Monday, August 4, 2014

Where are we going?

Straight to a wall?

My Jewish friend, G., called me yesterday after a usual weird text to take the temperature:
- "Sip?*"
- "Sip champagne?"
It was noon, i avoid to drink alcohol during day hours, it makes me tired.
- "Lol"
- "I would love, and being in a jacuzzi surrounding by hairy men. :-)
How are you my Jewish friend?"

G. is worried by my future plans: Paris and Israel. I am too.
I don't feel comfortable to go back to my roots, and the idea to move in in a war country.
I explained him the last events in France, with the experiences of the thugs from the suburbs of Paris.
France is seen like a muslim country. I understand it pretty well.

We need to learn about what is to be a colonialist, that's how we all have built our population.
And then, to understand that an American muslim/Jew is different from a French muslim/Jew, according to his/her up-bringing in a country of different culture.
I was misinformed about the Sephardi Jews, because i was stupidly focused on the French Sephardi.
They have never been my favorite Jews, despite i found out, here, that i was a half one.

We have to understand that to be a colonialist leads to consequences, serious consequences.
To uproot people to make them slaves to do the dirty jobs that we, as white people, don't want to do, what can we expect?
To live on their lands, to treat the natives like shit, what should we have to expect for the future?
The oppressed becomes the oppressor most of the time.

In France, the government sent the French to live in the North African countries: Jews and non Jews.
When i was a child, i used to go to the place of a grandma of one of my friends to learn to read music. She was not Jewish but a pied-noir:
She was adorable with me, but horrible with the cleaning lady who was Arab.
Once, but it was not the first time, she told us that she had been on vacation with her grand-daughter in a club. She met a black woman and her son. She talked with them, but it was impossible for her to sit at the same table than this black woman.
I remember the face of my mom. She asked her for more explanation: the black color of her skin made her uncomfortable. My mom was a little persistent because she didn't understand what was the problem.
Then she gave up, you can't argue with this kind of person.
The Pied-Noirs, especially old generations, have never accepted to have been thrown away from their so-called country, e.g. Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.
Bye bye colonialists!

Why i don't like them, and why i was upset when i found out that i have Sephardi roots?
The second point, i was ignorant till G. talked to me about The French Sephardi who are not like the other Sephardi.
My family has never been colonialist, phew!
I have been raised by my mom with Sephardi roots, who looks like a Ashkenazi (red/ginger hair, blue eyes, and freckles). My father has a dark tan and hazel eyes, he looks like a Sephardi. I am a mix of both of them: light color hair, hazel eyes, white skin with freckles.
The first point: they are very show off, they think that everything is for granted… They have no common sense. They are shady.

G. introduced me to a friend of him, a French Jewish man who teaches in US since a long time.
He told me that he was Ashkenazi, but when i talked to him in French, he had this Pied-Noir accent.
G. and his girlfriend insisted that he was Ashkenazi as he proclaimed. I remained on my position that he lied to them: he is Sephardi. I have the vague souvenir that this man told me that he was from Morocco. Therefore, Sephardi. :-)

The North African Sephardi hate Arabs, they used them.
They are racists.
I like this grand-ma, but we avoided sensitive subjects, because my mom is fiery, and had a big issue with racism.

I have a close Sephardi friend in Paris. I have been in her family in Yerushalayim. When i told her about my Sephardi roots, she said: "You have the profile of an Ashkenazi."
She has Arab friends, because, fortunately, we learn to see people as human beings.

In the history of France, we asked the North Africans to work in France to build our country, to work in car factories, and to do the dirty jobs that the French didn't want to do.
In 1967, a book Elise, or Real Life, by Claire Etcherelli was a scandal.
It's the story of a French woman who comes in Paris and works in a factory where she meets an Algerian whose she falls in love. The story takes place during the Algerian war.
Elise is the witness of racism, and she will live her love story secretly.

What can we expect in return when we behave like jerks to the others?
Nothing good, you are right.

Then, with G. we talked about Israel. He wanted to hear what i have to say.
I am militantly in favor of peace, but i am disturbed and upset.
I am pro-Israel in the sense that Israeli have to defend themselves when they are attacked, after knowing a holocaust.
But, i am totally against all these protests of genocide, slaughtering of all the Arabs, Muslims, Persians and Jews.
I will never be able to understand how you can wake up in the morning, put your tefillin on your forehead, to go to burn someone alive, and to go to bed… like that's the right thing to do according to the Torah or not. Never!

G. is upset by all these things like i am too.
He tried to be a part of Chabad community, and he is sick to see these horrible posts on Internet by this community.
I stopped reading them, i told him.
They are reactionary. I can't stand that!
Many of them support IDF, but they will never go to fight with them. That's against their belief!
Which beliefs? Many times, they forgot the Holy Book. They talked like butchers in a field of white sheep, where they saw all of them like black sheep. They have to die, no matter what. That's disguting and against the 6th commandment.

I said to G., that i can't go for a Shabbos meal in a Chabad family anymore, and hear this kind of speech, i will vomit on the challah.

We jumped on the subject of the Messiah. G. thinks that the Messiah will be a woman: "Men are more evil than women. It can't be a man. It can't be a strength or a big power because Hashem is already that."
He added that all the bad people will be killed, and it will stay only the ones who are peaceful.

His conclusion was: "Listen, go to Australia or another country, forget France and Israel, you are a good rock'n'roll and kinky chick for them!" :-)

Israel and the Arab countries need a real work of introspection.

I am actually wondering where i will immigrate.

*might be Smile In Peace. :-)
Aliyah Kippah, was it a sign or not, i am wondering right now,
July 2014, ©emmarubinstein 
Pure Chassidic Education. I am skeptical about what could be their definition,
July 2014, ©emmarubinstein

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