Friday, January 17, 2014

Waiting for a Dog's call

I believe that my life is written somewhere. Where? I don’t have the answer.
I believe that people are not on my road by accident. Why? I don’t have the answer.
Some Hasidim told me that I believe in G-d, but how?

I feel an interior voice. I call it intuition. By their huge devotion, I would like to hear their thoughts and emotions in their relationship with G-d, and see if I feel the same way sometimes.

I enjoy posting funny posts and, i decided that i could be serious for once.
It was a chou blanc* post (*French for white cabbage = failure).
The subject of G-d, which is a large part of their life, didn't seem to catch their attention that much.
We know pretty well now their main reason to spend time on CL.

Dear Hasidic Friends - w4mw
I need your help.
Come on guys, don't tell me you are scared of replying to this kind of questions. :)
Could you reply to some of my personal interrogations please?

The questions below are the rest of the post.

Indeed i received a few responses and i had to post it many times.
It's still online, wishing G-d in person will reply to me.
So far, not good!

I thought of changing 'G-D" by ‘sex’ to see the reactions but i felt bad to do it, though…
The reason to change it is i really think G-d has all the power when i think of the name in French.
The word 'G-d', pronounced like the English, [god], but written 'gode' is the contraction of the French word 'godemichet' which means dildo.
As we know sex and money control the world. I will say money first.
Don't be offended Hasidic friends, that's totally culturally French.
The etymology of this word comes from a Catalan word 'leather from Gadamès' (a city in Libya, famous for its leather), influenced by the medieval Latin words which mean 'please me'.
We will never see Libya as an enemy country!

The short replies:

- Hi. Am hasidic, well, kind of.
And why should we know the answers?

All very good questions I must admit. But what are your intentions. The guys on here/this site (exept me) are usualy not the right ppl to ask
From your questions it seems like you know all the answers.. so why even borher

- It's to match to right in email for this u need to talk on the phone or face to face

- there is no god you fucking idiot 

The only ones who replied, took it quite seriously:

1.What G-d is for you? 
Something that does not lend itself to being defined. This includes merely attempting to define even by stating that it's not subject to definition.
G-D is everything for each human, the creator as well as the one who gives us what we need (not always necessarily what we think we need though) he gives us life as well as options to do the right or the wrong but we are dependent on him since without him we are nothing as well as dead lol
- God is our creator, our Lord. (same idea as every religion)
G-d can mean the moral inclination; it can mean the divine originator of reality who is in control of the world.

2. How do you think G-d reveals himself in the current life?
Anything and everything manifesting to me in any and every way.
he reveals himself in everything as for the previous answer but sometimes he reminds us how he controls everything and I guess I can give u examples on depending where your from are you from NY?
He is hidden, but sometimes we see and feel him thru miracles etc)
Reveals himself through reality

3. How do you feel G-d?
Said feeling is not subject to description. "Feeling" and describing it are a contradiction in terms. We usually try describing emotions by providing clues so for the listener to "match" it up to something they themselves have experienced. "Feeling God" (or "Godliness") is essentially the deepest level of connection, of getting lost, of coalescing with something bigger of which I'm yet a part of.
I breathe and wake up in the morning, 
Hard to, but when you believe in him, you feel him.
You can experience G-d through prayer, by being alive.

4. Does G-d talk to you?
Yes. Via all the things and people I come across.
G-D talks to us all through our doings but not physically
We cant hear him, but he for sure does.
G-d talks to humans according to Jewish teachings

5. Do you talk to G-d besides the prayers?
I believe when we talk to him it is prayers, meaning when we ask for something or turn to him it is prayers even though not prayers that are supposed to be said regularly by all but we all can turn to him any time
Yes. we bless him before we eat or drink, and after we use the bathroom etc etc.. And everytime we need something we ask him for luck, wisdom etc..
You can choose to talk to g-d on a constant basis.

6. Who created G-d?
Oh, we're not taking about THAT God. We're dealing with the one who actually did all the creating - including the created God.
god is the creator so if he was created then he wouldn't be the creator meaning we always need to go back to the original since a creator of creators wouldn't be a creation and the whole idea of creating was created by him so before he created the world and us there was no need for the whole idea of creation since he was before it all.
Nobody did.
BY definition G-d can't be created but is infinite which defies understanding.

7. Is there one G-d?
of course there is only one
The guiding principle of Judaism is that there is just one G-d and whoever questions this denies the basic tenet of Judaism and is considered an apostate.

8. Why the other religions don't talk about the same G-d?
They do, using different words and terminology, though. God is bigger than and includes them all.
what do you mean? other religions all come back to one god I think, am I wrong? except for those who believe in the sun etc but if you think for a moment it all goes back since who created the sun G-D did so we are back to square one
Every religion has their own god and traditions.
It's of no major concern what the other religions believe.

They all agree that there is one G-d, but there is one contradiction in the last question.
One of these repliers said 'Im a Hasidic guy, but to be honest - i am not really a big believer... But i can definitely answer your questions from a hasids point of view, even thou i dont totally agree with it.'

Their different interpretations make them human beings. Despite that, G-d seems to control their heart, body, brain…

Who is THAT God? Is there One, where is the other One?
Who is this God when they are in the bathroom? Does God flush, send messages by the shower head?

Some replies left me in the 4th dimension.

I didn’t recognize myself in their replies. If I have to feel G-d, I might have my own interpretation but I don’t name Him/Her/It alike.
I am interested by the time they devote to G-d and the ‘side’ effects: to thank G-d when a tomato grows in their garden, when they open their eyes in the morning, when they find a new job… , to implore the sky when there is a storm…
Each thing they do, it’s always with the help of G-d. They don’t think they have a part of responsibility in their success or failure. G-d first, then their Hasidic life…

If you are interested to reply, send me an email to: I will be pleased to read your soul.

Shabbos readings ©emmarubinstein

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