Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Movie: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

I don't understand this kind of movie. After having watched it, i googled it because it's based on a book by John Boyne, an Irish writer.

So, then?
Why i didn't understand this kind of story?
First, WWII was such an horrible thing, so we don't need to add drama where there was not drama, to invent a stupid story like that.
Second, it's the story of a German boy of 8 years old who meets a Jewish boy in a camp and thinks that he wears pajamas. 8 years old and he doesn't understand that this boy is a prisoner? Either he is stupid, either he is not 8 years old, or he lives in denial. Kids are very sensitive and feel more than we think. As all the psychologists agree, everything starts when you are toddler. Kids ask questions once they can talk easily.
Third, the drama is in a German family. Did he try to make me believe in a sort of redemption for all the crimes against humanity? The father is the director of a camp like Auschwitz, his wife is a sort of rebel. Who can believe that?
Then, historically, there are mistakes: a little Jewish boy who can come and do nothing in a camp, just sitting and talking to another boy through the fence… It never happened…
The children were the first ones to be killed with women. Apparently, a few of them were used when they were strong enough to do hard work.
In the background, you can see men building barracks. They never finished them during all the movie. Weird! :-)

The German family: a boy and a girl of 12 years old. The teacher said that the boy is a sort of Dora explorer. He is curious about the 'farmers' who work besides his house wearing pajamas. Kidding?
The mother (Vera Farmiga), can't stand that they burn people. Really? It smells very bad? The extermination has a smell. And this smell is still there, in Auschwitz, i smelt it, and it made me vomit!
She had a big fight with her husband and decides to move back in Germany. That's not a place for children. The grandmother from the father side never supported his son to have chosen a job like that. But she is probably happy in Berlin to enjoy the privileges brought by the high position of his son, isn't she grandma?

Usually, i don't like to tell the end of a movie or a book. But, here, that's totally pathetic. The German boy wants to help the Jewish boy to find his father in the camp. He disappeared suddenly after going to do hard work for the Nazis. He probably met his 'friend' Zyklon B. He asked the Jew for bringing him a pajamas, and he will walk in the camp anonymously. The German boy came with a shovel and dig a hole to go inside the camp.
And guess what? The Nazis come and they decided this day (the day where the mother will move back to Berlin) all these prisoners will take a shower…
I admit that the directing, the music, and the suspense at this moment are very good.
I am going to tell you if they saved him or not. They didn't save him.

Other thing which is very weird too: the house in Poland where the Nazi family lives is modern, Bauhaus style. I don't think there is Bauhaus houses in Poland.
I found this critics too, and the analyze is very elaborated. Apparently, this story is a fable.

The language spoken is English with a strong English accent. The Jewish boy speaks Yiddish, not German, but they all speak English.

I don't know the writer personally but some sensitive subject like the massacre of 6 millions of Jews doesn't need a fable.
I like the filmmaker Roberto Begnini and i felt the same thing when i watched his movie Life is Beautiful. This movie was horrible esthetically and historically. Who dared to laugh watching this movie?

These movies make me nervous!

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