Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A very long day for my H babies

Yes, guys, i get it!
I can hear your stomach growling. :-)
Don't complain, that's not like the Ramadan!
That's pretty hard to impose yourself a long day of fast!
Look at the positive side! I am jealous!
I would love to stay in bed late in the morning, to read, to think of nothing and everything, to shower and maybe swallow some drops discreetly…
You don't have to work, you can email with the shiksa until the sundown where i will disappear from your mind. You will be focus on your plate eating like a cow…
Some were in a very bad mood during the fast, some broke it because they decided to do it.
They don't like these three weeks of mourning, but they like the idea being on vacation Upstate and swimming in lakes…
So stop complaining and give me your frumness for these three weeks… I will honor it, thanks!

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