Sunday, May 26, 2013

'Hitler's children' & 'Inheritance'

I already talked about this documentary 'Hitler's children'. I watched it recently on Netflix.
I was a little disappointed. It needs depth on the subject.
Two people are very interesting: the grandson of Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz, and the son of Hans Frank.
The first one talks about his relationship to his father who behaved like his grandfather. He has been raised in Auschwitz, a house besides the camp seeing the smoke and smelling the scent of burnt bodies.
He cut off his father from his life. A sort of Hitler who didn't allow his children to show emotions and feelings… If they cried, he beat them.
The second one wrote a book about all the researches he made. He has 4 siblings and just one brother supported him. One of his sisters was a monster too. She moved in South Africa to support Apartheid.

There is another person in this documentary: the daughter of Amon Goeth, the commandant of Plaszow camp.
Monika Goeth has big issues to cope the past of her family.
In this documentary, you can see her a short time.
I recommend a documentary about her story i watched a long time ago: 'Inheritance'.
She is very moving.

Another movie just came to my mind. It was about the pursuit of the butcher of Lyon, France: Klaus Barbie by a couple of French lawyers 'La Traque'. They found him and he has been extradited to France for a trial.
I remembered what his daughter said about her father: he was a wonderful father to her and when the journalist told her that during the WWII, we called him 'the butcher of Lyon', she replied that it was not nice to say that for all the butchers of Lyon. She is completely in the denial. Poor woman!

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