Friday, September 13, 2013


I found this video about forgiveness yesterday. That's quite interesting and especially because it's a conversation between a father and his son.
The questions are:
- everything has to be forgivable?
- if someone apologizes (here by text message), are we able to forgive?
- forgiveness doesn't mean we approve what it has done to us?
- forgiveness is just for one day?
- the next day, can we do the same sins because one year later: forgiveness?
- 'Human being we are not animals because we have the choice'?
- does forgiveness avoid resentment?
- revenge before forgiveness?
- 'you don't have to forgive, but forgiving is good'?
My personal thoughts is i am not in favor of forgiving one day a year. Or if i have to do it, i need an explanation and an entire confession in person, not online, phone… I need to see the eyes, the expressions, the physical behavior which don't betray a hypocrisy.
But how to forgive if your don't approve the acts, the resentment will still be there.
I saw religious people, not only the H babies, many times who give themselves the right to behave badly because they are pretty sure that Dog will forgive them. That's too easy.
I believe in revenge but not coming from me directly: what goes around comes around.

In this cartoon, i like that Hanan sent a text to meet David but he doesn't talk about forgiveness. He has resentment since two years, so if i have been him but i am not, either i already moved on, either i asked for meeting David just after he stole the position.
I am not scared of fighting, arguing in person, even if my hands shake, my emotions are super high and drink all my energy. I prefer to go for an open discussion with screams, tears… if i have too. After that, i felt totally empty but i said what i have to say.
I did with my ex bosses twice or three times, and the result was that they respected me and some were scared of me. Show your guts to your boss! :-)

I am patient, very patient but when you start to tease and tickle my disrespectful hormones, i become fiery until it explodes. So i am going to the conflict.
I agree that as humans we always have the choice and for some who are smart, they are totally aware of what they are doing but think that i will always forgive. No way! :-)
One friend of mine told me once that to go to the conflict is good if you want to save something, if you think that this relation/friend/love-ship can be saved for something better.
Each time, i think of what she said. I think twice before wasting my energy and let it go if this person doesn't need more interest.

With some H babies, it has been different sometimes because of their lack of emotional intelligence. I took the time to explain them that we don't speak to gentiles like that. They were in panic, scared of being abandoned, and finally apologized. And if we mix that with their own interpretation of the Torah, it became very complicated and complex.

Last year i forgive more than this year. I want confessions because the first thing which bothers a lot is their lies for anything.

Have a good fast H babies! No shower, no sex, no leather, that's too sad! :-)

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