Tuesday, July 7, 2015


That was my first one and i am proud of celebrating it with my classmates.

Our Torah teacher told us that a rabbi (i forgot his name) took each Hebrew letters of Siyum and put numbers like that:
סמ = ך
י = וד
ו = ו
ם = ם

In numerical value, they are equal which means that what we have learnt (on the right), we have the same to learn (on the left). The study is infinite. That too is a lesson of humility.
That rabbi didn't like siyum. Siyum means end and new beginning.
When you study the Torah, you understand that very well. All the things one teacher can tell you during one hour and half about one verse of the Holy Book.

We were all sad to stop following classes till October 12th for the beginning of the a new year of study. That's too long. I decided to have discipline and to study my Hebrew.
We will organize some lunches all together and, to hang out if there are Lubavitch things to do.

The siyum was like a class where we can eat and drink. It was mixed, men and women.
Texts have been read about a study of each class, except the Hebrew and Ulpan classes.
The beautiful surprise was to find out that our rabbi of these two last classes is an excellent singer who gave me goose bumps. He is Sephardi and sang Ashkenazi songs from Alsace.
That was so beautiful!
I post the videos without mentioning his name.
You can see on his face all the kindness of this man. He was so patient with us.

In parallel, i have a job which takes me time. I dislike it a lot because i felt useful to the humanity. I need to be useful in my life without pretending that i will change the world. I don't believe that we can change people, but we have to do with what they are. The importance is to be selective and to be surrounded by the people who gave you good energy and good vibes.

I have been aware that i started the project of being close to our cousins, the descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham.
There are many muslims where i work, younger than me. The ones i prefer are two sisters, early 20s who are wearing veil (not at work, French law doesn't allow it). We didn't have the chance to talk about religion so far but we talk as human beings first.
Not to be in the deny of acts against Jews, i have the certitude once again that the medias are causing huge damages by not saying the truth. They are putting oil on the fire.

I recently met an editor for French TV and we totally agree about what we see on Tv, is very bad for the humanity. And unfortunately the majority is like veals (De Gaulles dixit). That's a comfort maybe to think that the world is described on TV without wondering what is true or bad.
He agreed with the education of history of religions, and he added that we need classes of medias, how it actually works.
The last example is with the referendum in Greece last week-end.

There are many young men from Kabylia, North of Algeria. Some are following the Ramadan, some not. Some are atheists, some not.
One of them, 26 years old, is like a little brother for me. He asks me questions about relationships with women. He felt lonely, and he is spending his time to chat up all the girls. "He makes me busy." I push him to do something better in his life. He knows that i will get to convert and, he doesn't care who i am religiously.
One day, he talked about the French colonization and what the French did to his people. I told him that my family hasn't been involved in such acts. Members of my family died in camps, that shut up his mouth. I understand what he can feel.

I didn't feel hatred against Jews. I came with the desire to take the temperature of the young Muslim generations. I didn't express who i am to many of them. We have to talk as human beings. Then, if i tell them and they react badly, that will be an argument to talk about.
What we are living is a daily life not a religious life…

My favorite one, singing about Yerushalayim gives me goose bumps.