Monday, December 30, 2013

'A Bottle In The Gaza Sea' and 'My Father My Lord'

These are the two movies i recently watched on Netflix.
The first one, i found it by accident and the second one was recommended by a Jewish client.
I cried like a Madeleine (French expression with a reference to the Bible: Marie-Madeleine was an ancient prostitute and she came to visit Jesus in Magdala. She admitted all her sins, crying on his feet, drying her tears with her hair. Jesus forgave her and she became her most faithful disciple.).

- A Bottle In The Gaza Sea by Thierry Binisti. It's based on the novel by Valérie Zenatti. But i wanted to know if it was based on real events or not. It's not.
Probably this kind of story happens in the Holy Land. I am not here to talk about my opinion about what it's going on there. As you know i am not fond of wars and each human being has his/her place on the earth.
I don't support the Hamas either which behaves like the Nazis to German citizens threatening them to kill their family if they don't follow them in there ideology. Hitler and Staline are their references probably.
I recommend you the book by Yevgenia Ginzburg about her 18 years of sentence in the gulag (I read them in French a long time ago, there were two volumes).
There was a woman in the gulag with her. She was totally devoted to Staline despite he sent her in the gulag. Love is blind and probably blinder when you sympathize with the devil.
A recent movie, i didn't watch Within The Whirlwind opened in 2011 tells her exile years. It's on streaming and free, google it.
This French movie talks about the friendship between a teenager who sent a bottle in the sea to the Palestinian because she wants to know who they are. One Palestinian will reply to her and they will exchange emails. He will start to learn French because he has decided to do something with his life.
Life is a question of choices.
You have scenes of war. And it starts to be very interesting to see how the both sides will react.
I met different Satmerers with different opinions. One is an anti-zionist and doesn't want to go to Israel.
A second one has been in Israel but found this country the most racist in the world. And another one who doesn't care about all this and spent time there…
I have been once one week, and i was in a Sephardi family. Some of them were very racist and i had cold sweats but i shut my mouth. I was there to make my own opinion. And one week was not enough.
I was there in November 2004: Yasser Arafat was just sent in France to hospital, American re-election of the George W. Bush, and the ramadan.
I have been in different places and i enjoyed feeling the great moments of history.
One Palestinian was insulting with me because i thanked him in Hebrew.
One Spanish friend of mine on vacation there has been insulted by Israeli soldiers when she came back from the West Bank. They yelled at her to know if she had slept with a Palestinian. Their sergeant apologized finally. She was on shock.
I have been in some Palestinian places like restaurant… It was not easy to recognize who was Palestinian, Israeli, Christian… and i didn't care that much, i was there for my roots.
And Israel might be my next destination to live for the future. Ver veyt!
And where? In Mea Sharim of course! :-)
I don't want to elaborate about this movie, i liked it a lot.
There is a Palestinian actress i like a lot who plays the mother of the young Palestinian: Hiam Abbas. She speaks 4 languages and played in many international productions.
Read what she said about the Munich shoot.

- My Father My Lord by David Volach
That's not an easy movie for me with my deep lack of religious knowledge.
It's a fiction which seems a documentary. Sometimes we are very closed to the beards of men.
As a woman, i always dream of being a man, just one day to see how it feels to think like a man and to go in places only for men. I will start by a shul.
The story with the bird is very weird.
I don't understand either why the wife can't talk to her husband. She has to write her complain on a notebook.
The little cute boy asks many questions to his father, a rabbi, about the secular world. He prefers to play than to pray.

To end this post this is a painting. This couple is quite mischievous. The position of the man in the back of his wife. And the position of the tushas of the woman. :-)
Vladimir Lubarov, famous Russian Jewish artist, born in Moscow , on 1944.
Painting- in the serie "Jewish Happiness"

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