Friday, June 13, 2014

Jürgen Schadeberg, photographer

I am on a lethargic planet, invaded by laziness, and procrastination.
I was too stressed mentally and now i am paying the bill. I am sick physically and in a sort of bad mood. :-)
I hate myself when i am like that. A desire of slapping faces because i am impatient. I decided to save my energy and spend my time to do things that i like and to avoid meeting people.

Jewrotica asked me for illustrating a new poem that i wrote with a divorced Hasidic. You will see it soon. 
But i post below the link of an illustration i made for them for a poem, not written by me:
It's Shabbos, so it's time to relax and to have entertainment too. :-)

©emmarubinstein for Jewrotica, 2014.

Tonight, i will go to the service. I won't take my phone, just music in my ears… I will take it easy and will have a stroll rather than to take this awful subway!
I like Eastern Parkway, meeting the Hasidim who will do the same in the opposite direction than mine. Tonight i will be reformist, not 770-ist. :-)

daven in the subway, line 3, crown heights ©emmarubinstein, 2014.

I downloaded around 35 Jewish applications to learn more and more, even the ones for kids. I am a Jewish kid who is going to a Yeshiva. :-)

I found this beautiful story and amazing photos by this man, Jürgen Schadeberg. He was born in Germany, too young to leave it when the Nazis threatened it to be a rebel child.
But later, he left to rejoin his mother in South Africa. Bad times for this country too, but what he said about my brothers and sisters is delightful.
"Some Afrikaners he met were glad to discover he was German. They even confessed to him how they were saddened by Hitler's loss. Not surprisingly, he also learned that the most outspoken white opponents to apartheid were Jewish immigrants from Germany and Eastern Europe."
Please read this article:
The photos are not of Jewish people from this country, but black people. You can have a look for your own culture! :-)

A song, a French one, on Yiddish melody reb Dovid'I, sung by Renée Lebas
"Put the needle my daughter", so laï laï laï

Shabbos shalom!

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