Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My king is back…

You know how are the H babies: they come, they go, they disappear, they come back…
And yesterday, the first H baby i had so long conversations about anything and everything was back in the picture after one year without leaving a note, an address, a photo, a real name… :-)
I never met him and will probably never meet him, but it doesn't matter, i respect his fear to meet me.
Why i was sad not to have news from him?
He was the first one i talked with.
Then, he comes from an open-minded family, he is curious about other cultures…
He likes the Hasidic way of life and to have outsiders friends.
Sometimes we argue as human beings because of my English and some misunderstandings but we never fought.
He was my consultant, i could ask him many questions when i was puzzled by the Hasidic behavior…
We talk about intimacy too, and that was great!
He always asked me why i came back to him: because i am a faithful friend. I have friends since i was born because they are a part of my family story too. I never forgot them even if i haven't been in touch with some of them during 20 years. Nothing had changed with them when we re talked after all these years. Maybe it's my European background where we make friends for life and death. I am not into shallow friendship. Here the word 'friend' is used at all the sauces.
Why did he disappear? That's our secret, i don't share this information with you. That's easy to guess! :-)

So my dear king, i never forgot you and will never forget you even if you make the choice to disappear once again.
I tried to imagine how you look like. I drew your face this morning.
And if you have the guts to come and see me, i will be very happy.
And if you want to invite me in your place to share a Shabbos meal, i am ready to dress very modestly.
I imagine you with long peyos because you are mischievous. :-)
You mean a lot to me, you know that!

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