the company of men a lot, so i will be miserable to stay with women. And if they spend their time to gossip or to talk about the kid who didn't eat, poo… i will be more miserable. I have many male friends.
Women are the temptation, but why men have a penis instead of a brain? Keep your penis quiet guys, and enjoy spending nice moments with women. Give it a try! You will learn a lot how women's brain works. Some Hasidic told me they know perfectly how women are. Kidding? :-)
Their only reference is their mother, sister(s) and wife. There are so many other criterium to understand a woman: culture, education…
Temptation doesn't mean either to go further with the person you are attracted to.
I was the attraction in the Pupa shul and i admitted that i spent a delightful moment with all these women. The boldest ones talked to me but i was still an alien for them. I will be very pleased to spend a lot of time with them again and again.
Once, i was in Hanoi visiting the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh, and a young Vietnamese came to us to be our guide. His English was very bad and he repeated the same things indefinitely. That was very funny. He wanted to stay in touch with Westerners. He can't actually be seen with us, but as a guide, we should be fine if the police came to us. Then, he recommended us a restaurant, not for tourists. It was indeed: a huge canteen for Vietnamese with many people from the bureaucracy. He couldn't stay with us. So we traded email addresses and we gave him some money to thank him for the visit and also his explanations. :-)
We were the only Westerners, 4 females. How to be discreet? You just smile and, they found us a table with Vietnamese. The menu was only in Vietnamese. The Vietnamese liked us a lot and helped us.
We asked them what was in their plate. Finally we chose things that we will never know what it was. I didn't remember if it was good or not, because my interest was focused on the Vietnamese. One man, at the opposite of the room, got up suddenly to take a photo of me and sent me a kiss. I had the giggles. Then he ignored me for the rest of the meal. :-)
It was a lovely moment. I enjoy sharing 'conversations' with people whose i don't understand the language. The body language becomes a priority and it's different from a culture to another one.
The Hasidic body language is pretty easy to understand. :-)
My king is a precious male friend. Temptation is above us, but it's like a teasing game now. We know our boundaries. We never met, for the thick and the thin.

The beach:
Maybe i am wrong, but i have never seen so far a Hasidic woman dipping her tushas in the sea. I didn't remember either when i was on the beach in Tel-Aviv. I will be miserable once again if i can't enjoy the water, and play with my husband. Water gives me giggles and shalom. I can stay 2 or 3 hours in it.
An Iranian friend told me that in Iran, a long time ago, women could swim with their clothes. But it was too sexy. So the government decided to put long curtains up far in the sea and women can swim with their swim suits between these two curtains. How is it for Hasidic women? Could i enjoy a midnight swim? Naked? With my husband?

Tomorrow, i will be nice and post the link of the e.r.o.t.i.c. poetry. That will be my Pessah gift!
how to recycle an old tzitzit of an imaginary Hasidic husband? ©emmarubinstein

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Erotic publication

I enjoy writing poetry inspired by men and the weather. The weather controls my mood.
I wrote this poem in once, changing just one word that i found vulgar… but the rest remained the same… When i write poetry, it's like a cry from the heart…
I sent this erotic poem to someone who doesn't have a heart, or who pretended that he had one…
He was not receptive, and i was fine with that… I didn't expect he could be very mean later. But it's the past, and i moved on.
Then, this poem was back to my heart and my white page, changing this one word.
I dedicate it to my king, the adorable king…
He will probably blush.
But i decided that it will be like a game, and you will have to find it on the web.
If you find it, you will win a kosher kiss. What's that? I don't even know what it's. :-)

I will post the original illustration i made. It has been refused because they don't want to feature nudity because of the non filters. But thanks to them for this publication. It means a lot for me!
And the second illustration is a wink because emma is naughty… sometimes! :-)
That's just for my king! Blush, blush! And i am laughing! You are such a cutie!

Monday, April 7, 2014


I called my mom, and i have been a Freud session with her. I helped her to remember things.
First, i was wrong with the story of my grand-pa. Something couldn't work if he died during the WWI, because my mom was born after the WWI. They said to her that he died of appendicitis. She was a little girl, and she has a vague souvenir of him.
Then, the name, this sephardi name that we have. The little sister who has another father would have said to my mom that my grand-ma has always refused to get married to the men who shared her life.
Soooooooo… the little sister, my mom and her brother have the birth name of my grand-ma.
Unfortunately, the protagonist passed away, so i can have more explanation. My mom thought that my grand-ma was in Paris during the WWII, but it is what they have told her. Ver veys!
The little sister is still alive but the relationship between her and my mom doesn't continue to be excellent. The little sister was very spoilt. She stole a part of the inheritance of her siblings. Lately, she had no shame to ask my mom for money to pay some taxes for a house in the South of France. A house that she kept for her family. She never invited us in our own house.
I never met her either and doesn't know how she looks like.
I have known her existence ten years ago perhaps. Another lie from my mom. :-)

What did it happen during these dark years? The little sister might enlighten this moment of history if she remembers things she lived, or which have been told to her.

I can imagine many things: my grand-ma sent her two elder children in Normandy to hide them from the nazis, knowing she had a Jewish name. She hid herself with the little sister, and made her children believe she was in Paris.
You can read that i am imagining a Jewish story for my family to comfort my Jewish blood.
My mom told me something too: she always felt she had Jewish blood in her veins. She knew that one day she will go to Israel. And she did. She spent one month, i think. She was in a club for a few days. There was a wedding, and the newly weds invited all the people who were in the club. My mom enjoys dancing and eating, she had a memorable souvenir of this moment. That was not a Hasidic wedding! :-(
She remembered that a woman in Paris asked her if she was Jewish because of her name. That was the only time. Usually, people think she is Scandinavian.
She added "I don't have a Jewish nose. You have one." When we talk about a Jewish nose, it concerns more the Jews from Eastern Europe than Sephardi. In France, you can recognize a Sephardi from North Africa, by his darker complexion, and also his accent 'black foot':
The Sephardi has the characteristics to speak loud. He likes showing what he has. He brags and exaggerates.
If you speak French, you can watch this movie which shows how a French Sephardi is. It's a comedy with lots of clichés. It takes place in the Sephardi area of Paris called Le Sentier. Nowadays, there are more and more Chinese people in this district. If you don't understand French, just close your eyes and listen to the accent. :-)
They have specific Sephardi expressions and jokes.

My mom has homework to do for me: find some names of her family, and i could do a real ancestry work.
Let's see where all these roots will lead me. I feel relieved that there is an explanation of all these Jewish feelings that i have since i am toddler.
Two generations of women who didn't want to get married. I am the third one. :-)
My grand-ma and mother were rebel for their generation. Congratulations ladies!
Jewish clergymen in Salonica during the  late 19th century

Friday, April 4, 2014

A little music

This morning, my mind needed probably something simple and light to listen. An easy song that i can sing in yogurt (it means that you produce nonsense sounds and onomatopoeia to imitate a foreign language, or lyrics that you have forgotten). I had an ex boyfriend who used to talk to Americans with a perfect American accent with nonsense words for a great and long conversation. Americans were amazed by his accent but they were stunned not to understand and to make him repeat a couple of times. I was besides him, having the giggles. :-)
You have to know that Parisians laugh at people a lot. Some could be very mean, but i am not, i just joke. And i am nice with tourists, i like them and share my secret spots in the capital.
It's one of the reasons we enjoy spending time on a terrace to look at people, and to have conversations about anything.

So, music. This is the song:
Too many synths with this sound of the 80s, like a fake rave party. I dislike the musical production of this kind of music.
This morning, i listened to it 5 or 6 times, don't ask me why.
The Israeli young musical bands sounds like the same.
If you cook and play acoustic guitar, you will be my man. If you play violin too, you will be my Yiddish Kosher man.
One of my Israeli client is a musician, he plays what we call strappy piano, accordion.
One of his songs sounds like the music of Federico Fellini movies. Apparently the graphic designer who made the video felt the same. She used iconography of the bellissima Giulietta Masina in one of my favorite movie Nights of Cabiria, 1957. The story of a poor woman, a prostitute, who is abused by everyone, especially men. She is candid and optimistic despite all her woes. You will never forget her tears, and also her smile in any circumstances.
And if you like it, watch the other movies by Fellini. He used to ask non professional actors, coming from villages around where he shot to play in his movies. Amazing faces from outer space.
And after that, one philosophical question: do you think that we can be happy when we feel in pain? It might be a question when you take a French high school diploma. I don't want a yes, a no or comme si comme ça* (*so so), but elaboration with references to philosophers, religious philosophers… Don't you like homework? :-)

giulietta masina
giulietta masina
giulietta masina

Thursday, April 3, 2014

More than 50%

Life is always full of surprises, and i take the good surprise with enthusiast.
Yesterday i was googling something about Hasidim, and i found a man who has the same last name than my mother. I sent him an email to ask him if by any chance, he knew if this name might be Jewish.
I don't actually expect a reply from him.
So i googled the name of my mom and, bang!
I nearly had a heart attack when i found that it's a common Sephardic surname. I knew about the Catalonian roots of the name but it is a 100% Jewish name.
Not only it explains why my mom has this attraction to the Jewish people but also it opens another part of my family story and i have Jewish blood from my mother's father.
A famous American writer who made researches about the name we have in common, found out that his family was probably Jewish. I will buy his book.

Every Saturday i call my mom, and i hope she won't have a heart attack when i will tell her she has probably Jewish blood. Ouch!
My mom has a brother and a half sister. The brother has the same father than my mother.
My maternal grand-mother, after her husband died during the WWI, got married and had a daughter.
During the WWII, my mother and her brother have been sent in Normandy and lived with a nanny. The little sister stayed in Paris.
I have to ask my mom when the little sister was born. My mom said she was in Normandy because Paris was starving, and it was easier to feed kids in the countryside. That's true, but maybe there is another explanation why they have been sent away. I have also to ask her if she kept her name at school or if she took the name of the nanny during these dark days.
My grand-mother died of breast cancer, probably in the 50s or 60s. So i never met her. My mom didn't have a good relationship with her. My grandma had issues to understand the need of freedom and independence of my mother. She was a rebel.

Most of the people who had this name got converted to Christianity and they immigrated in 3 main European countries. I am not going to elaborate to give you hints to google me, stalk me and i will have to spank you! :-)
I talked to a friend who is doing the same researches about her mother's family before thinking of a conversion. She knew about my name. She gave me the address of a Jewish library where i might find the genealogy of my family. They use the Mormons files for help.

I have to make researches about the maiden name of my maternal grand-ma.

I didn't have a photo of my grand-parents. :-(

Another chapter of my life just started. 
I don't have only 50% of Jewish blood, i added percentages yesterday night. It's for my next journey of the pursuit of them to put a number on them.
I will close one chapter very soon probably, and start the third part of my life.
I left my country to find something somewhere else. And i didn't expect to find something else here in Brooklyn.
I know that i can't stay here anymore. I never moved my stuffs from my Parisian storage. I felt i didn't have to do it. It will be for my next country of immigration probably.

Thanks Ernest for reading my painful soul… :-)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I had a dream (part 2)

The shower. According to the gossips from the outside world, Hasidim don't shower enough apparently. Come in Paris, and smell the Parisians. We stink!
As G. told me: "Remember the French make the best perfume and the best soap in the world!!! Too bad all of its marked for export only!!!".
Amongst all the Hasidim i met, none stunk like a skunk. If it had to happen, the meeting would have lasted a few times because of a headache within the next 5 minutes i will have, then a nausea. I am too sensitive with scents. I can't work in a perfume store. I did once for a summer, my nose and head had exploded.
I enjoy water, swimming… I spend more time in the sea than on a beach, except in the Dead Sea. :-)
Shower and bath are my partners in crime for many things… They are intellectual, spiritual, physical good entertainments. I don't need to elaborate… :-)

The sheitel. Is it sexy to wear one? Is it a turn on or off for you, men?
I have seen some men wearing a wig to hide their incipient baldness. We used to joke with my mom, we imagine using a fishing rod to take off the crooked wig of men. We had giggles, tears in our eyes. We are very childish. But our nature wants us to laugh a lot everyday… Bergson said that Laugh is therapeutic… But if you laugh at people, do it discreetly.
A man with a wig is a total turn off. If i had to wear a wig, i will have a different one everyday: length, color to be anonymous. And also to have fun with myself. I will probably have allergies and scratch my head all the time. I will boycott the sheitel during summer and wear a wet shpitzel.
If that disturbs people, don't look at me, you will feel better. I am a rebel! :-)
For freezing winter, a kolpik, spodik or shtreimel will be perfect. :-) I already wore a shtreimel, and i loved it.

The clothes. They need color, patterns…
In Mea Sharim, i was wearing 3/4 sleeves shirt and skirt under the knees. The men turned their back to me to pray against the wall. I was fascinated and they gave me much more desire to talk to them.
Or maybe they were expecting from me to spank them. I am kidding of course! :-)
But i have the right to wonder why such an alley of tushas for me.
I know that men are proud of their bekishe because it's shinny. Honestly, it makes me think of a dressing gown. But it might be sexy if you are naked under it. :-)
The tights for men are absolutely not sexy. That's already not sexy for ballet dancers, but let's see if you were dancing in the streets if it'd be sexier. :-)
The ones for women seems very thick. I might wear them if i can wear a garter belt. Poupoupidou on Lee Avenue?
When i see how these women dress, it reminds me how my mom dressed me to go to school. I mean their clothes are school-ish. The children wear more colors than teenagers and the women. I didn't wear this kind of clothes either: i wore flowery dresses…
They are dressed like they go to a Catholic private school in France. That's too stark! I am not sure to fit them, and once again, i will have to be rebel. I want red, flowers, patterns… I like black and grey too.
What is it a turn off for me? A man wearing a sweatsuit, a beige pants or a pajamas.

The husband. I should have to choose him.
I am not able to live with someone i can't stand. There will be fights, arguments when he would like to put his hands on me. If i was born Hasidic, i won't have to worry and wonder too many questions. I would have sex like mailing a letter at the post-office.

Sex. Sensitive subject. :-)
According to some hasidic experiences, i will be nice and say: no comments. If i was mean, i will say: too much noise for nothing or too much libido for almost nothing. :-)
Why is it so complicated when it could be simple? Human beings with a G-dly domination!
Bang, bang, spank, spank!!!! :-)

To end this post, this is the story of my second boyfriend who was Jewish. His name is J. We were in the same class in elementary school during 2 years. It started when i was 8 years old till 10. I only remembered our meetings in the playground where boys and girls were mingled. I didn't remember either things about his Judaism. I felt he was one of my brothers, but he didn't have an obvious Jewish name. He was friend with another Jewish boy whom i was not close to, E. There was another friend, a black boy originally from the Antilles, F. We used to spend time the three of us. And we kissed, it was more pecks on lips than French kisses. I think we tried with the tongue sometimes, and it made us laugh a lot. What do you think right now? I was in a ménage à trois, threesome, um? Indeed! :-)
Then, we spent 3 weeks in the mountains with all the class. We all have memorable souvenirs. We hiked a lot, looking for wild animals, beautiful landscapes. We were in the Pyrénées. Our dormitory was in a high school campus. And i fell for a teenager. I was too young for him, but all these teenagers were very nice with us. I forgot his name. I wrote to him after the 3 weeks, he replied and we lost contact. I have probably the letter somewhere.
We played soccer with the high school students and won. There was a river where we had spent romantic moments. My lover was still J. I was in a ménage à 4, a foursome. :-)
There is a lot of room in my heart.
Later, J., F. and I were in different middle schools and we never stayed in touch. There was no Internet.
One day, i was working for a French movie and i saw the name of J. in the credits. He played a server. It seemed that it could be him. I didn't ask the filmmaker. The movie was projected in Cannes Festival and i went there as i used to go. Maybe we have been to the same parties or not, but we never met.
I found E., his close friend, on Facebook or another French website. I asked him about J. He never told me. E. is a movie producer and he created a series of movies about love stories in different cities of the world. Last year on Facebook, i found J. in the friends of E.
The attraction was gone too when I saw his photos. He is married with kids. He remembered that he was in love with someone
but he could find the name. That's was me, i told him. I was already in NY, so i didn't meet him up yet. I don't really think of him. The myth is dead! :-)
F. remembered me very well and sends me sometimes some emails very um, not hot, but i think he won't say no if i say yes. But no way! He is probably nice and funny but i don't want to live in Antilles where he is since many years. He is not Jewish either and doesn't have peyos either. :-)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I had a dream (part 1)

I don't have it anymore… :-)

If i made the choice of becoming Hasidic, how should i have to organize my new life?
It will be like learning a new language with new letters which don't belong to the Latin alphabet.
The first time i wrote Russian, i was like a little girl on an elementary school bench.
I didn't know how to hold my pen and, to draw the good proportions of letters.
Yiddish is more fluid, though…

Opening my eyes and starting to pray and thank D-g that i can feel my heart beating…
I have other fish to fry (in French we say to have other cats to whip) in the morning…
I need 15 minutes to get out of my beloved bed. 15 minutes which can be fatale to make me fall asleep deeply.
I like stretching my body, playing with my cat for a last cuddle before leaving her alone all day…
She is a sort of cat radio, she whispers in my ear what she wants for a Kosher breakfast…
I will have to saw off my beloved queen bed for a kid bed: no way!

Opening my hands and holding the vaser to wash them.
No more water, the cat drank it during the night.
Let's go to the faucet.
I wash my hands all the time without thinking it could be compulsory.

I would enjoy having a tefillin on my forehead. The first time i saw it, it was at the Western Wall.
I thought it was a pre-inked stamp. I couldn't jump over the fence to ask the man, and also to touch it.
My friend explained me what it was. I was fascinated and stared at the man.
There is something very intimate between the man and his tefillin. The tefillin reads his soul and deep secrets.
I already asked some Hasidim to show me their tefillin. They didn't want me to touch it.
And they forgot to bring it to me. So, the tefillin remains a mysterious little black box full of secrets.

Opening the fridge and starting to lick my chops,
An American fridge without French cheeses has no right in the kitchen.
A Kosher French fridge will be easy to organize.
A Kosher kitchen is already there.
I don't kill animals to eat them.
Dairy, vegetables, fruits, seeds…
Toasted French baguette, a plate of cheeses
My French palate is already pleased.
My taste buds are drooling.
I am imagining myself sitting at a Parisian terrace with the tefillin, ordering a plate of French cheeses with a toasted French baguette.
Wake up! That's Brooklyn, and i have to check the eggs if there is no blood… The preparation seems a big work.
I am not very fond of cooking, i prefer to read the book of recipes.
My mom cooks very well, so that's always a pleasure to be served by her. 
A man who cooks for ladies, i always found it very sexy, maybe sexy by laziness… :-) 
Don't you have foodgasm? I have sometimes… :-)

The bathroom: to see my shaved hair in the mirror would be a nightmare. Nobody will touch my hair with scissors or a razor. I like long hair and having some peyos sometimes. My hair curls naturally and when i was toddler, i had what we call in France, anglaises* (*English but the translation is ringlets). My ringlets looked like peyos
When i was a little girl, i had the habits to run away from my mom to talk to strangers who were different from me. I asked many questions and gave them some advices. Once, we were in a train to go to vacation. In our car where we will sleep, two nuns were there. I was intrigued by them, and i bothered them a lot. I didn't understand why they were going to sleep with their hat. I asked them why, and advised to take their hat off to be more comfortable. According to my mom, they were not really friendly but they tried to explain it to me. :-)
My mom was always embarrassed, but most of the time the strangers were very nice with me.
If only, in this train, it would have been a Hasidic family very friendly, i think i had already touched the peyos of the little boy. And I made him touch mine too. :-)
I had a secret to tell you too: i was 5 and i was in the bathroom at the school that we shared with the boys. I had already a boyfriend, C., and he was my first love. Love has no age!
And i helped him to pee. Someone from the school saw us, and our parents have been informed. My mom didn't care that much. We were kids. 
We have been separated during our years of elementary school. We cried a lot the last day of school. :-(
In high school, we have been in the same class. We never forgot what happened this day but we never talked about that: we were teenagers. The attraction to each other was gone, but we were very good friends. He was a very good student, and i was more focused on laughing and chatting up than studying. 
After high school, no news during many years.
I googled his name and found him. He lives in New Caledonia.
A big party had been organized by friends from high school in 2007. 
C. was on vacation in France and will probably come by to the party. Something clicked in my mind: i thought he was probably gay. I had never seen him with girls in high school, and my intuition is pretty good for this kind of stuff.
Once he was at the entry, that was so obvious. He never told me but i know. :-)
And i will never tease him with that, because it doesn't matter: i like him because he is the same man, nice, sweet, and gentlemanly that i knew when i was younger. I am just proud to have been the first and probably the last woman in his life. :-)
And he doesn't have peyos
My second boyfriend was in elementary school with me and, he was Jewish. It will be for another post! :-)