Sunday, March 16, 2014

Erev Purim 5774/2014

At the last minute, i decided to go to 770 for the Megillah reading.
I felt a sort of fever on the sidewalks on Eastern Parkway: Havdalah and Erev Purim…
That's Purim!!!!
Apparently everyone prefers this holy day than the ten days of mourning! :-)

I didn't try to find the lady i met when i was there for the wedding. There were so many ladies in the first two rooms. I walked to the last one and i had all the room i wanted to take photos, and listen to the reading that i didn't hear. The rabbi doesn't have a microphone and all these people know the text by heart. So, Amen whenever, i didn't get it! :-)
The Lubabas ladies are not better than the men concerning the good manners: they push you, no 'sorry, please, thanks'…?
I don't understand how they can leave their garbage in a synagogue: that was disgusting. Lots of tissues full of microbes everywhere. Is it complicated to put plates, tissues, plastic glasses in a plastic bag?
I am not sure they will appreciate if someone was doing that in their place.
It's a synagogue, a public place… They have no respect?
Some spanks will be welcome… :-)
I left aside the garbage and focused on the audience of men downstairs…
Compares to the Pupa shul, the women remained quiet, even if you can hear some 'shhh' sometimes. In the Pupa shul, there were more kids and the ladies gossiped a lot…
They looked at me, but i didn't feel uncomfortable. They guessed that i didn't wear a wig because of the weird colors of my current hair. I was laughing in my scarf sometimes. They are less curious than the Pupa women.
I saw one men speaking on the phone during the reading. No discipline! :-)
The ambiance was great!
I was wondering if in the different sects, there are more men than women. The main room for men is always full and big, and the ones for ladies smaller than the one for men.
I went back to the first room to have a different point of view.
More ladies, more mess… Stupidly, i was fascinated by all these boxes of tissues with a flowery pattern… Did they all have a cold? Did they cry? I didn't ask to avoid the clichés i will read in a Lubaba weekly gazette about a French lady who asked questions about boxes of tissues in a shul for Purim. :-)
Did i feel D-g? Not yet!
Did i feel well? Yes, very relaxing, i like joyful vibes, songs of happiness…
Did i recognize some hirsute men? I didn't wear my glasses… And that's not your business! :-)
I enjoy the architecture of the shul. Women are above men, we dominate you and we can watch you easily. That's delightful!
Good surprise this morning: homemade apricot and raspberry hamantaschen for breakfast.
Elle est pas belle la vie* ? (*Is life not beautiful?)
Happy Purim!
770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
770, March 2014©emmarubinstein 
770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
Lonesome book and tissue at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
A good student at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
Best costume ever for gossips at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
Lonesome black hat at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
Men's mess at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein 
Big Brother is watching you at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein
Exit at 770, March 2014©emmarubinstein 
Before their journey in my stomach, March 2014©emmarubinstein

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