Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Last Craiglist post

It was not a post, just an email to my best H baby friend who i have so many meshiga emails.
He was directly concerned but he suggested me to post it on Craiglist, so i did it.
And the replies were very funny too.
So i decided to post them today after deleting the post on CL.
This is the post:
We are a young Hasidic company created in 2012:
We are looking for Hasidic candidates who like putting their head on pillows and sleeping a lot.
Your job is to experiment your dreams you will have on the pillows we make
The pillows are full of different materials:
- cotton
- poly amid
- feather
- sable, stone marten, pine marten or American grey fox covered by velvet (like our schtreimel)

If you taste the last, it means that you are our favorite candidate.
The skills of a good sleeper is what we are looking for this position.
To be very lazy is a plus.
To have a lot of entertainment in bed is a plus too.

(To apply, send your references, a letter and a resume to:
This part was not on CL.

And the replies:
- 'Joke or what?'
- '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' (i know who is this guy, all his last emails are the same: shopping, diner and because nothing is for free: cuddles in your place. I never met him because he seems badly meshuga, and married, kids and tralala, no way!).
- 'Intriguing post. Jewish guy here. Reply if you're for real.'
- 'Hi, how are you doing? What's this all about?'
- 'Hi, Good morning, hope all is well. Was trying to understand, are you looking for gals or guys? Thanks'
- 'I am interest in test pillows. please end email to me what i do'
- 'This sounds like its just for me I'm chasidic and can be very lazy! !'
- 'nice'
- 'Hey. Would like some more info.'
- 'This is fucking hilarious.Who are you and how do I get into your vagina?'
- 'This sounds very interesting. I'd like to be a candidate and try one of your pillows. I'm a lazy ass chasid. Sleeping late. it would be one of my best jobs to experiment pillows… I've never seen shtreimel pillow this should be pretty exciting… Who's "our" and "we"? I'm pretty entertaining and creative in bed.'
- 'Wanna have one.'
- 'Can u explain more?'
- 'What in the world is the ad saying? Ich farshtei nisht' (a regular Craiglister)

Yes i am real and i laughed a lot, thanks guys!
With some of them i have been further in the conversation to laugh a little more. One sent me a pic of a Hasidic who was not him indeed.
I will compile the best replies i received since more than one year and post them one day.

Monday, May 27, 2013


One movie just opened in Big Apple and it is for me of course.

Other movies to watch:
'Kadosh' by Amos Gitai:
'Walk on water':
and the last one, very scandalous oh la la 'Eyes Wide Open':

Stay tuned for more, later…


I just read this article about South Willy and it made me laugh.
I know some H babies who have bikes that they hide. :-)
Come on rabbis, i have a bike to show you and you will let Bloomberg to install Hasidicbike in the neighborhood: schtreimel seat is very efficient for their tuchas… A pair of peyos at the handlebar…
Ok, the bike i drew seems to have a flat but it's a good occasion to ask for help to the outsiders. :-)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

'Hitler's children' & 'Inheritance'

I already talked about this documentary 'Hitler's children'. I watched it recently on Netflix.
I was a little disappointed. It needs depth on the subject.
Two people are very interesting: the grandson of Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz, and the son of Hans Frank.
The first one talks about his relationship to his father who behaved like his grandfather. He has been raised in Auschwitz, a house besides the camp seeing the smoke and smelling the scent of burnt bodies.
He cut off his father from his life. A sort of Hitler who didn't allow his children to show emotions and feelings… If they cried, he beat them.
The second one wrote a book about all the researches he made. He has 4 siblings and just one brother supported him. One of his sisters was a monster too. She moved in South Africa to support Apartheid.

There is another person in this documentary: the daughter of Amon Goeth, the commandant of Plaszow camp.
Monika Goeth has big issues to cope the past of her family.
In this documentary, you can see her a short time.
I recommend a documentary about her story i watched a long time ago: 'Inheritance'.
She is very moving.

Another movie just came to my mind. It was about the pursuit of the butcher of Lyon, France: Klaus Barbie by a couple of French lawyers 'La Traque'. They found him and he has been extradited to France for a trial.
I remembered what his daughter said about her father: he was a wonderful father to her and when the journalist told her that during the WWII, we called him 'the butcher of Lyon', she replied that it was not nice to say that for all the butchers of Lyon. She is completely in the denial. Poor woman!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do you think i believe in Dog?

Some H babies told me that. I am always surprised because i am rational for many things and i will believe in Dog if someone introduces me to Him/Her/It. Dog doesn't have time to meet me, too much work to do with this world. Dog will get tired of me fast with all the questions i have to ask.
And i forgot all the time to ask the H babies why they think i believe in Dog.
Finally i am someone who is supposed to believe in Dog but she doesn't know why.
There are enough H babies to believe deeply in Dog for myself. They make a good job, praying 3 times  a day, Shabbos-ing…
Same question with no answer: who created Dog? There is a beginning for everything so give me an answer and maybe, i will believe in Dog. I promise i will be on my knees, praying… :-)
To end, an old photo…

Sunday, May 19, 2013

'This must be the place' by Paolo Sorrentino

A movie i absolutely wanted to watch because of Sean Penn, one of my favorite American actor for many reasons.
I saw the trailer and didn't read the synopsis because i thought that this independent movie was for me.
I don't like to know the story by advance.
I didn't expect to see peyos boys in the movie.
I enjoyed watching it.
We call that an UFO movie. That's very quirky and Sean Penn is amazing.
With songs by Iggy Pop, David Byrne…

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I am very jealous since yesterday evening.
I can't have all these holy days, i am working as hell.
When my H babies enjoy tasting their cheesecake, i just have a look at my plate.
I am not fond of the cheesecake but i would like to taste the Yiddish version.
Everything was quiet in the streets of Crown Heights before the siren.
Last Friday was the first time i heard it in the streets and not in my apartment.
In France, you can hear the siren each first Wednesday of month at noon. They taste them once a month in case of war.
That clicked my mind that the French siren is tied to the war and the H babies are tied to the war too and they used the siren for candle lights as we used it to announce the arrival of the enemies planes to bombard the cities.

I also wanted to talk about something funny concerning this blog.
I checked how readers found out this blog, the search keywords.
Have a look on the photo below:
'ever have sex with hasidim'
'hasidic jewish hymen'
'hasidic women spanking'
'horny hasidic women'
'peyos braided'.
The women are concerned by the spanks and they could be horny.
I can't know if most of people who read with this blog are men or women but i think i have an idea about that. :-)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

photo for Shabbos

Same photographer, Leonard Freed.
Leonard Freed , 1954, NYC/Hassidic kids

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

old photos from my favorite site

A Brit In Tanjer Of Old

A Schtetels Shul In The Lita

A Yemeni Jew Of Old

Working For A Subsistance In The Vanished Kehilot

Picture Of Rabbi CM Of Wiznitz With The Kopishnitzer Rebbe

Monday, May 6, 2013

Springtime in Willy

Is spring teasing the sexual hormones of my H babies? I don't know but there were smiles on their face yesterday.
I have two places where i absolutely wanted to go.

Lee Ave
- Bookstore

Last time, there was this old man with white hair and peyos. Probably nicer if there were not all these men around him who looked at him if he was too friendly with a shiksa.
The store was empty and there was a young man. I am not able to guess their age because of their hirsute face which makes them older.
He had red cheeks like kids have when they played with excitement. Glasses of course.
I started to have a look on the Yiddish games they have, especially the Monopoly.
I came to him, thinking it will be this old man, and i saw this young man. He remained cautious when he saw a woman first, and also a shiksa.
Once again, i couldn't remember the exact title of the song and i was checking out on my phone when a woman and her daughter came in and i told them to go first. It took time because of the bad network in the store.
Then they left.
I came back to the man and told him the right title.
He repeated it with the good pronunciation. I ask too for a CD of Schlomo Carlebach.
Ah! he loved Schlomo Carlebach and started to smile.
Behind him there CDs and also tapes.
He told me that they didn't sell Schlomo Carlebach in this store. There is a sort of controversy.
The Satmerers love him but…
Two men came in. So i letted them to ask what they wanted because i felt the young man uncomfortable. The two had no expression on their face, they were surprised to see a shiksa laughing…
One left and the other stays.
I resumed my conversation, and i asked him if he can have a look to the CD to find one with old Yiddish songs. He started to hum 'Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Samnu' with all his heart. I told him and i could feel that he actually loved Carlebach 's songs. He forgot there was the other man in the store.
He checked all the CD. None for me, there were only musical CD without lyrics. He asked me if i spoke Yiddish.
I asked him if he was a troublemaker in the community, he laughed.
He was on a ladder to take an old version of the Yiddish Monopoly. I asked him if he wanted some help. He says no because there was the other man. :-)
I loved the embarrassed way he told me the price of this game like it was too expensive.
He secured the perimeter. Honestly, that was a great moment. He was very helpful. He wrote on a post-it the two stores in Boro Park where i can find this music and, also i can download them from their website.
He was laughing when he put the Monopoly in two big bags to secure it.
If they reject him from the community because he is too nice with shikse, i will adopt him for sure.

- Bakery store
This time, it was a lady very helpul with a big smile. I could ask all the questions about products she was selling. Finally i bought a chocolate danish that i ate for my breakfast this morning. Not bad but too rich.

- Vitamins store
The store was empty when i came in. I am fascinated that there are stores only for vitamins. Most of them seems to be bullshit in their composition. We need to believe in the effects of them.
There was an old man, very quiet who asked me fast what i was looking for.
He showed me two boxes, a small and a big one.
-'Anemic?' he asked.
-'One could be enough but if you are anemic, you can take two during the meal'.
On my way to the cashier i asked with a big smile: 'Are they Kosher?'
-'Yes, they are'.
He is the son of a survivor, but he arrived in USA in 1957 with his parents. He was born in 1947 in Hungary. Not all the survivors left their country during or just after the war. He is a Satmerer. I told him my background. He asked me if i got converted. 'No' and 'Not yet'. :-)
-'Where do you live?'
-'Crown Heights'
-'You have all the Jews you need there'.
-'Not really, my heart goes to strict sects'.
Two women came in and he felt embarrassed and uncomfortable to talk to me.
I resumed the conversation a little and told him that one of my dream is to share a Shabbos meal with a Satmar family. I left because he was scared.

This man and the one from the bookstore were surprised when i told them that i have few Satmerer friends from Willy.
If these pills don't make me sick i will get back to his store soon.

On my way to the Satmar meat supermarket, i met a woman who insisted and turned back to look at me. I came besides her and say hello.
She was going to the same place.

-Meat market
Small place with lots of stuffs. I was more attracted by all the cooked products with Yiddish names.
I had a look to the raw meat and i bumped into this lady that i met outside. She said: 'Your face is familiar.' Ohlala, i hide a lot to remain discreet and a lady recognizes me.
-'Maybe we met at the shul. Are you from Pupa?'
-'No, no'.
Her face looked familiar too and, i felt that it was not at the shul. On my way back home in the B44, i had a click: it was in this bus and i helped her and i think, her sister to go to a store in Midwood or BP.
I showed them on my phone where to stop, and i was wrong the first time so i got back to them to tell them where they had to stop exactly.
At the meat store, she was scared of going further in the conversation.
I spent my time asking questions to a Mexican guy and finally bought some stuffs i knew or not.
I enjoy the way they all looked at me like i was an alien from another planet. They love my red shoes. :-)

I made a stop at the new chocolate store. Chocolate is expensive, Kosher or not.

On my way back, it was not easy to move in the street, there was a field of strollers. I thought that i could buy one and put a big doll in it to go for a race with all of them.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

musical shabbos

Another video i love sooo much:
I love this song 'Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Samnu'.
I would love to be with all these H babies to dance, shaking my peyos…
Look at the old ones who dance too, they are very cute. They could be my grand-pa.
I danced with my kitten, Shamzees, name given by a H baby… It loves Yiddish songs, we are a perfect musical match…

This Sunday in Willy, i will try to find this version of the song or the one by Shlomo Carlebach who has an amazing voice. I was melting on my bed.
My best H baby friend wanted to give me an old tape. I am still waiting, ah H babies!