Monday, October 28, 2013

When a frum talks about the Hasidic babies

That's very interesting what this frum wrote to me. 
Usually, i don't like when someone criticizes my parents, i am the only one to have this right.

He knows better than me this community, i am just listening:

'- They have an ego about them. They feel above everyone else.
- It seems they have little-to-no respect for women and ANYONE who is not one of them.
These guys, the majority of them perhaps, put on a pious act. It's the basic stuff that bothers me. Their Torah learning does not impress me if they do not have common courtesy towards other people. A smile. A thank you. A How are you? Giving up their seat to a woman, pregnant woman or an elderly individual, helping someone carry a carriage in the subway's staircase, the list goes on. Where are they with their basic concern for others?
STAY AWAY FROM ANYONE WHO CALLS YOU A SHIKSA. ICH. That's disgusting. Especially if he liked you. How can he call you that? It's derogatory.
Don't get me wrong. They have their positives. I hate to stereotype. But they should know better. They should work on their reputations.' 

So H babies, what do you think about that?
Shiksa, ah!
Many Jews told me not to use this word, but to say "non Jewish girl".
I thought of changing the name of this blog after their comments.

'Shiksa (Yiddishשיקסע shikse) is a word of Yiddish origin that has moved into English usage (as well as Polish), mostly in North American Jewish culture, as a term for anon-Jewish woman, initially and sometimes still pejorative but now often used satirically. Shiksa refers to any non-Jewish (gentile) woman or girl who might be a temptation to Jewish men or boys, e.g., for dating, intermarriage, etc.' ©Wikipedia

'A Gentile girl or woman, especially one who has attracted a Jewish man. The term derives from the Hebrew word "sheketz", meaning the flesh of an animal deemed taboo by the Torah. Since a Jewish man marrying a non-Jewish woman is taboo also, this word applies to her. 
Traditionally this is a derogatory term, though in modern times it has also been used more light-heartedly.' ©Urban Dictionary

Should i keep or change the name? Maybe if i find something better.
I am a half shiksa with a Jewish heart and soul, and an atheist faith. I am lost!

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