Friday, December 26, 2014

Batsheva Dance Company

It has been three years that i wasn't back in Paris for the holidays.
The last two years i spent Christmas on my bed, doing nothing, taking care of me, because i never liked celebrating those holidays.
My mom doesn't celebrate either in a religious way but in a table way: those days, she spends more time to eat all the things she want.
That's only a state of mind.

Usually, we like to go and watch a show.
We like the Palais de Chaillot where you have an amazing view on my beloved Eiffel Tower.
That theater offers good shows.

And yesterday, that was a good one.
We both like dance and Jews.
Thus, the Batsheva Dance Company was for us.

I only watched a trailer, and read nothing about them.
Before the show, i read the program and one thing caught my attention: Hasidism.
The show starts with all the dancers (men and women) wearing Lubavitch clothes and dancing frenetically until they start to undress. But one of them don't do it.
If you are familiar with the Hasidic culture, you understand that those Lubavitch are praying. I didn't catch all the gesture of their davening, but you understand the purpose.
The music is amazing, and some of you will recognize the Echad Mi Yohea, in a rock version.

Then, later, they are back. They go in the audience to drop some of it off on the stage and dance with them.
Yesterday, they only chose women with colored and flowers printed clothes. The youngest one was in her thirties, the other ones were in their 50s.
There were about 15 women on the stage.
My mom didn't understand the symbolic: Lubavitch men are not allowed to dance with women in public places. On the stage, they danced very tight, and they hugged.

These are some links with different interpretations of the opening scene, and one link with the entire show, a little different from what i have seen, but totally delightful!

They were in October at the BAM, Brooklyn.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Hanukkah miracles: falafel or bagel

You have understood that i am a real solivagant in this world.
There are women and there are men.
We are supposed to be with someone unique but you know how hard it is to find the best match ever.
We are supposed to be one

I learned from the rabbi who is teaching me Hebrew that it's written in a Hebrew word.

The word אהבה which means love is associated to a number.
א = 1
ה = 5
ב = 2
ה = 5
The total is 13 for a man and the same for a woman.
You add them together, you have 26.
26 is the letter Alef, א when you count graphically.
There are two Yod and one Vav.
And it's also the number 1. Love is one! 

Ah the miracle of love!

I enjoyed all these evenings organized by the Beth Lubavitch.
I didn't expect any miracles.

But i met an un-miracle.
I met a stalker. 
That was at the Eiffel Tower, and why me? :-)
He is a Sephardi Jew, not Hasidic.
He likes the Lubavitch community to enjoy free parties and meals.
That's one of the point that i don't want to hear.
The second point is that he lied.
He said that he was in sort of getting divorced, still having his wedding ring.
He was very persistent to have a coffee right now: no way.
Let me enjoy the Lubavitch party at the Eiffel Tower!
He didn't want to give me his phone number first, keeping the chance to call me first.
He asked me if i was Sephardic or Ashkenazic, blah blah blah…: Ashkenazic.

He offered me to go and eat a falafel after Shabbos.
We agree that after Shabbos means Saturday evening.
I have been clear with him that it will be better to meet later after Shabbos.
Do you offer to eat a falafel to a Ashkenazic? Man, i am a bagel woman!

He had to go, that was perfect and i wanted to enjoy that moment, without him.
He was not a tube of glue but a tube of super-glue.

Is it a mistake to give your real phone number? No.
The day after, once i powered on my phone, i already had 2 messages.
That was the falafel lunch! He is not Asian, thus he has notion of time.

Ten attempts to contact me during 3 hours. I muted my phone.
I never picked up his calls and replied to his texts.
He is worse than the Hasidic stalkers that i met.

I was disturbed because i didn't want to meet him yesterday for the last lighting of Hanukkah on the Opera place. I had to disguise myself to look anonymous. 
The luck that i had, was that it started at the same time that he finished to work.

I wanted to enjoy the last lighting as a solivagant.
I didn't bump into him.
I would like to go to a Lubavitch Shabbos meal on the Champs-Elysées, but now that he told me that he is going, i can't. That's frustrating. I can't actually go there, disguised myself, they will think that i am totally meshuga. :-) Or i can wait for Purim!

Yesterday, that was meshuga, and a few women danced in circle. Mazeltov girls, you rocked!

So enjoy the last one, and watch out with the psychopaths. :-)

I missed the candles. 
Someone can tell me if it is a sin to light them on sometimes please.
I like the last blessing which says that those candles can't be used for something else, only to look at them. They brought me shalom during one hour and half. 
That's how we took the Opéra, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
Lights on, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Happy hirsute Hanukkah, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein 
The candles giver, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Place de l'Opéra, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
Windy beard, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Telling secrets, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
The daveners facing the Opéra, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Monday, December 22, 2014

Magic Hanukkah: day 6

I had a class about Hanukkah two weeks ago.
There were my teacher, a rabbi and the rabbi's wife.
What are the two teachings of rabbi Chamaï and Hillel?
The first one made the choice to light all the candles the first night, the second one made the choice to add one candle each night of Hanukkah.
And you? Are you more a Chamaï-ist or a Hillel-ist?
Most of Jews follow the Hillel teaching.
I too chose Hillel.
One is going to the darkness in a certain way, the other is going to the light, thus to the sacral, the holiness.
According to physic laws, the light comes from the darkness.

Yesterday the Beth Lubavitch chose to light the menorah at the Eiffel Tower.
Why did they choose this place?
The Eiffel Tower is on the Champ-de-Mars where the Ecole Militaire is. That's where Alfred Dreyfus was degraded.
That was a big Jewish party with lots of VIP. Amongst them, the rabbi of France, the rabbi of the Consistories, the mayor of Paris, and the ambassador of Israel…
One rabbi told something very fair and important: despite all our woes, we never had grudge against the Egyptians, the Polish, the Germans… What Jews want is to do what they have to do and enjoy life which is a gift of Hashem. We don't forget, but we keep on having hope.

You can apply that to the current life. Have you noticed that people who are boring in their life, like bothering people who follow their road quietly? I have so many examples in my professional and personal life.

What impresses me is that the Jews never decided to go to war spontaneously. They waited for being attacked. The only thing which changed is, with the creation of Israel, they decided to defend themselves.
Many of them during the WWII could not believe that people were so horrible to exterminate them.
Some survivors explained to their family and friends to run away as fast as they could. Many Jews didn't believe them, and we know the end.
The trust in good was fatale. That's their hope in life. That's annoying for the others who want bad for us.

Now let's enjoy the Hasidic party!

Under La Grande Dame, under the dome, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
Eiffel Tower and Menorah, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

The ecstasy of a sufganiyot, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein 
The licking of a sufganiyot, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Two rabbis and the love of a father, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein 
The menorah car drivers, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Time for davening turning their back to Yerushalayim and looking at the Eiffel Tower,
December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
Eating, what we call in French a "beard of daddy", December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hanukkah Day 5: place du châtelet

It was raining cats and dogs during the speech and the lighting and suddenly He decided to stop the rain.
But the ambiance was slower.
I still enjoy the show of those old men who took the dance-floor first.
In the city of lights, their love for Hashem remains deep. :-)
In the background, the Conciergerie with the light of a boat on the river  on it,
December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein 
Satmar tzedakah, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
Clap your hands and say dance, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

A child carrying a Menorah on his back, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
The brothers carrying a Menorah on his back, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein
The bartender offering vodka, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Tzedakah, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein 
Slow dance, December 2014/5775, ©emmarubinstein

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Menorah Day: we took the Bastille

Second night of Hanukkah on place de la Bastille.
Whiskey free, lot of Joie de Vivre!
Menorah Bastille Day, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein 
On his way to the Miracle of Lights, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Menorah Bastille Day, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Free Whiskey, L'chaim, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Ah peyos tzedakah, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Hasidic or hipster?, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Photographing famous rabbis, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein
The spirit of Charly Buttons from Crown Heights was there, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

The waltz of the tzitzit…

In the middle, the rabbi of the shul of rue de la Roquette, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein 
Meshuga Hasidic dance, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hanukkah in the city of love/lights_Day 1

Place de la République.
Chabad organized an evening like they do it in Crown Heights.
I was there, enjoying the dances, and frustrated not to dance with them.
Someone will be nice enough to bring tonight a מחיצה please? Thanks!
Some photos and videos of the meshuganess that i love so much.
Once the music starts, they start dancing.
Once the music stops, they keep on dancing and singing!
See you tonight!
I lighted the Menorah before leaving, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Place de la République, Paris 11ème, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Let's dance, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Tzedakah, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Joie de vivre in the city of love and lights, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Secrets, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Young Lubavitch with a thin mustache, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Serious conversation and dancers in the background, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Time to go back home, December 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

French Lubavitch Joie de vivre _part 2

Not a lot to say about this evening.
That was the Youd Teth Kislev 5775.
Music and speeches of rabbis of French cities…
Let's enjoy the show!
Next year, if i am still in Paris, i will be on the dance-floor, no matter what! :-)
Inside the Cirque d'Hiver, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Time to hide the kippah, Cirque d'Hiver, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Tzedakah, Cirque d'Hiver, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Outside the Cirque d'Hiver, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
A Lubavirch followed by a Christmas tree, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Behind doors, Cirque d'Hiver, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Outside the Cirque d'Hiver, a field of black hats, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Blurred beard, Cirque d'Hiver, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein

A little of Crown Heights in the Parisian subway, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Going back home, Parisian subway, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
Going back home, Parisian subway, december 2014, ©emmarubinstein
La Marseillaise to end…