Thursday, November 20, 2014

World War III

I am totally traumatized by what happened two days ago in Yerushalayim.
The unexpected images of the massacre came to my eyes, and since that, the first night, i couldn't sleep, last night, i had a nightmare.
Red is my favorite color, but blood is not.

B110, bus from Williamsburg to Boro Park, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein

I can't stand guns.
Don't invite me if you have guns, big knives, snakes in your place, i will be the most horrible host. I will scream at night, thinking that there are snakes in my bed…

I was invited for a private show of a new movie. I didn't know what the movie was about.
But i guessed it when i had to walk to the theater. The path for handicaps to come inside the theater had a large blood trail.
I chose the stairs. And when i was walking, i understood that during the show, the audience might be killed.
What made me wake up was the real pain in my legs when something freaks me out during nightmares.

This morning, i read this article in The Times of Israel. I am not the only one to be emotionally moved by these events.
I don't understand what kind of pleasure, people took to post these images.
To do it, feeds the joy of terrorists.
And also, that's totally disrespectful for the families.
Can you imagine if it arrives to someone from your family. Do you want to see images of them like that?
That makes me sick!
Joie de vivre in Crown Heights, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Yesterday, i had a conversation with my mom.
She said that many French think that there will be a third World War. It will come from the Middle-East.
I heard from some French Jewish friends that they want to get rid of the terrorists as we did of the Nazis.

It is how it started: 1929 financial crisis in the worldwide. Then, the war.
My mom said that we are too many on earth.
But we have enough food to feed everyone, so i don't think that this is the main problem.

I could not imagine Paris, once again, attacked.

But i imagined what will be this new war: USA against Russia.
The reason: the pursuit of the black gold where these two countries don't care of the civilians by targeting them insanely.
Even if the Cold War is ended in the history books, it's not the end in reality.
The next American President will be probably a Republican, and he will love to go to war.

Who sell guns mainly? USA and Russia.
Behind all those wars, we know pretty well who are the governors.
Those countries like terrorism, and use it to be elected.
Rosh Hashanah 5775 in Williamsburg, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein

Afghanistan in the 90s: USA sold weapons to the Taliban to fight against the Russians.
Then, September 2001: USA fought against the Taliban, and sold weapons to their opponents.

What about now?
Afghanistan: not done
Irak: worse and worse
Syria: USA blamed Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria. Now, they fight with him against ISIS. This man is a criminal.

My mom said that it has to explode, to find back the serenity of the after WWII.
She wondered how she was still alive with all the bombs around her.
When they heard the alarm bell, she was running in the trench lines with her cat in her arms.

But the danger will come from Iran: they have the nuclear bomb.

Which places will be safe in the next future?
South America, Hong Kong…?

Can we define the priorities of living in a quiet country?
Vegetius said: "Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum*", translated in other Latin words by: "Si vis pacem, para bellum.*" ("If you want peace, prepare for war").

We have all the weapons to destroy the entire earth, where is the peace?

My mom imagined people fighting in the streets of Paris: who with who? The French against the immigrants?

You, who read this blog, and live around the globe, how do you feel this current world?
Do you see a solution to calm the things down?
Do you feel a WWIII coming soon?

In the 80s, when Paris was under fire with terrorists attacks in the subway and the street, the French used to say that there won't be a new war, but the new war was the terrorism.
Here we are, more than ever.

I don't feel the anti-Jews in Paris. I don't wear my Magen David.
My peaceful moments with my brothers, sorry my sisters, are during the Hebrew classes and the following classes where we study the Torah by understanding the meaning of the Hebrew in the text.
I like the teacher a lot, a woman, Ashkenazi. Most of the students are Sephardic.
What i love the most is her huge knowledge of Judaism and the different sects. She explained us the candles for Shabbos.
She said a story: if you are lost somewhere and you can't see the 3 stars to start Shabbos, that will be fine: you count till 7, and at 7 it will be Shabbos.
Hashem gave us this world, and now it's our turn to do something with it. It's like a recipe, we have all the ingredients, and we have to follow the recipe.

Shabbos became a verb, an action: we say "to make Shabbos" like "to break Shabbos".
In the Torah, Shabbos is conjugated.
In the Lubaba sect, they add candles for the children. I saw that, but my little knowledge of the different sects made me confused.

In two months, i will be in Israel for a month, and i am a little scared.
NY made me paranoid for some reasons. That's better since i am back to my roots.
I can't wait for meeting my friends in the kibbutz to have great intellectual conversations. They are intellectual hippies. She is a sort of hoarder. Her shelves are full of books and many things that she kept.
Prescriptio_n in Williamsburg, September 2014, ©emmarubinstein

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