Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I try to understand this world

I am ashamed of seeing people gloating, and counting points like in a game, each time that a human being is leaving the earth.
War is not a video game!

What happened to think that a human life is worth the price of a peanut?

I don't talk about self-defense, but about this few extremist people from both sides.

They don't understand, especially the extremist Jews, that they work on and feed the hatred of their people in the entire world.
I am not going to post the links of the videos that i have seen, asking for the death of respectable Palestinians, working and having been elected at the Knesset.
I refuse publicity for these people who are totally insane.

I am tired of running to my bathroom like a sick pregnant woman. It has to stop!

We are not the chosen people, as i learned it lately, but the choosing people.
Hashem offered the Book to other people who refused it. The Jews accepted it with all the commandments.
I think that you know the joke about the acceptance of the book by the Jews, with the good news and the bad news by Moses. I like this joke.

I try to understand with my little knowledge of the Torah and Quran, why these people have so much hatred in their heart.
Why some educated people can think of massacres and slaughters of all the Palestinians like a final solution?

I read a lot about the holocaust since i am a teenager, despite some interdictions of my mother who knew that i will burst into tears.
I tried to understand the Nazis's brain.
Why so many people can follow an extremist wave without understanding what it was to kill a Jew, a human being?

Hitler was in a total contradiction: the Jews were working for a better German economy, and he found them useless in the same time.
Hitler wanted a strong Germany. He was very hurt by the defeat of the WWI, and Austria needed to be a part of Germany.
I summarize, but Hitler was a man full of anger and hatred. He didn't have the Jews in mind till he met some people who pointed the focus on the Jews.
Human beings need scape goats: Jews, handicapped people, bohemians and homosexuals. Those were the ones of Hitler.

I found some answers in the book of Jonathan Littel whose i already talked about. Written in French  by a Jewish young American man, based on the life of a Belgian Nazi man. Very well written, and historically very well-documented.

My breakfast book that i am reading to breath and to understand, is Judaism for Idiots by rabbi Benjamin Blech.
We say that the history is repeating all the time, that's true. The destruction of the first and second temple is because of us, Jewish human beings for not having respecting two commandments.
And look at what it's going on!
What's next? Holocaust: done
How will you call this war which is taking place right now?

I don't know if we are aware of the consequences for the next future.
Look at Europe, and this hatred against Jews.
Concerning my country, we have to be more cautious about what i heard from Americans or other people who don't live in France. Never talk in broader terms.
France decided to forbid any protest for the Palestinians. The first reason is that there are people from the suburbs of Paris who live for anarchy.
I know these people, and how to talk to them. They are what they call in England: hooligans. Most of them are from North Africa, and born in France. Their parents don't care about them. They deserted school early in age, therefore they are not able to read and write correctly.
I don't blame them, but i don't encourage their behavior and acts. They are in the age to understand things, and to take responsibilities of their life.
I have always been gentle with them, and they were glad that i didn't reject them.
They are muslims but they don't know what it means as they don't know what it is to be Jewish either.
You have other people who are against the Jews by principle, brainwashed by their friends, the islamist intellectuals. These ones are dangerous, knowing how to indoctrinate, manipulate and flatter the ego of these lost souls, and to make them more confident.
I read lately that Europe has opened a sort of rehab centers to help these people who are in terrorist cults to let them understand where their life will end if they stay in the cult: death. They can change their destiny if they want.

And if we are the choosing people, why forget the Book?

Yesterday a Jewish friend made a joke about the Hamas: "Hamas means Hummus".
I replied to him: "Hummus is good, Hamas is bad!"

With my Jewish friend of 65 years old, we decided to go and breath at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and we bumped into this old Hasidic couple, arm in arm. Can you believe that? I smiled at them. They were surprised. I wanted to hug them so much.
She too hates this war, and she used to live in Israel. She was there during a war. She had to get out of the bus many times, when rockets were sent to Israel.
I enjoy walking in this garden, you can see Muslims, and Hasidim, and not to feel hatred between them. They are there for the nature, that's it.
Lovely holy Hasidic couple, BBG, July 2014 ©emmarubinstein
Can we see more pictures like that?
screen shot on Instagram, ©all rights reserved

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