Thursday, June 13, 2013

A childlish behavior

I started to save in Word files all the conversations i had with H babies.
I started by the first one i had very long emails.
I re read some, but i actually read them with more attention to copy some comments he said to me about his community. As he repeated me many times: it's his own opinion…

But today, i will post some emails of one man in his late 50s who was very childish.
He has a huge sense of humor and a real lack of culture.
It doesn't bother me indeed, because what i like when i meet new people is to exchange ideas, culture…
I am novice in Judaism culture, and there are so many things to learn with their huge history in this world…

He is very religious, he spends his time to study, pray, work (sorry, Dog is working for him, he is just the assistant). :-)
He has a discipline and follows the rules. I am not going to say from which sect he is, and no more details.

Here some emails we traded before meeting after more than 1,000 emails:
- Me: '…if you come over right now with croissants… :-)'
- Him: '… So what do you mean by croissants. ?'
- Him: 'May papa bless you with a lots of luck and with  lots of health and wealth.'
- Him: 'You know the funny part I don't know your name. Lol And I am in love with you lol'
- Me: 'In French education, we say ladies first, but it's not polite to ask a lady his age. :-))))
What is your age? :-))))))))))'
- Him: 'If I am going to tell you. You will probably stop emailing me.  U tell me what's your age limit For you to meet a guy ?'
- Me: 'Amongst my Hasidic friends, all age: 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 40…
I met the ones who is 20, 24 & 30 and i will meet the one who is 40
So i have conversation with Hasidic brains…

Do you really want to meet me?
I met 2 guys with peyos and tzitzit in public place and we hugged…

- Him: 'I am going to tell you but I might as well tell you goodbye. I don't think I will ever hear from you again. I am 5'7 height. Green eyes. And here we have the punch line. I am in my fifty's.  But I still love you. I wish you all the luck in the world May papa Grant you all your wishes.'
- Him: 'Are you kidding don't say goodbye To me. I just figured I might be too old for you. Are you kidding I wouldn't wanna let you go For no money in the world. You became my inspiration. I would really wanna have a relationship with you. If its okay by you.'

I don't know how i can call his behavior: immaturity, lack of outsider culture…
He is not the only ones. Many of them i talked with had the same kind of behavior for anything…

I am intrigued to meet an ex H baby who left the community a long time ago.
I would like to know if he is still involved in his own Jewishness.
I am intrigued too to meet someone in his 60s or 70s who has always lived a double life with outsiders. Not easy to find, i am not sure they are on Craiglist. According to their age, they could be the survivors themselves.

What will be the life of the 'rebel' ones i talked to in 20 years, 30 years: they will become more religious, they will leave the community, they will still leave a double life…? More depressed?

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