Monday, March 31, 2014

'Letters of Light' by Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin

I started to read this book a few weeks ago… I enjoyed to read the first letter Alef.
Yesterday my mind was totally absorbed by this book.
This book is a sort of revelation. I want to keep on reading it but if i finish it, it will be like a little death… I believe in its resurrection: it will become a reference in my studies of Judaism.
G. lent it to me, and i will have to thank him for having found a book which will touch my soul a lot.

This book has everything: philosophy, Jewish history, spirituality, typography and graphic design.

One chapter by letter, i read the first 7 letters.
Moses, we need to talk asap. I know that you are dead, but are you? And you know the truth about the Torah. It's hard to imagine that this book was written more than 5000 years ago.

As we know, the world was created in 6 days, and the 7th day, everyone stays in bed and thinks of the creator.
"This can be connected to a fundamental concept in the Talmud. The Talmud tells us that G-d created the world to exist for 6,000 years. The first two thousand years are called Tohu or chaos. This is followed by two thousand years of Torah. And the final two thousand years are the days of Mashiach."
I was born too early in this world…
After 6000 years, the world will live in peace and i won't be able to see it. That's pity not to see a prophecy of peace coming. Do you really think that human beings can live in a perfect harmony after all these horrors in the past and present? Why are we different from animals? Animals don't think, they just act, they have instinct. Human beings think, judge, fight, etc… and we know perfectly where it leads us.
Moses and the creator seem to be idealists. Hope makes you alive.

Why the Holocaust existed during the days of the Messiah? How the Torah can justify the massacres of 6 millions of Jews in a war of 60 millions of dead people? Someone to explain that to me?
What's wrong with this world?

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. But, if after 6000 years, the world is not like G-d wrote it, if the Messiah doesn't come, what is the other action plan of the Torah to move ahead?
Let me know your thoughts, i look forward to hearing it.

We learnt that G-d has a bride: the Jewish people. :-)

The Torah, as i already said, is a very smart book: each letter means something, they are linked to numbers… Everything is thoughtful and i am totally impressed. G-d is a genius, isn't He?
Have you already read Leonard de Vinci? He was his reincarnation, wasn't he? :-)

The design of each letter is explained too. There is a representation and how he created the letters through the creation of the world.

He tells anecdotes. For example, he made a comparison between the stories of Rabbi Akiva and Aristotle.
"Aristotle separated body and spirit, but Rabbi Akiva considered them inseparable. For Aristotle, that which was "spiritual" (i.e. the intellect and the sciences) was holy. That which was corporeal, of the body, was profane. The two realms were not connected and occupied two different spheres of intention. Rabbi Akiva, however, lived by the gimmel, the merger of G-d and the world. Rabbi Akiva saw G-d in everything, and recognized that G-d resides even in the physical."

Passover is coming soon and i will talk later about the Dalet.

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