Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Let me introduce you my family and myself in photo

Don't expect a recent photo. I know you are disappointed but i can't show my face.
If you want to see me, you can write to me and we can meet up, hang out…

The first photo is my mother and father in Greece for vacation. They were still in love before the dark shadow of my grand-mother came and destroyed this couple.
My father is a weak man and, his mother a dominant. He followed her like a dog in all the decisions she made for him. I don't actually have all the story but i am pretty sure she chose his second wife. Does it remind something to you? Hasidism? Hm…
She hired a detective because she thought my mother was a prostitute. My mother was a night howl working hard during the day, enjoying dancing rock'n'roll at night to win competitions. What's wrong?
My father was a mediocre dancer. He felt younger when he was with her.
I think my mother and I have the same energy. We need to laugh as often as we can.
We have a Yiddish soul. :-)

We are two dominants.
We used to argue a lot by the past. And usually i started first because i was more rebel.
I made her cry as she made me cry. We were in the drama. That's pretty better since 10 years but we are two sensitive persons and it can blow out at anytime.
Each time i leave Paris, she hides her sadness but if i call her from the airport, i can hear that she has a 'cold' suddenly. :-(
We laugh till one cries because we have this complicity which belongs to both of us: we don't need to talk. We can be very childlike.
And in the same time, i think she is very Hasidic: she is a big liar, she admits it and she knows that i hate that deeply. She is scared of many things. She has understood that Hitler won't come back finally but…
We love our freedom and independence. We have the desire of discovering other cultures. 
She has been in Israel and found a red hair in Beer Shiva. They have a big crush but the young man was a Sabra, very religious. 

And this is me, a Jewish baby. Why Jewish? Because i have the same face than my father. A Litvish face.
I was already speaking Yiddish to Bambi.
Those who know me well say that i have the same face and pout.
My nose has changed and became more Jewish. And people asked me questions. I had to look at my mother first to reply. She was paranoid.

Zay gezunt!
Daniel & Clémentine

'Are you talking to me?'
'Es frayt mikh eikh tsu kenen Bambi. Git mir ayer  telefon numer.'

Monday, December 30, 2013

'A Bottle In The Gaza Sea' and 'My Father My Lord'

These are the two movies i recently watched on Netflix.
The first one, i found it by accident and the second one was recommended by a Jewish client.
I cried like a Madeleine (French expression with a reference to the Bible: Marie-Madeleine was an ancient prostitute and she came to visit Jesus in Magdala. She admitted all her sins, crying on his feet, drying her tears with her hair. Jesus forgave her and she became her most faithful disciple.).

- A Bottle In The Gaza Sea by Thierry Binisti. It's based on the novel by Valérie Zenatti. But i wanted to know if it was based on real events or not. It's not.
Probably this kind of story happens in the Holy Land. I am not here to talk about my opinion about what it's going on there. As you know i am not fond of wars and each human being has his/her place on the earth.
I don't support the Hamas either which behaves like the Nazis to German citizens threatening them to kill their family if they don't follow them in there ideology. Hitler and Staline are their references probably.
I recommend you the book by Yevgenia Ginzburg about her 18 years of sentence in the gulag (I read them in French a long time ago, there were two volumes).
There was a woman in the gulag with her. She was totally devoted to Staline despite he sent her in the gulag. Love is blind and probably blinder when you sympathize with the devil.
A recent movie, i didn't watch Within The Whirlwind opened in 2011 tells her exile years. It's on streaming and free, google it.
This French movie talks about the friendship between a teenager who sent a bottle in the sea to the Palestinian because she wants to know who they are. One Palestinian will reply to her and they will exchange emails. He will start to learn French because he has decided to do something with his life.
Life is a question of choices.
You have scenes of war. And it starts to be very interesting to see how the both sides will react.
I met different Satmerers with different opinions. One is an anti-zionist and doesn't want to go to Israel.
A second one has been in Israel but found this country the most racist in the world. And another one who doesn't care about all this and spent time there…
I have been once one week, and i was in a Sephardi family. Some of them were very racist and i had cold sweats but i shut my mouth. I was there to make my own opinion. And one week was not enough.
I was there in November 2004: Yasser Arafat was just sent in France to hospital, American re-election of the George W. Bush, and the ramadan.
I have been in different places and i enjoyed feeling the great moments of history.
One Palestinian was insulting with me because i thanked him in Hebrew.
One Spanish friend of mine on vacation there has been insulted by Israeli soldiers when she came back from the West Bank. They yelled at her to know if she had slept with a Palestinian. Their sergeant apologized finally. She was on shock.
I have been in some Palestinian places like restaurant… It was not easy to recognize who was Palestinian, Israeli, Christian… and i didn't care that much, i was there for my roots.
And Israel might be my next destination to live for the future. Ver veyt!
And where? In Mea Sharim of course! :-)
I don't want to elaborate about this movie, i liked it a lot.
There is a Palestinian actress i like a lot who plays the mother of the young Palestinian: Hiam Abbas. She speaks 4 languages and played in many international productions.
Read what she said about the Munich shoot.

- My Father My Lord by David Volach
That's not an easy movie for me with my deep lack of religious knowledge.
It's a fiction which seems a documentary. Sometimes we are very closed to the beards of men.
As a woman, i always dream of being a man, just one day to see how it feels to think like a man and to go in places only for men. I will start by a shul.
The story with the bird is very weird.
I don't understand either why the wife can't talk to her husband. She has to write her complain on a notebook.
The little cute boy asks many questions to his father, a rabbi, about the secular world. He prefers to play than to pray.

To end this post this is a painting. This couple is quite mischievous. The position of the man in the back of his wife. And the position of the tushas of the woman. :-)
Vladimir Lubarov, famous Russian Jewish artist, born in Moscow , on 1944.
Painting- in the serie "Jewish Happiness"

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A hippie song for a shomer shabbos

I don't actually like melancholic and nostalgic songs but this one with the tune 'I'm on my way', that's exactly where i am with my love of Judaism and Jewishness.

The other day, my favorite Hasidic couple came to my work place, and the Ipod selected Shlomo Carlebach's song. They loved it, thinking it was the radio. Kidding? I chose the music for my long working day. They stayed for a while. She is pregnat of her second child.
They were on the sofa, studying and he made her read the Torah, i think.
I felt totally involved in their Hasidic intimacy. Thanks M&M!
Music is always associated to events of my life. I am able to tell you in which mood i was, what kind of emotion i felt.
Music is an erotic part of my daily life but shhhhh. :-)
Maybe one day, i will be on Lee Ave, singing old Yiddish songs with a guitar. Oh la la! :-)
Enjoy it after the Havdalah, it won't hurt your fragile ears!
And it's a special homage to my H king, thanks for your exceptional support!
You are such a f***ing good Jew! :-)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Emotions, back to devotion… Love

A educated Satmerer, mid-thirties, who hangs out with people from different backgrounds talked to me about his emotions, or the idea of expressing his emotions.
He is not married, not yet, by choice. Should i believe him? :-)
"I 'm single for a few reasons. It's partly due to the arranged marriage structure. This makes it challenging to find a potential mate with similar views, since on the outside everyone is similar. I asn't looking to get married in the community. I was dating on the fringe of the community but didn't tie the knot yet."
He is educated, works in freelance.
He is the second one asking me about my epicurean way of life and how i can reconcile it with my interest in Judaism.
"Epicureanism is the philosophy that there's no higher power that interferes with human life and there's no binding moral authority." In other words, the anarchy of life, morals… Or the enjoyment of all the pleasure Mother Nature gave me: a French palate, keen sense of smell, curves… and to share all those things with good company anywhere on the earth planet at anytime.

Then, we talked about the two big issues of the community: emotion and sex, the interaction of the emotions in the sexual life, the daily life and intelligence. In broader terms, why people are scared of emotions? There is nothing wrong to show them sometimes.
"It's due to the way we are separated to the other sex, and are encouraged to hide emotions, which is different in the broader world." And later: "Too much intensity is harmless. "Nothing in excess", said the oracle"."
His other argument which is true: "But I think women complain in general that men are unemotional."

I asked him to give me an example where he has showed his emotions.
"Well, say your gf goes down on you and you get too excited and you bite her too hard."
I actually thought he was joking.
I sent him the definition of emotion according to the Merriam Webster: a strong feeling (such as love, anger, joy or fear).
"Well, I see. I'm not so emotionally inclined. I like my independence and I find it hard to cry. But I appreciate people who have a more developed nature."
He doesn't date a lot. We will hang out next week and i will be his matchmaker because i don't date.
I hate this word so kitsch. Each time, a guy says he is dating me, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i am in a cold sweat. I dislike deeply the dating scene in outsider and Hasidic/rebel NY. Here, everything is scheduled: you meet, you date, you get engagement, marriage, kids… Booooooooh…
In France: you meet, you kiss, sleep or go back home alone. If you sleep the first night and you have a brunch with friends the day, you can come with the guy… That's not the big deal if you dump him during the dessert.
I have never seen so many guys thinking of the future and being scared of that here. Guys, stop saying: "Ok, i will sleep with you, but i don't want a relationship, commitment, attachment, twins, a dog & a cat…". All these conditions to spend a nice moment with someone and enjoy i is very boring. Let it go! And jump in the water! But the after is another story too apparently: "If i sleep with her twice, she will think blah blah blah."
So, you got the message, i don't date or whatever you call that, despite my emotional potential.

On line 2, i had a conversation with a virgin of 25 years old, very horny. He is from Brooklyn, lives Upstate where he studies and works a little.
He was very persistent to meet me last night at anytime. He was thinking of leaving the community or to explore the outside world a little more. We talked a little on the phone and i warned him to go slowly not like a foolish dog which sniffs everything.
We decided to meet this Saturday before he gets back Upstate until April.
And this morning, he sent me a text: "So I was thinking about it and decided I wanna stay a good religious Jew… So it was really nice talking but maybe it's better if we don't meet."
I replied: "Ok, i understand. What makes you change your mind?"
"Because I know that's the truth and it doesn't worth leaving this life for momentary desires…"
Good boy! :-)
I am pretty sure that the next horny crisis, he will get back to me. I know you virgin guys!
He knows that my door is open if he has any question about my world.

And he has one: "What is it that motivate you every day?…"
I am not going to elaborate all the clichés he told me with the references to American movies which represent for him the real life of the outsiders. He has never been in love and he thinks that my world is a mess of debauchery of all kinds.
I can't blame someone who is so ignorant thinking that all the Hasidic couples are happy, the women are treated like queens and, the guys who are on CL are the most miserable ones. He was on CL too.
GERMANY , Frankfurt, 1961. The Saturday evening (sabbath) religious service in
the new Jewish community. © Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos

Germany , Dusseldorf, 1961 the exterior of the newly built Synagogue.
© Leonard Freed

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

If i was Noah…

I will have a Hasidic boat, Noah will be punk, and all the animals will have a female lover… and peyos.
Some drafts i drew last year for HannuNoah!
Be indulgent! :-)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dog or G-d

I had my first argument with my Hasidic king. What a celebration for his come back in my inbox! :-)
He doesn't like that i say Dog instead of G-d.
I use this term because i don't want to make the H babies upset when i talk about the one they worship a lot. I don't consider G-d as a dog, it's just a scrabble game or whatever you can call that.
I respect the beliefs of each person.
And with my H king, we always end it with a sense of humor.
'Do you think it would me nice of me to call the pope dog to a Christian? Even though I may think it? 
I hope I'm not giving you a hard time :-)))))'
So do you think it? Do you like the pope? :-)
I don't know them personally but i have a big issue with the Vatican and the 2 last popes.
That's why i replied to him: 'For the pope, call him poop! Oups! :-)))'
My dear King, have you been in Rome, smelling the Christianity and Catholicism at each corner of street? I didn't feel well on my way to the Vatican. So many virgin priests and nuns were surrounding me. I dislike the scent of the church incense!
When will they elect an open-minded pope who allows them to have sex? We are at the 21st century. How many fetus have been found out in the basement of the convents? Mischievous
The last pope resigned after all the scandals and i am not going to talk about his childhood in the Nazi Youth… He was German, and John-Paul II was Polish. Someone better?
My dear King, do you think that the Dog's pope is not the one you are worshiping? :-)
Let me know your thoughts in your next emails.

Yesterday i met a photographer who took photos for a project i am working on lately.
I had a better look at his website. And oh my DOG! He took awesome photos of Hasidim.
Have a look!

©I don't know…

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Songs about Dog

Many songs talk about Dog. In Yiddish songs, the majority of them worship Dog.
I chose some secular ones i like for different reasons.

-James Sit Down, 1989
"I hope that God exist, I hope I pray"
I hope without praying.

-Beach Boys God only knows, 1966
"God only knows what I'd be without you"
Dog knows all your secrets, Dog is your confidant…
How do you know that Dog forgives all your sins?

- Sugar Cubes, Deus, 1988
"Deus does not exist.
But if he does, he lives in the sky above me,
In the fattest largest cloud up there.
He is whiter than white and cleaner than clean.
He wants to touch me."
Björk sang it, and later Einer, the other singer sang "He wasn't white and fluffy,
He just had side burns, …"

- The Pogues, If I Should Fall From Grace With God, 1988
"If I should fall…
Where no doctor can relieve me…"

Sex Pistols, God Save The Queen, 1977 (The first year of the Punk movement in England)
"Oh God save history
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid"
Sensitive ears that song is not for you.

-Tricky, Dear God, 1996
A song which describes more what i feel.
"Hope you got the message, and
I pray you can make it better down here
I don't mind a big reduction in the price of beer
But all the people that you made in your image
See them starving on their feet…"

If you want to listen to them for Shabbos, i can whisper them in your ears…
And travel to your place, but shhhh…

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My king is back…

You know how are the H babies: they come, they go, they disappear, they come back…
And yesterday, the first H baby i had so long conversations about anything and everything was back in the picture after one year without leaving a note, an address, a photo, a real name… :-)
I never met him and will probably never meet him, but it doesn't matter, i respect his fear to meet me.
Why i was sad not to have news from him?
He was the first one i talked with.
Then, he comes from an open-minded family, he is curious about other cultures…
He likes the Hasidic way of life and to have outsiders friends.
Sometimes we argue as human beings because of my English and some misunderstandings but we never fought.
He was my consultant, i could ask him many questions when i was puzzled by the Hasidic behavior…
We talk about intimacy too, and that was great!
He always asked me why i came back to him: because i am a faithful friend. I have friends since i was born because they are a part of my family story too. I never forgot them even if i haven't been in touch with some of them during 20 years. Nothing had changed with them when we re talked after all these years. Maybe it's my European background where we make friends for life and death. I am not into shallow friendship. Here the word 'friend' is used at all the sauces.
Why did he disappear? That's our secret, i don't share this information with you. That's easy to guess! :-)

So my dear king, i never forgot you and will never forget you even if you make the choice to disappear once again.
I tried to imagine how you look like. I drew your face this morning.
And if you have the guts to come and see me, i will be very happy.
And if you want to invite me in your place to share a Shabbos meal, i am ready to dress very modestly.
I imagine you with long peyos because you are mischievous. :-)
You mean a lot to me, you know that!

Monday, December 16, 2013


'If only there was one Dog…'. How many times i heard this sentence and it just clicked in my mind the other day.
Sometimes i am so religiously naive and ignorant.
What does it mean 'one Dog'? Really, what is this mess?
Dog has the same name but that's not the same! And Dog did the same thing, namely create the world but that's not the same guy!
The last person who told me that was talking about what we call religious wars.
I never actually believed in religious wars, only in territories wars. That's always better in the plate of the neighbors.
I don't deny fanaticism, especially religious fanaticism but the intentions of the bosses are not religious: power, and money first. They absolutely don't care about the guy who will make a bomb explode somewhere.
What the Christian, Catholic… 's Dog made, make, will make better than the Jewish Dog?
I need help, so guys send me your thoughts. I will post something on CL soon to see what i can read. I am very intrigued.
When i was in Jerusalem, i heard that according to some religious communities, Jesus's body is not in the Holy Sepulchre where his body has been reincarnated. And later, i saw a documentary on Tv, showing where was Jesus's body: another place .
I have been in the Holy Sepulchre, and when i have seen people lying on the Jesus's tomb i ran away fast. I was scared of the devotion and this religious trance that i can't explain to myself.
And because nobody knows what will happen after we die, i always wondered if all these prayers are useful for the after-life.
In everyday life, i don't ask all these questions. If i have to do something, i do it spontaneously. If i want to go to the beach in the middle of the night, i am not going to ask Dog if i can make it, if it's good or not to do it, i will jump in the water.

Is Dog like a psychologist for some of you?
If one day, you eat pork, how will you behave? Waiting Dog's judgment to see if you will die?
Do you also know the punishment?
I asked the rabbi who wrote the Torah For Dummies why the Jews can't eat pork, mussels… He said that for many laws there are not rational explanations: itslikethat.com.
I think when Moses wrote the Torah, he forgot a part of his job: footnotes.
I can understand some Jewish laws for food which are a question of hygiene. But some are a total mystery.

In the main religions, Dog has beard and mustache (so man, you are mine, i am into hirsute faces). Give me a call and i will see what i can do with it. Don't trim it. I like it vintage. :-)
In Islam, we don't know because we are not allow to draw the prophet.
Btw, in my country, a cartoonist drew the prophet and has been sued. In my souvenir, the prophet has a hirsute face too. That was a big scandal that ended well because my dear ex French President that i hated a lot did everything to save the 68 editor (May 68, Red May, you got it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1968_events_in_France) where the drawing has been published, who changed sides by interest.
The Prophet Muhammad is the Moses for the Jews.

That's totally fascinating to see these guys writing such a big book, quite interesting and see the best-sellers they still are. Not only best-sellers but a reference of a way of life for billions of people.
Guys come back, we organize events in all the Barnes & Nobles, i will be on the top list of the guests.

'If only there was one Dog…'. What will it change?
That reminds me a friend of my mother. She was Catholic and a deep believer. She never coped the death of his husband who was his husband, child, lover, affair… and wished everyday she could die to be with him. Love is blind. My mother and her argue all the time about religion and she used to say: 'Dog is good, the human being are bad.' The wars were not a decision of Dog, only human beings. I agree.
Why did Dog never try to stop all these massacres, the Shoah…? What was the aim of Dog to create human beings with a brain? To see them to kill each other? Yes i need answers…

ISRAEL ,Jerusalem 1990 . © Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos

ISRAEL. Beersheba. 1967. Bedouin man and woman. © Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos

My last Yiddish magnet creation

I am learning and teaching Yiddish to my Jewish penguin.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Frozen peyos in Jerusalem

Some photos found online that i like.
My Israeli friends from my childhood who like coming in Paris to enjoy the gray sky must be happy… :-)
Such a devotion to go to the Western Wall that we call in French the Wall of Lamentations.
I put a piece of paper when i was there, i din't remember my wish, but i think it was something about love. :-)

Learning Yiddish with magnets

Who is the responsible person who wrote all these sentences.
I am not working for the MTA: 'If you see something, say nothing!'.

Monday, December 9, 2013

How to find a rabbi who can read my soul?

I asked a friend to help me. He said: 'Post it on Craiglist!'.
I did and i received so many replies.
This is what i posted:
I am looking for a rabbi to help me to understand why i feel Jewish.
I will give you more details later.
If you are good in psychology and/or Jewish psychology… that will be great!

The first one i received was totally inappropriate, someone full of hate, his nickname is 'No':
'Do you like to rip people off, collect food stamps while making §-7 figures off the books every year, do you shower once a month? If so, you just might be a Jew.'
Ok, we are in USA, every one has the right to be what he wants and say what he thinks.
In France, if you insult someone because he is gay, black, Jewish, you can make a complain and go to the court one year later.
So I asked this guy: 'What is your point to be so judgmental?'
His reply: 'White power!'
I elaborated a little with him: the Jews come from Middle East, so it means they are not white. Anyway, i gave up with his ignorance! I don't argue with people except if i have something to save. He believes in Wikipedia which is not always wrong but i remain cautious with their information written by anyone.
If he just has a look in Willy, he can see how pale this community is.

I had replies from rabbis but some disappeared when i letted them know i was half Jewish, feeling deeply Jewish not in a religious way. I will never know if they disappear on purpose or if the CL email addresses bounced their replies and mine. The online world is a mystery.

Many of them were not rabbis, not psychologist either… but they wanted to hear my story.

I didn't find what i wanted but i find something: instead of trying to understand my Jewish feelings, maybe it would be better to learn how a Jewish person feels his Judaism, how is his relationship to Dog…
By their Dog stories i might find a way to get out of my big issue… I want to know who is Dog, who created him, why they always refer to him for everything…
I had the impression that the human beings had no responsibilities of his/her own creations, Dog is behind those ones.

A rabbi told me to check my mother roots. I talked to her recently and she said when she was a little girl, and before the WWII, she looked at this part of the World called Palestine. The only information she could have was from the radio. She might be because of the context of the between the 2 wars. She can't explain me, it has always been in her. If she has Jewish roots, that's not for her grand-parents because Nazis looked at 3 or 4 generations. My grandfather had a current Catalan name.  Something that i have to explore because the Catalans don't consider themselves as Spanish. Was there a Jewish community a long time ago? I don't know so far. With my two names, it's like to look for a needle in a hay stack. I need a second life not to study the Torah but to study the genealogy of my family.

Another one was upset that i didn't talk about myself, i mean age, education, spiritual experiences, journey, married/single/children…
I am here to talk about what i feel. He didn't appreciate i asked for his age. I don't want to talk to someone too young, i need someone who knows as well Judaism and the world of outsiders, someone who has experimented this kind of case. And i prefer to remain anonymous, knowing how many people like gossiping in this community, and i am not into that. 

I had an interesting conversation with a young man, stuck to his unhappy marriage.
'Ok well according to Jewish law you aren't Jewish. Being Jewish according to Jewish law goes fully by the mother. However,  Judaism is still in your DNA and your connection to your father is what's making you feel Jewish. As an example,  I've read numerous stories of men who survived the holocaust and completely dropped religion and brought up their children not telling them they are Jewish and the kids always had this pull inside them towards Judaism and a lot of them converted and became religious. It's something inside you that can not be taken away.

The not believing in god is a separate thing completely. There are plenty of people that are Jewish that call themselves atheists.

The fact that you are even having this discussion should lessen the disturbance. Your talking about the religion that's a huge thing. King David says in psalms "I believe because I speak"

Nothing happens by chance. God plans everything. It's kind of hard to look at the world and not believe. Look at an orange tree. A simple seed creates an entire blossoming tree. Also,  us Jews believe God spoke to 600, 000 of us when he gave us the Torah. If that was a lie or there was no God then by simple probability that lie would have surfaced already.
King David was ONLY talking about God. All psalms are prayers and thanks to God.

God can not be created. If he can then that means there is something more powerful than he which would make him not God. Our minds can not comprehend something that has no concept of time or space. It is only our imagination that portrays him as a king sitting on a throne ruling the world.'
He is 26, mature for his age. We talked about his life, his choice, i mean the acceptation of the choices of his parents. He has already had an affair and wanted me as one too. He was persistent and i have difficulties to make him understand i am not into married men. He made the choice to disappear. I really hope he will find a path of enjoyment.

Below, some interesting replies, and some has nothing to do with sauerkraut (You got this French expression? No, i know there is pork in the sauerkraut)
the torah said a jew converts to Judaism
It is simple if you feel jewish you are Jewish I did a full orthodox conversion made no difference how I felt I felt Jewish from the day i was born and the torah says if you seek Judaism you are already a jew I am glad i did but i found out it was between me and god If you are feeling this then you already feel different then most people and spend a lot o
I've worked amongst plenty of them very closely with two of them... Male and female... Often been confused for a Jew... But I'm not lol.

What's wrong with that?  Most Jewish people I know are sweet... Its the religious crazy talk (no offense) that bugged me... I had the last straw when my ex boss told me dinosaurs were made up and never existed.  I almost fell out of my seat!!!!
Anyway... Yea you may feel Jewish maybe its in you and maybe you need to practice it... I mean I grew up catholic but haven't really practiced it as an adult... I live by most catholic guidelines but I still question the bible at times..  I raise my kids with what the religion taught me although i have not really introduced them to any religion.  Although sometimes I do wonder if I practiced the religion more perhaps things wouldn't be so crappy in life.  I dunno...
Yea... :-)
Hey, the word rabbi is misused a lot. Some jews look like rabbis and are not, some jew do not look but are. I wanna talk to u about this feeling you have! I can surely help guide you..
ok tell me a bit why you feel that way
how old are you
and how long have you felt that way
and send a pic so I can see you
and will go from there ok

The answer is that maybe your family was jewish a ling time ago and they're praying for you that you should become Jewish 
i'm a rabbi, and also a grad student in new york. i enjoy philosophy and psychology very much. and am interested in hearing more about you.
the typical answer for why you feel jewish is bc u have a jewish soul... etc.. but imaginably you're looking for something more tangible.
i'm 27 and modern, not looking to be someone's rabbi, as much as I am in meeting someone new and interesting. I would be glad to put my skill-set to use to foster a new relationship.
tell me about yourself, and if you dont mind please include a picture.   
Believing in something is not something you can prove that's why its called Believing so its not that you make someone to believe
Maybe what you feel is that you like jewish people
actually here is the deal.  Jewish was Jesus.  he was born of a Jewish mother.  does not really matter who the father was.  The disciples, the apostles, St Peter, the whole crew, they were all Jewish.  this means all of Christianity is based on Judaism and that is pretty much it, end of story
I meant to write Jesus was Jewish.  What I don't understand, is that although the Jews [as far back as Isiah 5000 BC] predicted the coming of a messiah. the Jews did not accept their own savior.  The Magi were from 3 non-semitic tribes, Indian, Tunisian and i donot know where the third was from.  The indians predict the coming of a messiah as far back as 6000 BC, so several other religions predicted and accepted Jesus, the Jews did not
You feel jewish?or you feel that there is a god??
I guess you like jews,and the way they live,and you would love to be a part of them,thats why you have those feelings
Our soul/lifeforce yearns to return to its source. The soul/neshama is pure despite its sojourn in this organic realm but aspires to a higher metaphysical level (see Jacob's Ladder) even though it is shackled to the  flesh it animates.
The Torah IS God's thought captured on vellum/parchment.  Torah is a pure metaphysical emanation that can only be truly understood in a transcendental state. Read Psalm 42 and Psalm 119. You thirst to achieve that transcendental state. The closest path to  the true path is Judaism.....
- Your desire can overcome the blocks you experience currently. Have you ever tried meditation or do distractions prevent you from meditating Your fear or spiritual things may be part of the wall that blocks you from the deep religious experiences you desire.  
I’m not a rabbi, but having grownup with orthodox Judaism and also having read books on evolution I can probably give an answer from each point of view. This may not be the best forum for you to find a rabbi though. What’s to stop any dude from saying he is a rabbi just to get into your pants? Most rabbis and shrinks are full of shit anyhow.
Rabbi @ your service
Well why is this night different them all other nites
are you up

I have question why Jewish girls are so horny
(photo of his penis attached, and I admit it was not a bad photo.) :-)
I love having sex for days on meth.
Obviously my erection goes away for a while after I cum, but I can go down for hours!
 Sent from my Kyocera Hydro

money speaks about your commitment

I will post later other replies, i am still in touch with some, and a Baal Teshuva man. That should be interesting. I deleted the post today.

© Leonard Freed