Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Satmar versus Chabad

What does it mean?
Very strict versus less strict?
Less open-minded versus more open-minded?
In France, we have many Lubavitch and i can tell you that they are absolutely not open-minded.
And if you look closer here, they are not so open-minded too. They come to you more easily and try to get converted you. Ok, i can exaggerate, but women has to be more modest than the men. They are separate in the shul from the men.
I met a few and most of them were badly brought up compares to Satmerers. They have a real lack of courtesy and tactfulness. It's exactly what i heard about Israeli. When i have been there, i didn't notice that. I just remember they didn't want to reply to my questions. I have been there when Arafat had to go to hospital in France, when Bush was reelected and at the beginning of the ramadan. 
Every night, i heard fires in the seven hills and i asked what it was: silence and ignorance…
I asked why the price of the Converse was so cheap: silence and ignorance…
At the beginning, I thought Chabad was bigger than Satmar because Crown Heights is a bigger area than Willy. And i found out all the cities Upstate inhabited by the strictest sects. I have to go to Kyrias Joel to take a Hasidic bath.
I met a French Lubavitch here, young, virgin. His French writing is very bad that we have to write in English. When he speaks French, that's fine.
I met him a couple of times, he needed help that i could not provide.
And unfortunately for him, he met friends of mine and lied to them about his name, age, his marital status, his belonging to the sect. He talked about me and my friend pretended that they didn't know me to hear what he had to say about me.
Apparently as a virgin, but he was married that night, i wanted to sleep with him and write to his wife to tell her everything about us. Totally meshuga!
But a few days before he met my friends, he stalked me by text to let him sleep in my place for Christmas because he has no place to sleep, except his car. Nu nu nu!
I exactly knew what he wanted, his sexual hormones were teasing him and i will be a nice shiksa to help him.
I decided not to give him attention, ignoring all his last messages. I don't want to argue with him about what i know. I argue now if i have a sort of friendship to save… That's not the case with him. He disappointed me a lot.
The funniest thing with him was his French accent. He has been raised in Canada but his accent is from the suburbs of Paris, a racaille accent. If you know some French hip hop like NTM (means Nique Ta Mère = Fuck Your Mother), you might understand better what i am talking about).

Last year, i met three French Chabad in the subway in NY and i talked to them. The H babies in the same car than us, looked at us and were amazed that we have a relaxing conversation. I don't know if it was the context to be French in a foreign country that made them more open-minded or…
I am not saying that all the Chabad are rude, absolutely not…

I will talk soon about the insults i received, especially from a schizo/bipolar… whatever… H baby.
To end, some polaroids i took from Israel, shalom! Miss it!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A very long day for my H babies

Yes, guys, i get it!
I can hear your stomach growling. :-)
Don't complain, that's not like the Ramadan!
That's pretty hard to impose yourself a long day of fast!
Look at the positive side! I am jealous!
I would love to stay in bed late in the morning, to read, to think of nothing and everything, to shower and maybe swallow some drops discreetly…
You don't have to work, you can email with the shiksa until the sundown where i will disappear from your mind. You will be focus on your plate eating like a cow…
Some were in a very bad mood during the fast, some broke it because they decided to do it.
They don't like these three weeks of mourning, but they like the idea being on vacation Upstate and swimming in lakes…
So stop complaining and give me your frumness for these three weeks… I will honor it, thanks!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cracow/Paris Shabbos

An old photo of a Cracow street. I have been there in 1996. I visited the old ghetto…
I found Warsaw more charming than Cracow, less touristic and i spent a very nice time there.
And one from a street in Paris. Rue des Rosiers?
Shabbos shalom!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Old photos, drawings and movie

Dunaszerdahely, Hungary, Winter 1935, Yeshiva students

Gateshead, England Yeshiva in the early 1930s

Nemetkeresztur, Hungary, A group of students of the "Tzahalim" Yeshiva

Paks, Hungary, 1936, Yeshiva students

Piestany, Czechoslovakia, Rabbi Issachar Shlomo Teichtal, the Eim HaBanim Semeicha, with student

Polish Council of Rabbis (undated but before WW2)

Pressburg Yeshiva , 1931

Satmar Rebbe in Israel, 1959

Surany, Slovakia yeshiva students, Summer 1932

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, circa 1930

The Mir Yeshiva after it escaped to Shanghai

Zbaszyn, Poland, a group of refugee rabbis, 3-6-1939

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A childlish behavior

I started to save in Word files all the conversations i had with H babies.
I started by the first one i had very long emails.
I re read some, but i actually read them with more attention to copy some comments he said to me about his community. As he repeated me many times: it's his own opinion…

But today, i will post some emails of one man in his late 50s who was very childish.
He has a huge sense of humor and a real lack of culture.
It doesn't bother me indeed, because what i like when i meet new people is to exchange ideas, culture…
I am novice in Judaism culture, and there are so many things to learn with their huge history in this world…

He is very religious, he spends his time to study, pray, work (sorry, Dog is working for him, he is just the assistant). :-)
He has a discipline and follows the rules. I am not going to say from which sect he is, and no more details.

Here some emails we traded before meeting after more than 1,000 emails:
- Me: '…if you come over right now with croissants… :-)'
- Him: '… So what do you mean by croissants. ?'
- Him: 'May papa bless you with a lots of luck and with  lots of health and wealth.'
- Him: 'You know the funny part I don't know your name. Lol And I am in love with you lol'
- Me: 'In French education, we say ladies first, but it's not polite to ask a lady his age. :-))))
What is your age? :-))))))))))'
- Him: 'If I am going to tell you. You will probably stop emailing me.  U tell me what's your age limit For you to meet a guy ?'
- Me: 'Amongst my Hasidic friends, all age: 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 40…
I met the ones who is 20, 24 & 30 and i will meet the one who is 40
So i have conversation with Hasidic brains…

Do you really want to meet me?
I met 2 guys with peyos and tzitzit in public place and we hugged…

- Him: 'I am going to tell you but I might as well tell you goodbye. I don't think I will ever hear from you again. I am 5'7 height. Green eyes. And here we have the punch line. I am in my fifty's.  But I still love you. I wish you all the luck in the world May papa Grant you all your wishes.'
- Him: 'Are you kidding don't say goodbye To me. I just figured I might be too old for you. Are you kidding I wouldn't wanna let you go For no money in the world. You became my inspiration. I would really wanna have a relationship with you. If its okay by you.'

I don't know how i can call his behavior: immaturity, lack of outsider culture…
He is not the only ones. Many of them i talked with had the same kind of behavior for anything…

I am intrigued to meet an ex H baby who left the community a long time ago.
I would like to know if he is still involved in his own Jewishness.
I am intrigued too to meet someone in his 60s or 70s who has always lived a double life with outsiders. Not easy to find, i am not sure they are on Craiglist. According to their age, they could be the survivors themselves.

What will be the life of the 'rebel' ones i talked to in 20 years, 30 years: they will become more religious, they will leave the community, they will still leave a double life…? More depressed?

Monday, June 10, 2013


I asked my best H friend why he always says that i am Jewish and also why he thinks i believe in Dog.
His reply: 'Simple answer cuz u can't get away from it, your heart is longing to Jews and u are smart and u believe in god u just want black and white proof that god should write to you but remember u won't believe that god wrote it so its just a round ball that u don't want to grip but after all u have a tight grip on it, u just simply believe in GOD!!! :-))))'
Do you think i am satisfied by his reply? Nope!
That's true that i expect a letter from Dog as kids expect one from Santa Claus!
Indeed Dog will find some time to write to me. I don't want a letter, i want to shake his/her hands, and if i have a good feeling, maybe, we can hug.
I talked with black ladies, early in the morning on Sunday, waiting for the bus.
They thought i was on my way to the church. I just reply that i don't go to the church. They laugh.
I love the way they dress up on Sunday, their perfume or Cologne water.
One smelt very good and i asked her for the name of her perfume. It was an oil.
The ride in the bus is always a pleasure: i imagine myself in New Orleans in old times, surrounding by the cotton fields. That's another Brooklyn each Sunday.

Now, some photos i found on Internet after the Orthodox protest yesterday.

A H friends sent me some photos and one of them shows a goy among H babies in a subway car. I laugh by advance if it has been a shiksa instead of this shegetz. I can't post his photo.
I don't really like the photos with the clothes and the yellow star. That's absolutely not funny. Especially when some kids wear these clothes. Did you forget that 6 millions of your brothers have been killed.
It's like the movie by Roberto Bengnini 'Life is Beautiful' where he showed the life in Nazi camps with fun. That was not funny and all my Jewish friends hated this movie, me too.
Btw, this movie trailer is not good.

Some other photos with a certain holy serenity.