Sunday, November 30, 2014

2004 not 1994

First steps in the Holy Land!
First meeting with a tefilin at the Western Wall.
Western Wall, men section, 2004, ©emmarubinstein
I jumped on a chair to look at the men section.
If i have been alone, i would stay hours. :-)
And i will be alone this time, and will do what i want, as usual.
I watched the documentary Odessa, Odessa, and it's about Jewish Russians. The ones who have immigrated in Israel said: "Here (in Israel), you are not Jewish, you are Russian, American, French…"

Whatever your religion or non religion, you can't be hermetic to the Holy Land.
I stayed in the cousin's place of my friend. After 20 years that he was living in Yerushalayim, he said that he still had the impression that he will see a man on a horse riding in the old streets of the city.
Once you have been there, you never came back the same.

I found a room not too far where he lived. It was not deliberately. I wanted to have on my way to the center the Cinémathèque. The view i had for my first dinner there was so delightful. The sound of the city was very particular.
View on the 7 hills of Yerushalayim. In the background: the wall of separation,
Judea desert, West Bank. 2004, ©emmarubinstein

What is it better to listen to Shlomo Carlbach, when i have a look at my photos of 1994?
"They came to the Holy Land
We built the Holy Temple
To sing the songs of Shabbos…
Back to Yerushalayim
To sing the songs of Shabbos…"

My mom will ask me for bringing her back something: sand of Israel. :-)
On my way to the Dead Sea, through the Western Bank,
written in French s'il vous plaît !
2004, ©emmarubinstein

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