Wednesday, January 28, 2015

All roads lead to Me'a She'arim

A strong need to be amongst them…
At anytime i was there, almost everyday…
The peyos drive me meshuga…
Me'a She'arim and Zikhron Moshe are my favorite area.
I met a woman from Boro Park, and we talked and laughed…
The Hasidic women from USA are more opened for a conversation.
If you don't speak Hebrew or sometimes Yiddish, that can be complicated.
I had a short conversation with the owner of a bakery/café.
He spoke Hebrew, but we succeeded to understand each other. I felt that he really wanted to talk to me.
He was smiling.
His arms were covered of lot of hair. :-)
And i met some troublemakers who looked at me in my eyes. I did the same.

They have amazing faces.
When i meet one, it's like i am in a shul.
They are possessed by Hashem.
More than in Brooklyn…
Welcome in Me'a She'arim…
Welcome to Me'a She'arim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
The bodyguard of his father, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
News TV on the wall January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
My cutie rascal that i want to adopt, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Golden grab and shtreimel, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Very sensual way to say shalom, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein 
Reading and davening in the streets, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
L'chaim in the street, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
May the strength be with you, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Hasidic boy, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
A particular way of recycling, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
A walk with arms crossed, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Still life, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Give me your coat please, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Peyos amongst pillows, towels…, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Haredi burqa, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Nachman, Breslev, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
A plot between different coats, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Errands, walking and reading, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Me'a She'arim, my love, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Haredi burqa: the face of the mother is completely covered.
She holds the hand of her daughter. They walk very close to each other.
January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
A little rascal who already knows how to deal candies with girls, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
The McGywer of the tzedaka, free hands, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Bookstore, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein

Saturday, January 24, 2015

I received a sign, and a Shabbos adventure

Did you already wonder, when you travel, that you can meet someone that you know?
We have a French proverb for that: "There are only mountains that never meet."

Last time that happened to me, it was in 2011 in NY. I recognized the back of a friend from University that i haven't seen since 12 years. We used to live in the same area. We met when i just moved in his area, and never after.
Tram stop in Yerushalayim,
A little girl is fascinated by the white bearded man, then love doesn't last,
January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Last Thursday, it was a little different. I bumped into someone that i know, but this person doesn't know who i am.
That person used to live in NY and to hang out with Hasidim there. Indeed, we have met the same ones: bad and good, OTD… Not all of them but many of them.
I heard a lot about that person, and i saw some photos.

I was at the tram stop in Yerushalayim, and it was crowded.
What made me turn to watch the people who were sitting on the bench? Maybe my obsessional need to take photos of Hasidim… I remember very well that i was not in the mood of a pursuit of a photo, at that moment when i saw that person.
I was stunned.
I thought of talking to her/him, but something stopped me doing it.
I realized that the chapter of NY was definitively over, and what would be the pleasure to talk about people that we have already met there?

I let him/her go. We took the same tram. Unfortunately, i took the wrong way.
The person who lives in the apartment with me told me something that i have already noticed: Israeli don't know the geography of their city. :-)
I enjoy reading maps, and i always have one in my bag.

Anyway, i lost that person in the crowd of the Central Bus Station, and i think that was for the best.

Breakfast is my favorite meal, and when i travel, i take a breakfast which won't make me hungry till late evening…
Last Friday, i had one. I didn't want to walk too much that day to come back home before the sundown.
The other reason is that i walk 6, 7 hours daily, and i have blisters, and pain, like the kids.
 The horse in the gan, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
 Father and son, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Spontaneously after the breakfast, i decided to follow a path of a crusade. I asked a person where the path went. He didn't really know but he said that i would probably arrive in an Arab area.
I saw that the path was divided in two, and i couldn't see where it will go after the second section.
But, naively, i thought that the path will go along the hills till the place i live, crossing an area that i have known 10 years ago.
 Meadow, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein 
 Meadow, horse and garbage, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
It was quiet, surrounding by a spring-like nature with a warm temperature, i couldn't dream better.
I met a man who was riding a horse with his son. They talked to me in Arabic, i smiled and replied in English.

I followed the two paths till i arrived in a sort of meadow where there were young men with another horse.
I didn't feel to cross the meadow, so i went back on a road.

I felt the looks, nothing special, till i arrived in a street where many young men were gathered in different groups.
I asked my way to a young man who was fixing a car. But he was not sure. I was walking in the street and a young teenager came to me, trying to threaten me with his bike. I didn't show him fear.
I felt that i was not very welcome, but also that it might be dangerous to be circled by those different groups if i go further in that street.
I went back, and the teenager on the bike followed me to do the same thing once again. I didn't react but i showed him that i was getting annoyed.
On my way back, i bumped into four teenagers. Two of them were holding a seagull, and another one a pigeon. Maybe i am paranoid, but i thought that the poor birds will die soon. I felt very sick suddenly.
The way they looked at me was very weird.
 Garbage, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
I too felt very sad to see that they live in houses, and they throw their garbage in this beautiful landscape. I don't know how it's inside their house, but even in their courtyard, garden, that's disgusting.
I felt a total carelessness.
The only Jews i talked with about that, don't like Arabs. Thus, that's complicated to actually understand what it's going on there. Did they give up, and prefer to live in a sort of ghetto that they have built themselves? That won't be easy to have a good answer because it will be very subjective.
That won't be easy either to fix that, if the peace comes one day.
That was an experience with cold and wet sweats.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yerushalayim: first two days

After a long trip, the flight was delayed because of a technical issue of the plane, i landed for new adventures.
A cute old Jewish man, Roissy CDG airport, Paris, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
The adventure started at the airport, surrounding with only Jews. That was the last flight of the night.
They found another plane from a Bosnia Air Company: cold sweats when we arrived by bus on the tarmac of the airport.
We were all crammed into the bus, like a train for concentration camp. I was not the only one to think about that. A man with electrical peyos next to me said that it was probably a joke when he saw the name of the air company.
The man with electrical peyos, Roissy CDG airport, Paris, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
The trip was fine, i could lie on the three seats. next to me, there was a frum man, maybe a rabbi. When i opened my eyes, i had the good surprise to see him with his tefilin, davening. Then i stood up behind me for the following. I felt under his protection and thought that i will be safe once we land.
My protector, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Then, the bus, and my first conversation with an Israeli born bus driver. He forgot to let me know the stop for the other bus which will lead me to Yerushalayim. His last stop was in a military camp. Ouch!
He said that he was happy that Europe and the rest of the world is aware that Islamist terrorism is not only an Israeli issue but an international one.
Then the other bus, with a lady who decided to bother me with my arm and my backpack.
I traveled along a weapon of a soldier! :-)
I didn't have the energy to argue, and ignore her. She had a crush on the bus driver. :-)
A military man at the bus stop, Ben Gourion, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
I met the lady who rent a room for the year in the apartment. She is Mexican but she used to live in LA since her childhood. She is a real character: a convert because her mother couldn't find the papers. She is looking after the snoring dog of the owner which falls asleep like a hen. Pretty funny!

She read the New Testament and the Koran, and she is pretty affirmative that it's written in their book that they have to kill the unfaithful people. She dislikes Arabs a lot.
She made her Aliyah one year and half.
She thought that i was a Christian. First time that i heard that. :-)

Modernity, luxury and paths of crusades, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Yesterday, that was a long day of walk as i like it a lot.
I started by the windmill where i met a Lubavitch romantic couple in the gan around.
A romantic Hasidic couple, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
I arrived at the Jaffa gate and i started to see my beloved peyos men. They have amazing peyos. They walk differently than in NY, they seem more relaxed.
Jaffa gate is the gate to go to Mea Sharim.
Davening and walking, Jaffa gate, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein 
Amazing peyos, Jaffa gate, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
I crossed various bazars, probably Arab ones. The men all have talked to me in Russian. I confirmed that i have a Russian face. :-)
I found my way to the Western Wall, and arrived by the side that i wanted.
I would like to visit the tunnels but it seems that the entry is on the men side.
Western Wall, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
I spent some time there, and i noticed that the only couple allowed to be together is a couple of pigeons. The male pigeon decided to follow his beloved wife in the women section. That's pretty romantic!
Pigeons in love, Western Wall, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Then, i left by the Jewish area and once again i was in the Arab section. One guy asked me for coming in his store to bring him luck. No thanks! I know how it works when i was in Tunisia and Istanbul.
Arab section, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Arab section with lots of colored signs, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Later, a taxi driver bothered me a lot too. He started the conversation by telling me that i should smile, because everybody is smiling in Yerushalayim. Kidding? :-)
He was very persistent to drop me off in Bethlehem. It was ten minutes from the place i live. I said that if it is ten minutes by car, i can make it by foot. "Nobody is going there by foot."
Anyway, he ran after me to give me his phone number that i refused to take.
He had a hard time to understand that i have to live my things alone.
I was on my way to Mea Sharim, and i didn't want him to come with me.
Man combing his beard and peyos with lot of care, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Mea Sharim didn't change, and i will spend more time there. I smiled to the ladies, they didn't smile at me back. As you know, i am persistent, so i will go to their store and start a conversation.
On my way to Mea Sharim, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
He stopped walking and closed his eyes when he saw me,
Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Hiding behind his hat: no photos, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
I met, i think so, Toldos Aharon, and i fell in love with their striped grey coat.
Their white kippah like a funnel is very cute.
Some men closed their eyes when they saw me.
Hasidic and Muslim (or Haredi burqa?), Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Little rascal looking at the whole garbage, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Rascals running in Mea Sharim, Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein
Not even a work to ask me for moving. He used his book.
All is forgiven when you have nice peyos,
Yerushalayim, January 2015, ©emmarubinstein