Thursday, August 8, 2013

A confusing meeting

Yesterday just before starting the closing, a Jewish man in his 50s came.
He was born in USA, traveled a lot in Europe, and used to live in Italy during 8 years. He spent time in France, Vienna… too.
The conversation was very interesting about WWII stories with the Marshal Pétain (étain), a rabbi, the pope… Or how to survive and save people for his own interest. He told me that Pétain was not anti-semitic. But i just found that article in the NYT:
He was anti-semitic for sure. Maybe he saved some Jews by giving them passports to go to Spain, but it absolutely doesn't excuse what he did during his Vichy governance.
I can't report all the details about these stories he told me.

We talked about Jewishness because he started to tell me that i have a Jewish soul.
One day i met a woman in her 60s, born and raised Catholic. She got converted Jewish and was from Chabad. She was wearing casual clothes, didn't wear wig but eating Kosher. She was a little crazy. She told me she didn't believe in Dog. She felt close to Jewish religion but she didn't want me to tell to anyone she was born Catholic. The man said she was fake and also stupid to act like that.
This man told me that if i wanted to get converted, Chabad will make a sort of investigation to check if i have Jewish family.
I told him that i didn't believe in Dog, he replied: 'Me neither'. Did he break some Shabbos? He didn't want to tell me so i could imagine whatever and, later he said that when he used to live in Rome, he forgot sometimes there was already Friday night. The Hasidic community in Rome doesn't live in community like in NY. His ex wife was from Argentina and they lived besides Klaus Barbie, the butcher of Lyon (
He thought that i probably believed in Dog. I will believe in Dog if he talks to me in person. Maybe he already did, the man said. :-)
He doesn't believe in Dog but he believes in a creator, he doesn't want to hear about the scientific theory of the world creation. That's fine! The theory of evolution by Darwin? Neither he does.
He said he came from Adam not a monkey like black people. Whaaaaaaat?
That's totally racist to say that. He agreed he was racist. A trauma as a kid with black kids since his childhood as he said. Come on man, there were kids. Kids are so cruel.

A hasidic young man was outside and he wanted to make a bet with money he was not from Chabad. Money for a bet? No way! I only bet a bottle of French champagne or something quirky.

He showed me a video from 1989 when the ex Messiah of Chabad blessed him with one dollar.
He was on his way to Vienna for business.
He showed me too some photos of his grandchild who lives in California. Her daughter had a scarf on her hair so i asked if she wore a wig. He didn't know. He will go to California soon to meet her. What's wrong with his daughter?
Or is it something that i always noticed in NY? People say they are friends since 15 years but they don't know each other. They don't know if they are kids, how they live… but they are very good friends. What do you talk about with your friends? The weather, at what you have been to the gym…? :-)

He doesn't want to look like Hasidic but he was proud when i said he looked like Jewish. :-)
That was so obvious he was Hasidic with his black pants and tee-shirt.
And after, i saw the fringes.

Finally, the young man went away, so we didn't know if he was right or not.

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